Wim Naudé

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RWTH Aachen UniversityVisiting ProfessorOECD AI Policy ObservatoryAI ExpertGermanyhttps://www.wimnaude.comnaude@time.rwth-aachen.de

My research is on the causes and consequences of stagnation (in innovation, entrepreneurship, trade and research productivity) - the great meta-problem of the 21st century.

In this I am particularly interested in the roles of Artificial Intelligence and data-based digital business models.

Recent work has for instance dealt with modelling the labour market impacts of AI, where we proposed a novel approach to AI as substituting for human abilities (rather than tasks, as is more common in the literature). This was published in Journal of Labour Market Research, 2022: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12651-022-00319-2.

Recent work has also dealt with addressing the hype and hysteria surrounding AI - showing that, (a) no, AI will not take all our jobs (See my paper in Economics of Innovation & New Technology, 2021:https://doi.org/10.1080/10438599.2020.1839173; and (b) no, AI will not save us from the COVID-19 pandemic (see my paper in AI & Society, 2020: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-020-00978-0).

My most current research is tackling two neglected dimensions of AI in economics: the very long-term, considering the possibility of a Singularity or Singleton; and the boxing-in of AI to align it with human interested through application of rational decision-theory. See my IZA Discussion paper available here : https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/15713/the-future-economics-of-artificial-intelligence-mythical-agents-a-singleton-and-the-dark-forest.

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