The GLO Cluster on Labor-Management Relations and Quality of Work addresses all aspects of employer-employee relations and their implications for job quality, worker well-being, economic performance, inequality, and civic society. Worker cooperatives, worker representation, worker participation, collective bargaining, trade unions, employers’ associations, trust and cooperation in employer-employee relations, workplace conflicts, conflict arbitration and dispute settlement are among the topics covered. The GLO Cluster also pays particular attention on how globalization, corporate restructuring, technological change, flexible work patterns, demography, culture, and public policy influence employer-employee relations and quality of work. The GLO cluster invites both single-country and comparative cross-country studies on employer-employee relations and quality of work in advanced industrial democracies, emerging and developing countries, transition economies, and autocratic regimes.
Cluster Lead: Uwe Jirjahn

Uwe Jirjahn is Professor of Economics at the University of Trier and a Section Editor “Worker representation, labor-management relations; labor standards” of the forthcoming Springer Nature Handbook “Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics”.