Labor Markets in Africa

Abstract: The African economy is growing fast. The change is a result of the continents development, relocation of production, industrial development and service sectors expansion. The continent is facing a number interrelated challenges. This include the pressing issues related to labor market, human resources, environment, and population in an African context. The recent World Bank advances in household, firm, industry and national level data collections have enabled a new interest in development economics research. The focus of this cluster is on: the mobility of labor within and across countries; the labor market reforms, work conditions and rights of workers; the job market training programs and their evaluations; school-to-work transition and youth unemployment; trends in income, assets and education inequality and multidimensional poverty; discrimination and women’s participation in the labor market; urban-rural migration and infrastructure investments; entrepreneurship; environment, sustainable development and labor market policy; health, happiness, social policy and well-being; and labor market implications of growing population and ageing. This GLO Cluster includes studies using policies and their evaluations with regard to the emerging and the developing economies in Africa.

Cluster Lead: Almas Heshmati

2019 Media:

2019 Activities:

2018 Activities:

  • 12; 3-5: Kigali, Rwanda. African Economic Conference 2018, a collaborative annual event hosted by the African Development Bank, Economic Commission for Africa, and the United Nations Development Program on the topic: “Regional and Continental Integration for Africa’s Development”. The GLO President is an invited panel speaker.
  • 05; 23-25: FOM University, Berlin/Germany. 25th Conference of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES). Further information can be found here: Conference call; EBES Fellow Award; GLO Activities; Highlights EBES. Workshop presentation of the cluster activities.

GLO Cluster Lead Almas Heshmati (left) with GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann on May 23, 2018 at the EBES25 Conference in Berlin.
