We list all GLO supported events following calendar time. Years are listed once. The first number refers to month, the second to day(s).
- 10; 16-18: Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain. 53. EBES Conference. Submission deadline September 16. More information.
- 10; 2: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Mathilde Maurel (CNRS-University of Paris and GLO)
- 07; 10-11: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. 8th IESR-GLO joint workshop on Fertility decline and family policies. Special invitation only.
- 07; 3: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Matija Kovacic (University of Venice & GLO)
- 07; 3-5: Istanbul, Bahçeşehir University, Turkey. 52. EBES Conference. Submission deadline June 4. More information.
- 06; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Max Tani (UNSW Canberra & GLO)
- 05; 8: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Christos Kollias (University of Thessaly & GLO)
- 05; 5-6: Bordeaux University, France. The 2nd Welfare & Policy Conference. Call for paper: https://wapsociety.org/event/wap2
- 04; 11-13: John Cabot University Rome, Italy. 51st EBES Conference. Deadline for abstract submission is March 10, 2025. More information. Call for papers.
- 04; 3: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Luca Fumarco (Masaryk University & GLO)
- 03; 6: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Viola Angelini (University of Groningen & GLO)
- 02; 6-7: University of Wollongong, Australia. Australian Gender Economics Workshop AGEW 2025. SUBMISSION DEADLINE FOR PAPERS & ABSTRACTS IS 7 October 2024!
To register: https://uow.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bNHfcZUBMWLVIhM
See also GLO LINK. - 02; 6: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sofoklis Goulas (Brookings Institution & GLO) Video of the event
- 01; 23: VirtYS Final Research Workshop Part II with presentations of Xinyan Liu, Vincent Jerald Ramos, and Robina Kouser. Program
- 01; 9: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Gylfi Zoega (University of Iceland & GLO) Video of the event
- 01; 8-10: 10; Lisbon, Portugal. 50th EBES HYBRID conference. Hosted by ISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Submission Deadline: November 30, 2024. Call for Contributions.
- 12; 5-7: Global Online GLO-JOPE Conference 2024 on ‘Population Economics’ with highlights of the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) papers of 2024 including the presentation of the JOPE 2024 Kuznets Prize, VirtYS Research Paper Sessions and North America & China Jobmarket Sessions. Details. Special Call for Papers for GLO Job market sessions.
- 12; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Eva Sierminska (LISER & GLO) Video of the event
- 12; 4: UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, The Netherlands. UNU-MERIT will host a GLO workshop on “Innovations and demographic change” at Belvedere. In-person, but part of the Global Online GLO-JOPE Conference 2024. Details.
- 11; 9-10: Beijing, China. 7th Renmin University of China & GLO Conference 2024 on “Low Fertility and Population Ageing”. Call for Papers, deadline September 25.
- 11; 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Mahreen Mahmud
Video of the event - 10; 16-18: Athens, Greece. 49th EBES HYBRID conference. Submission Deadline: September 16, 2024. Call for Contributions.
- 10; 3: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sebastian Gallegos Video of the event
- 09; 11-13: Naples, Italy. SITES-GLO Annual Conference. Joint Annual Conference 2024 by the Italian Association of Development Economists (SITES) & Global Labor Organization (GLO) on Social Inclusion, Migration, and Global Inequalities. Submission deadline: May 31, 2024. Conference Website. More info & call to participate.
- 09; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Rigissa Megalokonomou, Video of the event
- 08; 1: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Laura K. Gee
Video of the event - 07; 4: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Ather Akbari
Video of the event - 07; 4-6: Istanbul/Turkey. 48th EBES HYBRID conference. Conference details.
- 06; 6: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Alexander Kritikos
Video of the event - 05; 16-17: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. 7th IESR-GLO joint workshop on Aging Societies: Healthy Aging, Grandparenting, and Parent- Adult Offspring Relationships. Special invitation only.
- 05; 2: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sandra Sequeira
Video of the event - 04; 18-20: Berlin, Germany. GLO BERLIN 2024 HYBRID conference. (The first two days will be in person only.) Jointly Organized with EBES 47 and FOM University of Applied Sciences, Berlin. GLO organizes a separate program with separate registration and paper call. Participants will have access to all program parts of both conferences. Submission deadline February 29, 2024. Call for Papers is open, see: GLO-Berlin-2024.
- 04; 18-20: Berlin, Germany. 47th EBES HYBRID conference. (The first two days will be in person only.) Jointly Organized with GLO and FOM University of Applied Sciences, Berlin. GLO will organize a separate program part with separate registration and paper call (to be announced). Participants will have access to all program parts of both conferences. Submission deadline February 29, 2024. Call for contributions. BREAKING NEWS: Submissions still open until March 6 while we communicate first-round decisions.
- 04; 4: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Ömer Özak
Video of the event - 03; 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Alexsandros Cavgias Martins Fraga. Video of the event.
- 02; 26-27: Online GLO-JOPE Winter Conference 2024 on ‘Population Economics’ with highlights of the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) issue 1 (2024) of volume 37. List of articles & abstracts. CONFERENCE PROGRAM & REGISTRATION: LINK including videos of the presentations in 3 parts.
- 02; 1: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Rania Gihleb. Video of the event.
- 01; 11: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Matija Kovaci. Video of the event.
- 01; 10-12: Rome, Italy. 46th EBES HYBRID conference. Submission deadline November 30, 2023. Call for contributions. Conference program.
