Important GLO-supported journal projects: Published issues & Call for papers for special issues

The Global Labor Organization (GLO) is collaborating with various journals like the International Journal of Manpower  and the Journal of Population Economics, among others. Here are recent products or new ventures:

Journal of Population Economics

  • Volume 31, Issue 1, January 2018 is PUBLISHED. Here is the access to the TABLE OF CONTENT of the ten top articles freshly published. (Editors are Alessandro Cigno, Erdal Tekin, Junsen Zhang and Klaus F. Zimmermann.)

International Journal of Manpower

  • Volume 38, Issue 7, 2017 is PUBLISHED. Special Issue: Labor adjustment in the European economic area during the Great Recession. Here is the access to the TABLE OF CONTENT of the eight top articles freshly published. (Special Issue Editors are Martin Kahanec, Martin Suster and Klaus F. Zimmermann.)
  • Call for Papers for a Special Issue on: “Sexual Orientation and the Labor Market”. Submissions will be accepted up until the 31th of August 2018.  Please study details of the CALL HERE. (Special Issue Editors are Nick Drydakis and Klaus F. Zimmermann.)
  • Call for Papers for a Special Issue on: “The School to Work Transition: Cross-Country Differences, Evolution and Reforms”. Submissions will be accepted until the 15th of February 2018.  Please study details of the CALL HERE. (Special Issue Editors are Francesco Pastore and Klaus F. Zimmermann.)
