I am currently working as a PhD fellow at Ghent University (Belgium) until January 2022, where I focus my research on mobility after terrorist attacks and collaborate with the migration cluster at UNU-CRIS (Belgium). More specifically, I analyse the heterogeneity in migration responses depending on the type, intensity, and localization of these events. I also study the determinants of return migration decision. I am under the supervision of Professor Dr. Ilse Ruyssen (Ghent University).
I hold a bachelor’s degree from the Université de Bordeaux (France), in which I was granted an Erasmus merit scholarship to spend a year abroad at the University of Bristol (United Kingdom), where I specialised in econometrics. This opportunity gave me the possibility to get a Master’s degree in development economics from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France). In my master dissertation, I aim to study how terrorist attacks influenced bilateral migration flows at the macroeconomic level, and received honours for it.
After my master, I spent three months as a research assistant at the Université Paris Saclay (France) to build a database on productivity differences according to gender using performances in high elo chess games. During my PhD at Ghent University (Belgium), I conducted an internship at the United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UN-SIAP) in Chiba (Japan). In that regard, I had to write e-classes aiming at south Eastern Asian governments on the methodology to measure greenhouse gas emissions, and construct physical national accounts of gases emitted by human economic activities.