- 12; 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Bansi Malde. Video of the event.
- 12; 4-6: Global Online GLO-JOPE Conference 2023 on ‘Population Economics’ with highlights of the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) issues 3 & 4 of 2023 including the presentation of the JOPE 2024 Kuznets Prize. Full program and registration details: LINK.
VIDEO of GLO-JOPE Global Conference 2023 Sessions A1-A5
VIDEO of GLO-JOPE Global Conference 2023 Sessions A6-A7 (Kuznets Prize Session)
VIDEO of GLO-JOPE Global Conference 2023 Sessions B1-B3
VIDEO of GLO-JOPE Global Conference 2023 Session B4
VIDEO of GLO-JOPE Global Conference 2023 Sessions C1-C3 - 11; 2: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Nicola Coniglio. Video of the event.
- 10; 26-27: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. 6th IESR-GLO joint conference on “Gender Issues and Domestic Violence”. Conference program. Report.
- 10; 11-13: Budapest, Hungary. 45th EBES HYBRID conference. Submission deadline September 17, 2023. Call for contributions. Conference program.
- 10; 7-8: Beijing, China. 6th Renmin University of China – GLO Annual Conference on the “Chinese Labor Market”. Call for contributions with deadline June 20. Conference program. Report. See also: Report on Scientific Collaborations with Renmin University of China.
- 10; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Ather Akbari — CANCELLED
- 09; 14-16: Naples, Italy, The VIII SITES conference on Economic Development, entitled “Persistence and Change: the New challenges for Economic Development”, Submission deadline for papers: May 15, 2023. Further information: LINK… Report and impressions.
- 09; 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Cancelled
- 09; 6-8: Naples, Italy, XLIV AISRe Conference. Special Session on Working from home and local labour markets. Call & details. Deadline for submitting abstracts: 28 February 2023.
- 07; 6-8: Istanbul, Turkey. 44th EBES HYBRID conference. Submission deadline June 14, 2023 (deadline extended). Call for contributions. CONFERENCE PROGRAM: LINK
- 07; 6: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Elena Nikolova. Video of the event.
- 06; 27-28: Lofoten Islands, Norway. Lofoten International Symposium on Inequality and Taxation. Submission deadline December 15, 2022. More information.
- 06;8-9: Sydney, Australia. 18th Australasian Development Economics Workshop. JOPE Editor Kompal Sinha is Chair of the organizing committee. More information.
- 06; 1: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Paul Dower. Video of the event.
- 05; 4-5: Université Bordeaux, France. Welfare & Policy conference on “Individual and collective responses to a troubled world”. Call & details. Deadline for submitting abstracts or papers: Before 28 February 2023.
- 05; 4: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Eva Dziadula. Video of the event.
- 04; 27: JOPE SPRING 2023 WORKSHOP — meet the authors online. Program & Registration. Vol. 36, Issue 2, April 2023: Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) 16 articles. https://link.springer.com/journal/148/volumes-and-issues/36-2. Report & Video.
- 04; 14: Milan, Italy. CISEPS 2023 Annual Workshop on Tackling Inequality: Challenges, Research, and Policies. Submission deadline December 23. Call for abstracts.
- 04; 12-14: Madrid, Spain. 43th EBES HYBRID conference. Submission deadline March 13, 2023. Announcement. Conference Program: LINK
- 04; 6: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Guanyi Yang. Video of the event.
- 03; 2: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Jan Fidrmuc. Video of the event.
- 02; 9-10: Perth, Australia. Australian Gender Economics Workshop 2023 (AGEW). AGEW website: see here. GLO Fellow Silvia Salazar, Curtin University, is chair of the organizing committee. Deadline Submissions: 30th October 2022
- 02; 2: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sophie Wang. Video of the event.
- 01; 19-20: Roma, Italy. Sixth International ASTRIL Conference on THE LABOUR MARKET IN A TIME OF CRISIS, INFLATION AND DEGLOBALISATION. Call for Papers. Submission deadline: 20 November 2022.
- 01; 12-14: Lisbon, Portugal. 42th EBES HYBRID conference. Submission deadline November 11, 2022. Announcement. Conference Program: LINK
- 01; 12: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Cinzia Rienzo
Video of the event.
- 12; 17-19: King’s College London, UK. Sergio Scicchitano (Lead of the Coronavirus GLO Cluster) on behalf of the GLO is organizing the “Session CO551: Covid-19 econometrics” at the 16th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2022). If you have a proposal, just drop a line to: s.scicchitano@inapp.org. Abstract submission is open. More information.
- 12; 1-3: GLO Global Conference, hybrid. Invited and contributed sessions. Includes joint sessions with the Journal of Population Economics about issue 1/2023 of the journal and the presentation of the 2023 Kuznets Prize. Call for papers, reports & videos.
- 12; 8: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. No seminar; December break.
- 11; 19-21: GLO Handbook Session on “Health” at the forthcoming conference of the Southern Economic Association, chaired by Kompal Sinha. Session Program.
- 11; 3: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Colin Green. Details and Video of the event.
- 10; 12-14: Berlin/Germany. 41th EBES HYBRID conference with GLO and FOM. Announcement with GLO Program Part. Videos.
- 10; 6: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Cristiano Perugini. Details and Video.
- 09; 22: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. VirtYS 2021-22 Cohort. Final Workshop.
- 09; 1: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Ashwini Deshpande. Details and Video.
