Journal of Population Economics

The Journal of Population Economics is a highly cited international quarterly that publishes original theoretical and applied research with significant policy relevance. Covering issues with challenging demographic contexts, its articles provide individual, household, firm, economy-wide and societal perspectives. A focus on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is particularly welcome. 

A. Individual, household or family studies cover partnership formation, divorce, fertility, education, work, migration, health, conflict, violence, risky behavior and aging.

B. Macro topics include economic growth with exogenous or endogenous populations, population policy, savings, pensions, social security, housing, and health care.

C. Societal challenges of interest include gender issues, wellbeing and happiness, sexuality, abortion, religion, poverty, inequality, war, peace and refugees.

D. Firm-related topics include personnel economics and management, skilled labor recruitment, working from home, diversity, robots and artificial intelligence.

E. Studies from business, other social sciences, medicine and related fields like human biology, development, history, and public choice are considered.

F. The journal is published in cooperation with Pop at UNU-MERIT and the Global Labor Organization(GLO).

Looking forward to your high-quality submissions and productive readership!

SSCI IMPACT FACTOR (IF): 3.3 (2023) from 6.1 (2022) – 5/49 in Demography & 101/597 in Economics in 2023.
IF is calculated as citations in 2023 to Web of Science indexed items published in 2021 & 2022 divided by the number of citable items in 2021 & 2022.
SSCI 5-Year Impact Factor: 4.1 (2023) from 5.0 (2022)
SSCI Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 1.79 (2023) from 2.13 (2022). JoPE has 79% more citation impact than the average in its category in 2023.
Rank by JCI. Demography: 2/49 (2023) Q1 from 1/49 (2022); Economics: 45/600 (2023) Q1 from 24/581 (2022)
CiteScore (Scopus): 9.6 (2023) from 9.2 (2022); 3/139, Q1 in Demography & 64/716, Q1 in Economics and Econometrics in 2023. CiteScore 2023 counts the citations received in 2020-2023 to articles, reviews, conference papers, book chapters and data papers published in 2020-2023, and divides this by the number of publications published in 2020-2023.
SJR (Scimago Journal Rank): 2.7 (2023) from 3.0 (2022)
RePEc Simple Inpact Factor: 19.807 (June 2024), Rank 92 of 4,104 journals

Springer Website/submissions
Springer Website/volumes & issues
Google Scholar Citations: All-time JOPE article rankings

Editorial Office
Journal of Population Economics, c/o POP at UNU-MERIT
Boschstraat 24
6211 AX Maastricht
The Netherlands

Useful information for readers & potential authors

Klaus F. Zimmermann
Global Labor Organization (GLO), UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands;

Managing Editor
Madeline Zavodny

University of North Florida, Coggin College of Business, Jacksonville, USA;

Short bios


Xi Chen, Yale University, USA;
Shuaizhang Feng, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China;
Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Syracuse University, USA;
Oded Galor, Brown University, Providence, USA;
Terra McKinnish, University of Colorado Boulder, USA;
Milena Nikolova, University of Groningen, The Netherlands;
Grégory Ponthière, ENS-Rennes, France;
Kompal Sinha, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia;

Short bios

Associate Editors

Ainoa Aparicio-Fenoll, University of Turin, Italy
Emma Aguila, University of Southern California, USA
Viola Angelini, University of Groningen, The Netherlands 
Quamrul Ashraf, Williams College, Williamstown, USA
Cynthia Bansak, St. Lawrence University, USA
German Blanco, Illinois State University, USA
Lisa Cameron, University of Melbourne, Australia
Carolina Castilla, Colgate University, USA
Yi Chen, ShanghaiTech University, China
Andrew Clark, Paris School of Economics, France
Janice Compton, University of Manitoba, Canada
Helmuth Cremer, GREMAQ and IDEI, University of Toulouse, France
Avraham Ebenstein, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Gil S. Epstein, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Raphael Franck, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Corrado Giulietti, University of Southampton, UK
Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida, USA
Moshe Hazan, Monash University, Australia
Hugo Jales, Syracuse University, USA
Fabian Kindermann, University of Regensburg, Germany
Kai A. Konrad, Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich, Germany
Eliana La Ferrara, Harvard University, USA
Anthony Lepinteur, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Marie-Louise Leroux, Université du Québec, Canada
Mahreen Mahmud, University of Exeter, UK
Subha Mani, Fordham University, USA
Hani Mansour, University of Colorado Denver, USA
Astghik Mavisakalyan, Curtin University, Australia
Rigissa Megalokonomou, Monash University, Australia
Ömer Özak, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA
Olga Popova, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg, Germany, and CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Hillel Rapoport, Paris School of Economics, France
David Ribar, Georgia State University, USA
Nicole Schneeweis, University of Linz, Austria
Nina Smith, Aarhus University, Denmark
Uwe Sunde, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany
Emmanuel Thibault, Toulouse School of Economics & University of Perpignan, France
Sen Xue, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
Myra Yazbeck, University of Ottawa, Canada
Zhong Zhao, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

Advisory Board

Orley Ashenfelter, Princeton University, USA
Kaushik Basu, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA
David Card, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Barry R. Chiswick, The George Washington University, Washington DC, USA
Janet Currie, Princeton University, USA
Ashwini Deshpande, Ashoka University, India
James J. Heckman, University of Chicago, USA
Giovanni Peri, University of California Davis, USA
