In the forthcoming week (25-28 February 2021), the 47th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association takes place at the New York Sheraton, New York, NY, and virtually. The event schedules three GLO Sessions organized by GLO Fellow Amelie Constant (Princeton University). A further EEA session schedules a talk of GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann.

February 26, 2021: Room G; 8:00 AM–9:20 PM, NY time
Skilled Migration, Education, and Environmental Stress
Session Chair: Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University
Organizer: Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University
Sponsor: Global Labor Organization (GLO)
- International Student Applications in the UK After Brexit
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes (camuedo-dorantes@ucmerced.edu), University of California Merced; Agnese Romiti (agnese.romiti@strath.ac.uk), University of Strathclyde
- The Impact of Approaches to Learning on Early Academic Performance
Bixi Zhang (bixiz@msu.edu), Michigan State University; Spyros Konstantopoulos (spyros@msu.edu), Michigan State University
- Sixty Years of Wage Disparities among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics in the U.S.
Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University; Douglas S. Massey (dmassey@princeton.edu), Princeton University
- Domestic and International Migration Intentions in Response to Environmental Stress: A Global Cross-Country Analysis
Els Bekaert (Els.Bekaert@UGent.be), Ghent University; Ilse Ruyssen (Ilse.Ruyssen@UGent.be), University of Ghent; Sara Salomone (Sara.Salomone@UGent.be), Ghent University
- Discussants: Caterina Alacevich (caterina.alacevich@phc.ox.ac.uk), University of Oxford; Timothy N. Bond (tnbond@purdue.edu), Purdue University; Killian Foubert (Killian.Foubert@UGent.be), University of Ghent
February 26, 2021: Room B; 13:00 PM–14:20 PM, NY time
Disparities, Testing, Mobility, and Economic Stimulus in the Era of COVID-19
Session Chair: Thesia Garner (Garner.Thesia@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics
Organizer: Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University
Sponsor: Global Labor Organization (GLO)
- Measuring Geographical Disparities in England at the Time of COVID-19: Results Using a Composite Indicator of Population Vulnerability
Catia Nicodemo (catia.nicodemo@gmail.com), University of Oxford; Samira Barzin (s.barzin@rug.nl), University of Oxford; Daniel S. Lasserson (d.s.lasserson@bham.ac.uk), University of Birmingham; Francesco Moscone (francesco.moscone@brunel.ac.uk), Brunel University London; Stuart Redding (stuart.redding@phc.ox.ac.uk), University of Oxford; Muhaheed Shaikh (shaikh@hertie-school.org), Hertie School; Nicolo Cavalli (nicolo.cavalli@nuffield.ox.ac.uk), University of Oxford
- The Causal Impact of Antibody Testing for COVID-19 on the Prevalence of the Disease
Martin Kahanec (Martin.Kahanec@celsi.sk), Central European University; Lukáš Lafférs (lukas.laffers@gmail.com), Matej Bel University
- Consumer Response to Stimulus Payment and Life in the Time of COVID-19
Thesia Garner (Garner.Thesia@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics; Adam Safir (Safir.Adam@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics; Jake Schild (Schild.Jake@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Global Mobility and the Threat of Pandemics: Evidence from Three Centuries
Michael A. Clemens (mclemens@cgdev.org), Center for Global Development; Thomas Ginn (tginn@cgdev.org), Center for Global Development
February 26, 2021: Room F; 16:00 PM–17:20 PM, NY time
Poverty, Wages, and the Labor Markets for Immigrants and Refugees
Session Chair: Silvio Rendon (rensilvio@gmail.com), Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Organizer: Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University
- Updating Poverty Thresholds Over Time: Considerations and Options
Jake Schild (Schild.Jake@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics; Thesia Garner (Garner.Thesia@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics; Rob Cage (Cage.Rob@bls.gov), Bureau of Labor Statistics - Wage-specific Search Intensity
Silvio Rendon (rensilvio@gmail.com), Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia - Social Assimilation and Labor Market Outcomes of Migrants in China
Shu Cai (shucai.ccer@gmail.com), Jinan University; Klaus F. Zimmermann (klaus.f.zimmermann@gmail.com), UNU-MERIT and GLO - First Time Around: Local Conditions and Multi-dimensional Integration of Refugees
Cevat Giray Aksoy (aksoyc@ebrd.com), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Panu Poutvaara (poutvaara@ifo.de), University of Munich; Felicitas Schikora (fschikora@diw.de), Freie Universität Berlin
February 27, 2021: Room C; 13:00 PM–14:20 PM, NY time
Immigration, Impact on Natives, and Terrorism
Session Chair: Killian Foubert (Killian.Foubert@UGent.be), University of Ghent
Organizer: Amelie Constant (afconstant299@gmail.com), Princeton University
Sponsor: Global Labor Organization (GLO)
- Up and Down the Legal Immigration Escalator: The Case of U.S. Conditional Legal Permanent Residents
Guillermina Jasso (gj1@nyu.edu), New York University; Mark Rosenzweig (mark.rosenzweig@yale.edu), Yale University - The effect of immigration on occupational injuries. Evidence from administrative data
Caterina Alacevich (caterina.alacevich@phc.ox.ac.uk), University of Oxford; Catia Nicodemo (catia.nicodemo@gmail.com), University of Oxford - Immigration and Work Schedules: Theory and Evidence
Timothy N. Bond (tnbond@purdue.edu), Purdue University; Osea Giuntella (osea.giuntella@pitt.edu), University of Pittsburgh; Jakub Lonsky (jakub.lonsky@compas.ox.ac.uk), University of Oxford - Leaving Terrorism Behind? Impact of Terrorist Attacks on Migration Intentions around the World
Killian Foubert (Killian.Foubert@UGent.be), University of Ghent; Ilse Ruyssen (Ilse.Ruyssen@UGent.be), University of Ghent