- 08; 29-30: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. 5th IESR-GLO joint conference on “Social Policy Under Global Challenges”. Call for papers…. Report including video recording.
- 08; 3-6: Burlington, Vermont, USA. GLO/EHERO hybrid special sessions on Happiness Economics at the ISQOLS Conference. Conference report & videos.
- 07; 15: Journal of Population Economics Summer 2022 Event. Program & Event Video.
- 07;7: GLO Handbook Session chaired by Klaus F. Zimmermann during 40th EBES. Program and Video. Report.
- 07; 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Madeline Zavodny & Pia Orrenius. Also 40th EBES. Program and Video. Report.
- 07; 6-8: Istanbul, Turkey. 40th EBES HYBRID conference. Call for Papers.
- 06; 2: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Ralitza Dimova. Video & Report.
- 06; 1-4: Luxembourg. GLO-sponsored conference, Well-being 2022. Submission deadline January 31. More information.
- 06; 1: JOPE (Journal of Population Economics) Research Workshop on Abortion Issues II; Program & Registration. Video & Report.
- 05; 31: JOPE (Journal of Population Economics) Research Workshop on Abortion Issues I; Program & Registration. Video & Report.
- 05; 26-28: Tuscia University, Viterbo, Italy. Session on “Covid-19 pandemic and the future of economics and economic systems” for STOREP. Call for Papers; Final Program.
- 05; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Carl Lin. Video & Report.
- 04; 25: Journal of Population Economics, Spring 2022 Event. Call for participation. Event Video & Report.
- 04; 25: Bank of Italy, Rome. Workshop on Human Capital. The call for papers is available at this link. Program and registration.
- 04; 8: EBES 39 Rome Conference, GLO Handbook Session Covid-19 chaired by Sergio Scicchitano. VIDEO & Report.
- 04; 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sarah Pearlman. Video & Report. Joint with EBES 39 in Rome.
- 04; 6-8: Rome, Italy. 39th EBES HYBRID conference. Call for abstracts.
- 03; 25: GLO South-East Asia Youth Policy Forum. Invitation and Program.
- 03; 21: Global Labor Organization (GLO), the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) and POP @ UNU-MERIT. Public Event. Oded Galor: “The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality”. Invitation to participate. Video of the event. Report.
- 03; 3: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Maria Rosales-Rueda. Video & Report.
- 02; 3: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Michael Coon. Video & Report.
- 01; 12-14: University of Warsaw, Poland. 38th EBES HYBRID conference; Abstract submission deadline: December 3, 2021. MORE INFO.
- 1; 7-9: ASSA 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting.
- 01; 6: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Claire Naiditch. Video & Report.
- 12; 18-20: King’s College London, Sergio Scicchitano, on behalf of the GLO Coronavirus Cluster is organizing the “Panel Session CO466: The econometrics of Covid-19 pandemic” at the 15th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2021). Abstract submission now open until September 6. More Info.
- 12; 12: Beijing; Fourth Renmin University – GLO Conference together with Journal of Population Economics on China Issues. Program & Report.
- 12; 6: 4-6 pm CET, Maastricht time. Workshop Journal of Population Economics (JOPE). Presentation of Kuznets Prize 2022 & Highlights of JOPE Issue 4/2021 on Covid-19 economics. Conference details.
- 12; 2: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Mathilde Maurel. Video & Report.
- 11; 4: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Karin Mayr-Dorn. Video & Report.
- 10; 29: GLO South-East Asia Cluster. Webinar on “Predicting learning continuity during the COVID-19 epidemic using machine learning models.” INFO & Registration.
- 10; 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sriya Iyer. VIDEO & Report.
- 10; 6-8: Berlin, Germany. 37th EBES ONLINE conference; Abstract Submission Deadline: September 17, 2021. MORE INFO. GLO Conference Contributions. Report Day 1 & Report Day 2.
- 9; 30: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO-VirtYS 2021: Autumn Seminar Series for Program Graduates III. Info.
- 9; 16: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO-VirtYS 2021: Autumn Seminar Series for Program Graduates II. Info. Info.
- 9; 9: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO-VirtYS 2021: Autumn Seminar Series for Program Graduates I. Info.
- 9; 2: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Magnus Lodefalk. Report &Video
- 8; 23-27: Five GLO/EHERO Special Sessions on Well-being at the 19th International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies ISQOLS Annual Conference 2021 Virtual. Conference Program. Detailed GLO/EHERO program on August 27. Report with Videos.
- 8; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Carol Graham. CANCELED.
- 7; 8: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Olga Popova. Report & Video of the event.
- 7; 2-6: 6; 10: 2021 World Congress of the International Economic Association (IEA). The Covid-19 delayed 2020 IEA World Congress (“Bali”) now takes place virtually. Recording of the GLO-IEA Invited Sessions: Program, Report and Video of all presentations.
- 7; 1-3: Istanbul, Turkey. 36th EBES conference; Hybrid Mode. MORE INFO & PROGRAM. Report on first day. Report & VIDEO on GLO Handbook Session on second day.
- 6; 24-26: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. Fourth IESR-GLO Joint Conference on “Social Assistance”. Virtual event. MORE INFO. Intermediate Report. Final Report with videos of the three days.
- 6; 10: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. IEA-GLO Pre-conference workshop; recording of the GLO-IEA Invited Sessions for the 2021 World Congress of the International Economic Association (IEA) on 2-6 July 2021. Program, Report and Video of all presentations.
