Eirini Andriopoulou

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Council of Economic Advisors, Greek Ministry of FinanceHead of Microeconomic Policy and Microsimulations DivisionAthens University of Economics and BusinessGreecehttps://www.linkedin.com/in/eirini-andriopoulou-523214/eandriop@gmail.com

Eirini Andriopoulou specializes in labour economics, applied microeconomic analysis and public policy making. She works as the Head of the Microeconomic Policy and Microsimulations Division at the Council of Economic Advisors of the Greek Ministry of Finance. She is the main delegate of Greece at the Ageing Working Group (AWG) and the EFC Sub-Committee on Statistics (SCS-EFC), while she is also the alternate delegate at the Economic Policy Committee of the EU and the OECD. She has coordinated the design and implementation of various public policies, including fiscal and distributional impact assessment, as well as negotiations of the economic adjustment programmes and the enhanced surveillance. She participates in procedures of the European economic governance and she cooperates closely with international organizations on issues of the Greek economy and technical assistance.

She has worked previously as case handler at the Hellenic Competition Commission. She has participated in various research programmes of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the University of Milan, the Prolepsis Institute, the Labour Institute and other research centers. She teaches at Universities and at the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government. Currently, she is conducting post-doctoral research related to unemployment dynamics and the minimum wage at the Athens University of Economics and Business.

She holds a doctorate degree in Economics from the Department of International and European Economic Studies of AUEB, at which she also completed her undergraduate studies, and a master degree in Development Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research interests and publications focus on poverty, inequality of income distribution, social policies and taxation.

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