The 47th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association took place on 25-28 February 2021 at the New York Sheraton, New York, NY, and online. The event included three GLO Sessions organized by GLO Fellow Amelie Constant (Princeton University). A further EEA session also organized by her had scheduled a talk of GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann. A member of the EEA Program Committee, she also organized a few AIRLEAP sessions. Some impressions of the sessions below:

February 26, 2021: Room G; 8:00 AM–9:20 PM, NY time
Skilled Migration, Education, and Environmental Stress
Session Chair: Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University
Organizer: Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University
Sponsor: Global Labor Organization (GLO)
- International Student Applications in the UK After Brexit
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes (camuedo-dorantes@ucmerced.edu), University of California Merced; Agnese Romiti (agnese.romiti@strath.ac.uk), University of Strathclyde
- The Impact of Approaches to Learning on Early Academic Performance
Bixi Zhang (bixiz@msu.edu), Michigan State University; Spyros Konstantopoulos (spyros@msu.edu), Michigan State University
- Sixty Years of Wage Disparities among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics in the U.S.
Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University; Douglas S. Massey (dmassey@princeton.edu), Princeton University
- Domestic and International Migration Intentions in Response to Environmental Stress: A Global Cross-Country Analysis
Els Bekaert (Els.Bekaert@UGent.be), Ghent University; Ilse Ruyssen (Ilse.Ruyssen@UGent.be), University of Ghent; Sara Salomone (Sara.Salomone@UGent.be), Ghent University
- Discussants: Caterina Alacevich (caterina.alacevich@phc.ox.ac.uk), University of Oxford; Timothy N. Bond (tnbond@purdue.edu), Purdue University; Killian Foubert (Killian.Foubert@UGent.be), University of Ghent

February 26, 2021: Room B; 13:00 PM–14:20 PM, NY time
Disparities, Testing, Mobility, and Economic Stimulus in the Era of COVID-19
Session Chair: Thesia Garner (Garner.Thesia@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics
Organizer: Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University
Sponsor: Global Labor Organization (GLO)
- Measuring Geographical Disparities in England at the Time of COVID-19: Results Using a Composite Indicator of Population Vulnerability
Catia Nicodemo (catia.nicodemo@gmail.com), University of Oxford; Samira Barzin (s.barzin@rug.nl), University of Oxford; Daniel S. Lasserson (d.s.lasserson@bham.ac.uk), University of Birmingham; Francesco Moscone (francesco.moscone@brunel.ac.uk), Brunel University London; Stuart Redding (stuart.redding@phc.ox.ac.uk), University of Oxford; Muhaheed Shaikh (shaikh@hertie-school.org), Hertie School; Nicolo Cavalli (nicolo.cavalli@nuffield.ox.ac.uk), University of Oxford
- The Causal Impact of Antibody Testing for COVID-19 on the Prevalence of the Disease
Martin Kahanec (Martin.Kahanec@celsi.sk), Central European University; Lukáš Lafférs (lukas.laffers@gmail.com), Matej Bel University
- Consumer Response to Stimulus Payment and Life in the Time of COVID-19
Thesia Garner (Garner.Thesia@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics; Adam Safir (Safir.Adam@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics; Jake Schild (Schild.Jake@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Global Mobility and the Threat of Pandemics: Evidence from Three Centuries
Michael A. Clemens (mclemens@cgdev.org), Center for Global Development; Thomas Ginn (tginn@cgdev.org), Center for Global Development

February 26, 2021: Room F; 16:00 PM–17:20 PM, NY time
Poverty, Wages, and the Labor Markets for Immigrants and Refugees
Session Chair: Silvio Rendon (rensilvio@gmail.com), Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Organizer: Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University
- Updating Poverty Thresholds Over Time: Considerations and Options
Jake Schild (Schild.Jake@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics; Thesia Garner (Garner.Thesia@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics; Rob Cage (Cage.Rob@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics - Wage-specific Search Intensity
Silvio Rendon (rensilvio@gmail.com), Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia - Social Assimilation and Labor Market Outcomes of Migrants in China
Shu Cai (shucai.ccer@gmail.com), Jinan University; Klaus F. Zimmermann (klaus.f.zimmermann@gmail.com), UNU-MERIT and GLO - First Time Around: Local Conditions and Multi-dimensional Integration of Refugees
Cevat Giray Aksoy (aksoyc@ebrd.com), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Panu Poutvaara (poutvaara@ifo.de), University of Munich; Felicitas Schikora (fschikora@diw.de), Freie Universität Berlin

February 27, 2021: Room C; 13:00 PM–14:20 PM, NY time
Immigration, Impact on Natives, and Terrorism
Session Chair: Killian Foubert (Killian.Foubert@UGent.be), University of Ghent
Organizer: Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University
Sponsor: Global Labor Organization (GLO)
- Up and Down the Legal Immigration Escalator: The Case of U.S. Conditional Legal Permanent Residents
Guillermina Jasso (gj1@nyu.edu), New York University; Mark Rosenzweig (mark.rosenzweig@yale.edu), Yale University - The effect of immigration on occupational injuries. Evidence from administrative data
Caterina Alacevich (caterina.alacevich@phc.ox.ac.uk), University of Oxford; Catia Nicodemo (catia.nicodemo@gmail.com), University of Oxford - Immigration and Work Schedules: Theory and Evidence
Timothy N. Bond (tnbond@purdue.edu), Purdue University; Osea Giuntella (osea.giuntella@pitt.edu), University of Pittsburgh; Jakub Lonsky (jakub.lonsky@compas.ox.ac.uk), University of Oxford - Leaving Terrorism Behind? Impact of Terrorist Attacks on Migration Intentions around the World
Killian Foubert (Killian.Foubert@UGent.be), University of Ghent; Ilse Ruyssen (Ilse.Ruyssen@UGent.be), University of Ghent