- 6; 7: Maastricht, UNU-MERIT, The Netherlands. POP@UNU-MERIT, GLO & Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Workshop on “Technological Change, Employment & Skills” representing a section on ‘Technological Changes and the Labor Market’ in the Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics Handbook supported by the GLO. MORE INFO. Report & Video of the event.
- 6; 3: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Chiara Rapallini. Report & Video of the event.
- 5; 27: Journal of Population Economics Online Workshop. Issue 3/2021. Hosted by UNU-MERIT. Maastricht (CET 4-6 pm). Open to the public. Announcement. Video of the event. Report of the event.
- 5; 17: Academia Europaea (AE), Section Economics, Business & Management Sciences. Online Workshop on “Human Resources Challenges” (Migration, Covid-19). Hosted by Central European University, CEU School of Public Policy. Vienna 11 am – 15 pm. Open to AE, CEU, UNU-MERIT& GLO members and the public. Report with video migration & video Covid-19 sessions.
- 5; 6: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Keith Bender. News – report of the event. Video of the Seminar.
- 4; 9: College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. GLO East Asia Cluster Webinar on Promoting Well-being During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- 4; 8: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Nicole Simpson. News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides.
- 4; 7-9: Rome, Italy. 35th EBES conference; only VIRTUAL. Abstract Submission Deadline: March 12, 2021. MORE INFO.
- 3; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Marco Vivarelli. News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides.
- 2; 25-28: New York Sheraton, New York, NY. 47th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association. 3 GLO Sessions organized by Amelie Constant. Report.
- 2; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Pedro Martins. News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides.
- 1; 28: Journal of Population Economics Online Workshop. Issue 2/2021. Hosted by UNU-MERIT. Maastricht (CET 4-6 pm). Open to the public. Announcement. Video of the event. Report of the event.
- 1; 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Cynthia Bansak.
News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides. - 1; 6-8: Athens, Greece. 34th EBES conference; only VIRTUAL. Abstract Submission Deadline: December 10, 2020. Conference Call. And the GLO Post. GLO & EBES President opened the conference on January 6. REPORT. Conference program.
- 1; 3-5: ASSA 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting.
- 12; 19: Beijing, China. Third Renmin University – GLO Conference on “Chinese Labor Market Issues”. Program & Registration. Report and video of the event.
- 12; 3: 1, 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. John P. De New. Report and Video of the event.
- 11; 23: Academia Europaea (AE), Section Economics, Business & Management Sciences. Internal Online Workshop on Covid-19. Hosted by Central European University, CEU School of Public Policy. Vienna 9 am – 5 pm. Open to AE, CEU & GLO members. Report of the event.
- 11; 19: Journal of Population Economics Online Workshop. Kuznets Prize 2021 & Issue 1/2021. Hosted by UNU-MERIT. Maastricht (2-5 pm). Open to the public. Announcement. Video of the event. Report of the event.
- 11; 13: EBES-GLO Joint Online Seminar. David Audretsch: The Threat Posed by the Covid-19 Pandemic to Democracy & Entrepreneurship. Berlin 3-4 pm & Istanbul 5-6 pm. EBES & GLO members. Report and Video of the event.
- 11; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Ira Gang. Report about the event. Video of the seminar.
- 10; 7-9: Madrid, Spain. 33th EBES conference; only VIRTUAL. Final Program. GLO Conference Report.
- 10; 1: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Alfonso Flores-Lagunes.
- 9; 24-25: GLO/EHERO Special Workshop on Well-being. Program.
- 9; 16: Chula-GLO Publication Workshop : Advancing knowledge and promoting the dissemination of labor-related research through publishing in high impact factor journals Thailand, 9-12 am (Thai time).
- 9; 3: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Kompal Sinha.
- 8; 25-28: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. GLO/EHERO Special Sessions on Well-being at the 18th International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies ISQOLS Annual Conference. Submission deadline: January 15, 2020. MORE INFO. SESSIONS BECAUSE OF CORONA MOVED to September 24-25, 2020.
- 8; 6: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sergei Guriev.
- 8; 5-7: Istanbul, Turkey. 32th EBES conference. Abstract Submission Deadline: July 3, 2020. Conference Call. And the GLO Post. GLO Post Program. GLO Report on the event.
- 7; 9: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Marie Claire Villeval.
- 7; 6-10: Moscow, Russia. International Summer School “Education and Development” of World Bank and HSE University, Call for Applications. Deadline April 10, 2020.
- 7; 3-7: Bali, Indonesia. International Economic Association World Congress. Conference announcement. Submission deadline January 15, 2020. POSTPONED, NEW DATES WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN TIME.
- 7; 1-3: Istanbul, Turkey. 32th EBES conference. MOVED TO AUGUST 5-7, 2020.
- 6; 22-23: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. GLO is a Strategic Partner at the 3rd International Conference on Future of Education 2020 (Future Education 2020). The deadline for submitting an abstract is February 19, 2020. More details.
- 6; 18-19: Zürich. 2020 Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, University of Zürich. More information. Paper submission deadline: February 1, 2020.
- 6; 11: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Danny Blanchflower.
- 6; 12-14: Beijing, China. 2020 International Conference on Global Migration and Talent Mobility organized by CCG with Metropolis China and Metropolis Asia and supported by GLO. Further info. Cancelled due to Covit-19.
