Theme: “Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation”
June 12-14, 2019, College of Business and Economics, University of Rwanda, Kigali , and at Hotel NOBLEZA, Kigali
- June 12-14, 2019: Kigali, Rwanda. College of Business and Economics, University of Rwanda and Hotel Nobleza hosted the 4th EABEW Conference (International Conference of Eastern Africa Business and Economic Watch) on “Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation” with GLO support. GLO Fellows Manfred Fischedick, Almas Heshmati, Hans Lööf and GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann were among the invited speakers. Almas Heshmati is the academic Lead of the GLO Research Cluster on “Labor Markets in Africa”. GLO Fellow Rama B. Rao , University of Rwanda, was the Chair of the Organizing Committee of the conference.
- High quality invited and contributed papers in plenary and parallel sessions. Original evidence based theoretical, methodological, empirical research, policy or practice oriented research papers on the theme were presented by researchers, academicians, and industry practitioners in the areas of economics and business management and other interdisciplinary fields.
- Examine the full program.
Keynote speakers and key organizers (from the right): Rama B. Rao (University of Rwanda and GLO), Manfred Fischedick (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment & Energy, Germany, and GLO), Hans Lööf (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and GLO), Benson Honig (McMaster University), Faustin Gasheja (Principal, College of Business and Economics, University of Rwanda ), Almas Heshmati (Jönköping International Business School, Sweden, and GLO), and Klaus F. Zimmermann (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, and President, GLO, Bonn, Germany).

Keynote speeches were:
Klaus F. Zimmermann: The Value of Global Labor Mobility
Manfred Fischedick: Climate Change and Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation
Hans Lööf: Knowledge Spillover, Innovation and Exporting
Almas Heshmati: Sustainable Development in Rwanda
Benson Honig: Researching the “other”: Successful Approaches and Ongoing Challenges Toward Generalizability
Scenes from the conference at the University of Rwanda (first row on June 12) and in the conference facilities of Hotel Nobleza (second row on June 13 – 14). Second and third picture, person from the right: GLO Fellow Lars Hartvigson (Jönköping University, Sweden).
GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann (i) in front of the Nobleza conference center, (ii) after his keynote speech with university representative, (iii) discussing on the right and (iv) with the speakers and some participants of the sessions he chaired.
