University of Wisconsin-Madison•Chancellor (July 22, 2013 – June 1, 2022)•*1955-2023+•United States Secretary of Commerce (June 11, 2012 – June 1, 2013)•United States••
Top labor economist, academic administrator and policymaker with many rewards and very wide recognition.
She had served the US government in various roles, finally as Acting Secretary of Commerce. Afterwards, she had been Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin–Madison and President-elect of Northwestern University.
Her research covered labor supply, unemployment, the role of gender and race, poverty, and inequality in general. She studied public policies and welfare reforms to deal with these issues.
Blank, R.M. Changes in inequality and unemployment over the 1980s comparative cross-national responses. Journal of Population Economics 8, 1–21 (1995). Free to read:
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