Emma Aguila

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USCAssociate ProfessorRANDAdjunct Senior EconomistUnited Stateshttps://priceschool.usc.edu/people/emma-aguila/eaguilav@usc.edu

Dr. Emma Aguila is an Associate Professor at the USC Sol Price School of Public of Policy. She was previously a Senior Economist and Director of the RAND Center for Latin American Social Policy (CLASP). Her research focuses on assessing the causal effects of safety net policies, and social security programs on health and well-being of older adults using experimental and quasi-experimental methods. Her research won the First Prize of the Inter-American Award for Research in Social Security in 2007, the RAND Gold Merit Award in 2008, and the Faculty High Impact Research Award from the Price School in 2016. She has also authored several articles in top-ranking scientific journals including the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Review of Economics and Statistics, the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Demography, and Social Science & Medicine. Dr. Aguila currently serves as a Council Member for the Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NICHMD) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Co-Director of the USC AD/ADRD RCMAR, and Co-Investigator of the longitudinal Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS). She serves as the Editor of the Journal of Pension Economics & Finance. Since July 2024, she serves as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Population Economics.

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