Luca Fumarco

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Masaryk UniversityAssistant ProfessorCzech Republic

Luca Fumarco is an Assistant Professor at the Masaryk University, in Brno, Czech Republic. Previously, he has been a postdoctorate fellow at Tulane University and the Murphy Institute, in the US. He also worked four years at the national statistical institute of Luxembourg, STATEC. He graduated at the Linnaeus University, in Sweden, in 2015.

Most of his latest studies focus on two broad topics: (i) measuring discrimination in the markets, and (ii) measuring the effect of within cohort age differences (i.e., relative age effects and the related phenomenon of age at school entry effects) on labour outcomes, well-being, and education.

His studies have been published in AEA Papers & Proceedings, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Land Economics, Economics and Human Biology, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Applied Economics, American Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Business Ethics.

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