Tag Archives: EBES

EBES conference in Rome: GLO President Zimmermann delivers keynote on migration

The Global Labor Organization (GLO) and the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) are collaborating organizations. The keynote of the 22. EBES Conference on 24 May 2017 at Sapienza University in Rome will be delivered by  Klaus F. Zimmermann. The session will be chaired by Giuseppe Ciccarone, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Sapienza University. Zimmermann will speak about

“Migration for Development: From Challenges to Opportunities”.

Klaus F. Zimmermann, Princeton University and UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University, is also the President of the Global Labor Organization (GLO). The background paper to the keynote has been made available as GLO Discussion Paper No. 70.

Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) was founded in early 2008 as a truly global organization. EBES brings together worldwide researchers and professionals in the areas of business and economics, encourages scholars, provides network opportunities for conference attendees to foster long-lasting academic co-operations and offers publication opportunities. In its successful work, EBES benefits from its high-ranked advisory board which consists of well-known academicians from all over the world. EBES has two academic journals which are both published by Springer: Eurasian Economic Review (EAER) and Eurasian Business Review (EABR)EAER focuses on economics and finance, while EABR deals with industry and business issues. Both journals are also supporting organizations of the GLO.