- 6; 5-7: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. Third IESR-GLO Joint Conference on “The Economics of Covit-19”. Virtual event. MORE INFO.
- 4; 15-17: Warsaw, Poland. 31th EBES conference. Conference announcement. Abstract deadline: February 12, 2020. Virtual event due to Corvit-19.
- 3; 30-31: Pisa, Italy. GLO supported workshop on “Migrations, Populism and the Crisis of Globalization” at the University of Pisa. Submission deadline is 15 January 2020. Conference announcement.
- 2; 20-21: Geneva/Switzerland. Global Interdisciplinary Policy Research Conference on Youth Transitions organized by the Center for Finance and Development of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Chair: GLO Policy Director Azita Berar Awad. Event Report.
- 2; 5-7: Brisbane, Australia. Third Australian Gender Economics Workshop (AGEW) will take place at the Queensland University of Technology. Submission deadline is 18 September 2019. MORE INFORMATION.
- 1; 8-10: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 30th EBES conference. Call for Contributions with Deadline October 31, 2019. EBES is the Eurasia Business and Economics Society, further information.
- 1; 3-5: ASSA 2020; San Diego, USA. Annual Convention Allied Social Science Associations. Research and business meetings. Kuznets Prize 2020 of the Journal of Population Economics provided at a reception on Friday, Jan. 3, 2020, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Marriott Marquis San Diego, Coronado Room hosted by the Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR) of Jinan University.
- 12; 9-10: Perth, Australia. 30th Australian Labour Market Research Workshop (ALMRW) organized by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) together with the Centre for Labour Market Research (CLMR), University of Canberra. Keynote speaker is GLO Fellow Robert Wright. DETAILS.
- 12; 7-8: Beijing, China. Renmin University of China. Second Renmin University – GLO conference. See Call for Papers. Deadline: October 31, 2019.
- 12; 5-6: Colombo, Sri Lanka. 6th International Conference on Poverty and Sustainable Development 2019 (ICPSD 2019). GLO is the strategic partner, M. Niaz Asadullah the keynote speaker. MORE INFORMATION. Conference Reporting.
- 11; 21-22: Milan, Italy. “New Economic & Statistical Perspectives on Urban and Territorial Themes (NESPUTT)”. MORE DETAILS.
- 11, 11-13: Sydney/Australia: Inaugural Workshop on “Health, Inequality and Behavior”. Conference Chair: Kompal Sinha. Call for abstracts, deadline: August 16. The Department of Economics at Macquarie University in collaboration with the Macquarie University Centre for Health Economy (MUCHE) and GLO are organizing this international conference. CONFERENCE WEBSITE. With Klaus F. Zimmermann among the keynote speakers. FULL FINAL PROGRAM.
- 10; 10-12: Lisbon, Portugal. 29th EBES conference. Abstract submission by August 8.
- 9; 12-13: Novara/Italy. 34th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL). During the conference, a joint session AIEL-CCME/GLO was organized: MORE INFO.
- 9; 4-7: Granada/Spain.17th International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) Annual Conference. Joint GLO/EHERO Symposium chaired by Martijn Burger (EHERO) and Milena Nikolova (GLO). MORE INFORMATION. Final Report.
- 6; 12-14: Kigali, Rwanda. College of Business and Economics, University of Rwanda. 4th EABEW Conference (International Conference of Eastern Africa Business and Economic Watch) on “Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation” with GLO support. GLO Fellows Manfred Fischedick, Almas Heshmati and GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann were among the invited speakers. Call for Papers with deadline April 30, 2019.
- 5-6; 31 May-June 1: Brasov, Romania. Transilvania University of Brasov & GLO.
International Conference „Inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Challenges, measures and solutions” (ISEG 2019) Call for papers. Klaus F. Zimmermann is among the invited speakers. Deadline for abstract submission is 1st of March, 2019. - 5; 29-31: Coventry, UK. 28th EBES conference. With GLO sessions. Call for papers. Deadline: February 28! Klaus F. Zimmermann is among the invited speakers.
- 5; 23-24: Bucharest, Romania. Romanian Academy. 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Economic and Social Research. Call for contributions. Deadline for abstracts: May 5, 2019. FULL PROGRAM OF THE EVENT.
- 3; 21-22: Guangzhou, China. Jinan University. IESR-GLO Workshop on “Belt and Road” Labor Markets. Organizers: Shuaizhang Feng and Klaus Zimmermann. A focus will be China, South Asia and South East Asia.
- 1; 9-11: Bali, Indonesia. 27th EBES conference. Report. Program.
- 1; 4-6: Atlanta, USA. ASSA 2018. Research and business meetings. Kuznets Prize 2019 of the Journal of Population Economics at the reception of IESR, Jinan University.
- 12; 19-21: Mumbai, India. 60th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE). Details. Submission deadline October 1, 2018.
- 12; 13-15: Seoul, South Korea. Paper presentation at the Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics (AASLE) 2018 Conference.
- 12; 8-9: Xiamen University, Xiamen, China. 2018 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics. Submission deadline October 15, 2018.
- 11; 22: Kent, UK. Kent Workshop in Labour Economics, University of Kent. “Employment and Wage Determination in European Labour Markets”. Details.
- 10-11; 31-2: Hong Kong, China. FOM-KAS-GLO Joint Research Conference. “Climate Change and Human Responses.” Reports: DAY ONE, DAY TWO, DAY THREE
- 10; 24-26: Prague, Czech Republic. 26th EBES conference. Conference program.
