July 2024: New GLO Discussion Papers. Free to Access.

New research from the GLO network free to access: 14 Discussion Papers from July 2024 on intimate partner violence, climate change, air pollution, inflation attention, wellbeing and migration, criminal activity, wage premia, poverty indicators, unions, overeducation, narcotics enforcement, spousal job loss, and #metoo, among other issues.

New Research DPs July 2024

1465 Natural disasters and acceptance of intimate partner violence: The global evidence  Download PDF
by Mavisakalyan, Astghik & Otrachshenko, Vladimir & Popova, Olga

1464 The impacts of climate change and air pollution on children’s education outcomes: Evidence from Vietnam  Download PDF
by Dang, Hai-Anh H. & Do, Minh N. N. & Cuong Viet Nguyen

1463 The Rockets and Feathers of Inflation Attention  Download PDF
by Korenok, Oleg & Munro, David

1462 Place of Birth and Cognitive Function among Older Americans: Findings from the Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol  Download PDF
by Lin, Zhuoer & Chen, Xi

1461 Is immigration good for Europe? Long-run evidence using comprehensive well-being  Download PDF
by Kelsey J. O’Connor

1460 Young adult job loss and criminal activity  Download PDF
by Jolly, Nicholas A. & Propp, Margaret H.

1459 Background wage premia, beyond education: firm sorting and unobserved abilities  Download PDF
by Bonacini, Luca & Patriarca, Fabrizio & Santoni, Edoardo

1458 Imputing Poverty Indicators without Consumption Data: An Exploratory Analysis  Download PDF
by Dang, Hai-Anh H. & Kilic, Talip & Abanokova, Kseniya & Carletto, Calogero

1457 Unions and Collective Bargaining: The Influence on Wages, Employment and Firm Survival  Download PDF
by Brändle, Tobias

1456 Returns to Education and Overeducation Risk: A Dynamic Model  Download PDF
by Navarini, Lorenzo & Verhaest, Dieter

1455 Identifying the General Equilibrium Effects of Narcotics Enforcement  Download PDF
by Porreca, Zachary

1454 Temporal Changes to the Added Worker Effect Associated with Spousal Job Loss  Download PDF
by Connolly, Laura E. & Jolly, Nicholas A

1453 The #MeToo Movement and Judges’ Gender Gap in Decisions  Download PDF
by Cai, Xiqian & Chen, Shuai & Cheng, Zhengquan

1452 Should I Train or Should I Go? Human Resources, Human Capital, Turnover and Service Quality  Download PDF
by Georgiadis, Andreas & Kornelakis, Andreas