Olga Malkova

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University of California, IrvineAssistant ProfessorUnited Stateshttps://sites.socsci.uci.edu/~omalkova/omalkova@uci.edu

Olga Malkova is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics and an affiliate of the Center for Population, Inequality, and Policy at the University of California, Irvine. She holds a PhD from the University of Michigan and previously was a faculty member in the Department of Economics at the University of Kentucky. Olga serves as an Associate Editor at the Journal of Population Economics.

Olga's research focuses on issues in labor economics, demography and health. Her work estimated the causal effects of social programs across the life cycle such as transfers to reduce the cost of contraception, short-term transfers immediately after childbirth, annual child credits, aid programs to reduce college costs and pension benefits. Recent work estimates the effects of alcohol restrictions on health, the family, and children. Her findings have been published in the Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Population Economics and the National Tax Journal.

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