- 10; 20-21: Renmin University of China, Beijing/China. First Renmin University – GLO Conference on “The Chinese Labor Market”.
- 10; 19: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. GLO-UM Joint Labor Economics Seminar. 1. Details. 2. Final Report.
- 9; 20-21: Ancona, Italy. XXXIII AIEL Conference. University Politecnica of Marche. 33. Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists. Details.
- 8; 21: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. GLO-UM Joint Labor Economics Seminar. Details.
- 8; 14-17: Manila, Philippines. Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Workshop at the Development Planning Academy (DAP). Report.
- 7; 9-14: Bologna, Italy. International Summer School on Migration and Asylum (migrationschool.eu). Details.
- 05; 23-25: FOM University, Berlin/Germany. 25th Conference of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES). Further information can be found here: Conference call; EBES Fellow Award; GLO Activities; Highlights EBES.
- 05; 16: Cologne, Germany. FOM University Cologne Study Center. Appointment ceremony of GLO Fellow Alexander Spermann to FOM Professor. Report in German. Report in English.
- 3; 11-20: Guangzhou/China; Jinan University; Research and contact visit of the GLO President. Career seminar. GLO-IESR workshop participation and paper presentation. Public Policy Lecture on European Migration. Debate with Editor of “Social Science in China”. Debate with Dean & GLO Fellow Shuaizhang Feng on unemployment.
- 02; 8: Washington, DC; USA. Kuznets Prize 2018 Dinner of the Journal of Population Economics. Report.
- 01; 10-12: Bangkok, Thailand. 24th EBES Conference. Details.
- 01; 5-7: Allied Social Sciences Associations (ASSA), in Philadelphia, USA. Report.
59th ISLE Labour Conference in Kerela/India
The 59th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) will be held during 16-18 December 2017 in the premises of Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation (GIFT), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The conference is organized for ISLE by GIFT in collaboration with the Department of Economics, Kerala University, and the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.
Submission of Papers: Papers along with a summary of about 500 to 750 words should be submitted online at www.isleijle.org/59isleconference or emailed to conference.isle@gmail.com. Selected papers are considered for publication in the Indian Journal of Labour Economics after peer reviewing. Submission deadline is 30 September 2017.
The GLO will organize a special GLO session at this conference. Those GLO members interested to contribute to such a session are invited to contact GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann (klaus.f.zimmermann@gmail.com).
Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics (AASLE) Inaugural Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, December 7-9, 2017
The Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics (AASLE) is being founded to promote research and cooperation in Labour and Applied Economics across Asia and Australasia. The inaugural conference of the AASLE aims to bring together researchers from around the world and will be hosted by the Australian National University Research School of Economics in Canberra, Australia, from 7-9 December 2017. The Executive Board invites submissions on any topics related to Labour and Applied Economics. Submissions for presentation should include an abstract (max. 250 words) and a full paper. Contributors are invited to submit papers and abstracts by 30 June 2017 at www.aasle2017.org/call-for-papers.
ISEG 2017: Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth. Challenges, Measures and Solutions, Transilvania University of Brasov, October 19-21, 2017
The Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration within Transilvania University of Brasov, in collaboration with the Institute for Economic Forecasting within the National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiritescu” of the Romanian Academy cordially invites you to submit research papers for presentation and discussions at the third edition of the International Conference „Inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Challenges, measures and solutions” (ISEG 2017).
The conference will be hosted by Transilvania University of Brasov and will be held 19-21 October 2017 in the Transilvania University Hall, Street Iuliu Maniu no. 47A, Brasov.
The meeting will be an excellent opportunity for academics, researchers and doctoral students to present new research results and to discuss challenging issues on the topics of conference. The aim of this new series of conferences is to gather research interests and to stimulate collaborative research around actual macro- and microeconomic Topics.
Deadline for abstract submission is May 15, 2017, and for full paper submission is September 12017. See also Call for Papers. See: GLO Session of papers.
Economics Conference on “An Urgency for Evidence and Transparency in Economic Analysis and Policy”, St. Charles, Missouri, October 13–14, 2017
Hosted by Center for Economics and the Environment, Hammond Institute, Plaster School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Lindenwood University and organized by Midwest office of the Association for Integrity and Responsible Leadership in Economics and Associated Professions (AIRLEAP). The AIRLEAP Midwest office invites abstract submissions (of no more than 300 words) for papers presented at the conference. Complete session proposals are also welcome. Any paper or entire session related to the conference title, or to integrity, ethics, or leadership in economics will be considered. The Deadline for submitting a paper or proposing an organized session is July 15, 2017.
Ensuring Economic and Employment Stability (EES) Network Conference “Labor Markets and Macroeconomics”, Nuremberg, October 13–14, 2017
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, the Institute for Employment Research, and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, as part of the Ensuring Economic and Employment Stability (EES) network, are organizing a conference, which will be held in Nuremberg on October 13–14, 2017. The conference aims to bring together high-quality research that is at the intersection of labor economics and macroeconomics. We invite researchers to submit related empirical and theoretical contributions. Papers using microeconomic data are especially welcome. Submissions of papers or extended Abstracts are welcome by email to ees@ifw-kiel.de, the submission deadline is May 15.
