The GLO Cluster School-to-Work Transition addresses economic and policy issues related to the school-to-work transition (SWT). A SWT regime denotes the set of institutions and rules that govern and supervise the passage of young people from school to adulthood. They include the degree of regulation and flexibility of the labor market, but also of the educational and training systems and the provision of employment services (placement and training) to help young people finding a job more easily. The household is also part of the regime, by providing, for instance, financial support during the entire transition and a cushion against the risk of unemployment. The role assigned to each institution within a regime is different from one country to another, so that different SWT regimes can be identified in the world.
Cluster Lead: Francesco Pastore + note

2021 activities
- Special Issue; School-to-Work Transition: An International Comparative Perspective; for: International Journal of Manpower. Guest Editor: Francesco Pastore. This special issue is part of the activities of the cluster on school-to-work transition of the Global Labor Organization. Submissions will be accepted until June 15, 2021 (DEADLINE EXTENDED). Study for more details the Call for Papers.
2020 activities
- December: Special Issue; School-to-Work Transition: An International Comparative Perspective; for: International Journal of Manpower. Guest Editor: Francesco Pastore. This special issue is part of the activities of the cluster on school-to-work transition of the Global Labor Organization. Submissions will be accepted until the 1st of April 2021. Study for more details the Call for Papers.
- February 20-21: Geneva/Switzerland. Global Interdisciplinary Policy Research Conference on Youth Transitions organized by the Center for Finance and Development of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Chair: GLO Policy Director Azita Berar Awad. MORE INFO.
2019 activities
- Francesco Pastore and Klaus F. Zimmermann (2019), “Contributions to school-to-work transitions: vocational training, skill mismatch and policy”, Guest editorial, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 1361-1363. Publication II.
- GLO – supported second special issue of the International Journal of Manpower on ‘School-to-Work Transitions’ published as issue 8, 2019.
- September 12-13: Novara/Italy. 34th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL). During the conference, a joint session AIEL-CCME/GLO was organized: MORE INFO.
- Francesco Pastore and Klaus F. Zimmermann (2019), “Understanding school-to-work transitions”, Guest editorial, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 374-378. Pre-publication draft. — Publication I.
- GLO – supported special issue of the International Journal of Manpower on ‘School-to-Work Transitions’ published as issue 3, 2019; edited by Francesco Pastore & Klaus F. Zimmermann