Florin Vadean

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University of KentSenior Research FellowUnited Kingdomhttps://www.pssru.ac.uk/our-people/florin-vadean/f.vadean@kent.ac.uk

Florin’s research interest are on social care workforce (e.g. labour supply of social care workforce; the relationship between workforce characteristics, employment conditions and quality of care; and the impact of minimum wage policy on the social care sector), the impact of care services on service users’ quality of life, the relationship between the demand of health and social care services as well as the geographic variation in long-term care needs.


Before joining the PSSRU, University of Kent in December 2013, Florin worked for several years on the empirical analysis of various aspects of international labour migration, e.g. the determinants of return and circular migration, the determinants of migrants’ monetary transfers, the impact of return migration and migrants’ transfers on labour market outcomes in developing countries, and the determinants and labour market impact of immigrants’ education-occupation mismatch.

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