3rd International Conference on Social Protection – Migration, Development and Social Welfare: Implications and New Insights, Kuala Lumpur, October 10-11, 2017
The Global Labor Organization (GLO) is organizing a special session on labor and migration issues in South and South-East Asia as part of the “3rd International Conference on Social Protection – Migration, Development and Social Welfare: Implications and New Insights“. The conference is scheduled to take place from 10th – 11th October 2017 in Kuala Lumpur and will be organised by the Social Security Research Centre (SSRC), Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya. The special session will be chaired by GLO Fellow, Professor Niaz Asadullah of the University of Malaya (contact email: m.niaz@um.edu.my). Interested contributors are requested to email the title and abstract (400 words) of their paper with full contact details of all authors to Professor Asadullah. Full paper is also welcome, if available. In total, 4 papers will be selected for the GLO session. In case of a large number of high quality submissions, an additional session may be planned. For further details on the conference, please visit http://ssrc.um.edu.my/conference/#sthash.nQYYbUtX.dpuf
23rd EBES Conference – Madrid, September 27-29, 2017
You are cordially invited to submit your abstracts or papers for presentation consideration at the 23rd EBES Conference that will take place on September 27-29, 2017 at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain.
The conference aims to bring together many distinguished researchers from all over the world. Participants will find opportunities for presenting new research, exchanging information, and discussing current issues. Although we focus on Europe and Asia, all papers from major economics, finance, and business fields – theoretical or empirical – are highly encouraged. Submission deadline: June 30, 2017
Kyiv Conference: Well-Being in Post-Transition Economies, September 14-17, 2017
International Conference “People Matter: Quality of Life and Population Wellbeing in Post-Transition Economies” organized by the Kyiv School of Economics and VoxUkraine on September 14-15, 2017 in Kyiv in Ukraine. It is supported by the Global Labor Organization (GLO).
This is the first conference in the region which will bring together researchers from around the world who have been studying population well-being and its various aspects in post-socialist countries during the transition period and beyond. It will provide an opportunity for extended dialogue among academic and policy researchers, government officials and policy makers to promote use of evidence and analytics in the decision making at all levels. In particular, the panel discussions will focus on such the wellbeing implications of such matters as youth labor market exclusion and forced migration, as well as health reform, pension reform and land reform in the context of Ukraine. The aim of the conference is three-fold: (i) to promote existing research on various aspects of population wellbeing, (ii) to facilitate the dialogue between researchers, policy makers and civil society, and (iii) to promote use of existing data and discuss possibilities for new data collection for the generation of evidence needed for policy making.
The organizing committee of the conference includes GLO Fellow Olena Nizalova (University of Kent), Yuri Gorodnichenko (University of California, Berkley), Tymofiy Mylovanov (Kyiv School of Economics and University of Pittsburgh), Mariya Aleksynska (ILO), and Olga Kupets (Kyiv School of Economics).
Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University and President of GLO) will provide a keynote lecture on “Migration and Well-being” on September 14. He will also chair a policy panel on “Migration caused by conflicts: Wellbeing of refugees and internally displaced people”. Available: full program of the conference.
AIEL XXXII National Conference of Labour Economics, University of Calabria, September 14-15, 2017
The Global Labor Organization (GLO) is organizing a special GLO session at the 32nd annual Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists, hosted by the Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance “Giovanni Anania” at the University of Calabria in the Arcavacata Campus in Rende (Cosenza), on the 14th-15th September 2017. The theme for this year’s conference “Gender Gaps in Educational Choices” is the analysis of the factors determining different educational choices and labour market outcomes across gender. This year the AIEL keynote lecture will be delivered by Victor Lavy (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Warwick) on “Why There Are Fewer Female Engineers: The Role of Teachers”. There will be a special invited plenary session on Retirement and Reform of the Pension System. The policy issues are the financial sustainability of the pension system and the effect the institutional setup on welfare and health of retired workers. Full program with the GLO session (see the session outline also here).
Agenda 2030: Economics in a Changing World, Umag, Croatia, August 27-28 2017
The Experimental Economics Lab presents the 1st International Scientific Conference on Economics in a Changing World. In the past decade, we have witnessed how different sets of events can trigger global economic changes. From the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis to today’s increasing number of political and conflict-related shocks, no nation’s economy has proven resistant to these changes. The complexity of interactions between economic and political factors has increased and these elements ought to be incorporated into future policies. A new development agenda should carry forward the spirit of active response to changes, seeking an answer to the questions of what should and can be done to anticipate changes and transform economies for the better. Practical focus of the conference is highlighting the agenda of challenges, topics of migrations, national security, poverty, education, economic growth and healthcare to fulfil our vision of promoting sustainable development worldwide.
Inaugural International Conference on Applied Economics and Policy (ICAEP) 2017, Kuala Lumpur, August 21-22, 2017
The Global Labor Organization (GLO) is organizing a special GLO session on labor market and human capital related issues in South and South-East Asia as part of the inaugural International Conference on Applied Economics and Policy (ICAEP) 2017. It’ll be organized by the Faculty of Economics and Administration (FEA) at the University of Malaya, the oldest economics faculty in Malaysia. The conference is expected to attract a large number of academics, researchers and policy makers from ASEAN countries. The conference venue, the University of Malaya, is located at the heart of Kuala Lumpur. The special session will be chaired by GLO Fellow, Professor Niaz Asadullah of the University of Malaya (contact email: m.niaz@um.edu.my). Interested contributors are requested to submit the title and abstract (400 words) of their paper with full contact details of all authors. Full paper is also welcome, if available. The submission deadline is 30th April 2017. Please select “GLO session” if submitting proposals directly through the conference site. In total, 4 papers will be selected for the GLO session. In case of a large number of high quality submissions, an additional session may be planned. For further details on the conference, please visit http://umconference.um.edu.my/icaep2017. The final GLO session can be found here.
Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) conference on “Fighting Inequality for Better Growth”, Jakarta, August 10 and 11,2017
GLO Fellow Dr Maliki is inviting papers for presentations in the Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) conference on “Fighting Inequality for Better Growth“. The Indonesia Development Forum (IDF), initiated by Ministry of National Planning Agency/ BAPPENAS, is a platform for government, private sector, academia, and other members of society to collaborate for shaping development agendas. The event will take place in Jakarta on 10-11 August 2017. Submission deadline is June 26th, 2017. For further details,visit http://www.indonesiadevelopmentforum.com/
APPAM International Conference “Public Policy and Governance Beyond Borders”, Brussels, July 13 and 14, 2017
GLO Director Alessio J.G. Brown organized and will chair a GLO Session on “Labor Market and Health Impacts of Refugees and Asylum Seekers ” on Friday, July 14 at the international conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), which will take place in Brussels on 13-14 July 2017, under the theme ‘Public Policy & Governance Beyond Borders’. Submissions from academics, policymakers and practitioners for individual paper presentations, round table or panel sessions are possible until 31 January 2017. The event is co-hosted by MGSoG/UNU-MERIT (Maastricht University, NL) and the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs (Syracuse University, USA). Speakers and papers of the session.
Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO), San Diego State University, June 25 and 26, 2017
The first annual meetings of the Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO) will be held in San Diego, California, on June 25 and 26, 2017, and is organized by Shoshana Grossbard, editor of the Review of Economics of the Household (REHO).
Submission of an extended abstract (max 1000 words) before 15 February 2017.
Society of Government Economists Annual Conference, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington DC, May 11, 2017
The Global Labor Organization (GLO) is organizing a special GLO session on “STEM Degrees, Foreign Students, and Latino Migration” at the Society of Government Economists 2017 Annual Conference. held Thursday, May 11, 2017, 8:30am-4:30pm, at the Janet Norwood Conference and Training Center U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Society of Government Economists Annual Conference includes papers and sessions on topics that affect government programs or public policy at local, national and international levels, topics related to improvements in government surveys, data, and measures, and research on microeconomic and macroeconomic trends and issues that inform policy makers. SGE supports research and networking opportunities for government economists and those who are interested in the intersection of public policy and economics. The SGE 2017 Program.
Session 3D: STEM Degrees, Foreign Students, and Latino Migration
Chair and Discussant: Sonia Plaza, World Bank and GLO
Once Again into the Eye of the Storm: Demand and STEM Degrees: Lindsay Lowell, Georgetown University and GLO
Where do Foreign Students Work after They Graduate?: Neil Ruiz, Pew Research Center and GLO
Trends and Patterns of Latino Migration in the Northeast: Amelie Constant, Princeton University and GLO (Co-author: Douglas S. Massey, Princeton University and GLO)
Recent Advances in Economic and Social Research, Institute for Economic Foresting Bucharest, May 11 and 12, 2017
The 3rd International Conference Recent Advances in Economic and Social Research will take place on May 11-12, 2017 in the Institute for Economic Foresting in Bucharest organized by members of the Institute.
Deadline for abstract submissions is April 8, 2017.
David K Smith ‘42 Economics Symposium at Middlebury College
“Economics of Remittances”
Saturday, April 29th, 2017 [Robert A. Jones ’59 House Conference Room]
Welcome Remarks: 9:00 to 9:15 AM President Laurie L. Patton [Middlebury College]
I. AM Session 9:20 AM to 11:20 AM Remittances, Crime, and Racial Wealth Gap
–Stephen Brito [International Monetary Fund]
“Remittances and the Impact on Crime in Mexico”
–Darrick Hamilton [New School of Social Research]
“The Racial Wealth Gap: the roles of Remittance, Inheritance, Incarceration and Education”
Coffee Break 11:25 AM to 11:40 AM
II. Keynote Address: 11:45 AM to 12:55 PM Dilip Ratha [World Bank and GLO]
“The Global Agenda on Remittances”
Lunch 1:00 PM to 1:55 PM
III. PM Session: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Remittances, Income Inequality, and Well-being
– James Bang [St. Ambrose University], Aniruddha Mitra [Bard College], and Phanindra V.
Wunnava [Middlebury College and GLO]
“Hollowing out the Middle? Remittances and Income Inequality in Nigeria”
–Klaus F. Zimmermann [Princeton University, Bonn University, UNU-MERIT and GLO]
“Remittances and Well-being”
Closing Remarks: Phanindra V. Wunnava [Middlebury College]
3rd CAR-Symposium China in Shanghai, April 20, 2017
Following the successful launch of the 1st and 2nd CAR-Symposium in Shanghai and Beijing, the 3rd CAR-Symposium and the debut of the CAR-connects recruiting fair in China takes place in Shanghai on April 20, 2017. The CAR-Symposium in China follows the German edition, which is one of the most important annual congress events in Germany with a 17 years Tradition. In 2015, University Duisburg-Essen and CAR Center Automotive Research started its CAR-Symposium in China. Read the Program and more updates will be available on chinese.car-symposium.com.