New GLO Discussion Papers by Barry Chiswick, Jere Behrman, Olena Nizalova, Eva Dziadula, Milena Nikolova, Jan van Ours and Colleagues.

New research from the GLO network free to access: 15 Discussion Papers on issues including returns to schooling, digital platforms-military nexus, poverty in the Arab region, food insecurity, Ukraine, innovation and globalization, freedom of speech, healthy aging, high temperatures and work, inequality, and many more….. by experts from around the globe.

1365 Estimating Returns to Schooling and Experience: A History of Thought  Download PDF
by Chiswick, Barry R.

1364 Blurring boundaries: An analysis of the digital platforms-military nexus  Download PDF
by Coveri, Andrea & Cozza, Claudio & Guarascio, Dario

1363 Female headship and poverty in the Arab region: Analysis of trends and dynamics based on a new typology  Download PDF
by AlAzzawi, Shireen & Dang, Hai-Anh & Hlasny, Vladimir & Abanokova, Kseniya & Behrman, Jere

1362 Health Inequalities Among People Experiencing Food Insecurity. An Intersectional Approach  Download PDF
by Drydakis, Nick

1361 Human values and selection into supervisory positions: Evidence from nine European countries  Download PDF
by Hazans, Mihails & Masso, Jaan & Maurseth, Per Botolf

1360 Impact of TB Epidemic on Worker and Firm Productivity: Regional Perspective from Ukraine  Download PDF
by Nizalova, Olena & Shepotylo, Oleksandr

1359 The Gendered Impact of In-State Tuition Policies on Undocumented Immigrants’ College Enrollment, Graduation, and Employment  Download PDF
by Averett, Susan & Bansak, Cynthia & Condon, Grace & Dziadula, Eva

1358 Does international trade promote economic growth? Europe, 19th and 20th centuries  Download PDF
by Bajo-Rubio, Oscar & Ramos-Herrera, María del Carmen

1357 Innovation and Globalization: Benefactors or Barriers to Inclusive Growth?  Download PDF
by Duong, Khanh & Nguyen Phuc Van

1356 Rethinking the Inequality-Growth Nexus: Short-Term Gains and Long-Term Challenges  Download PDF
by Duong, Khanh & Nguyen Phuc Van

1355 Echoes of the Past: The Enduring Impact of Communism on Contemporary Freedom of Speech Values  Download PDF
by Nikolova, Milena & Popova, Olga

1354 Household Wealth and Body Mass Index: Towards a Healthy Ageing?  Download PDF
by Belloc, Ignacio & Molina, José Alberto & Velilla, Jorge

1353 The impact of high temperatures on performance in work-related activities  Download PDF
by Picchio, Matteo & Ours, Jan C. van

1352 Inequality is not always a political choice, but reducing it (to an optimal degree) is  Download PDF
by Khanh Duong & Nguyen Phuc Van

1351 Price Matching in Online Retail  Download PDF
by Bottasso, Anna & Robbiano, Simone & Marocco, Paolo

GLO Discussion Papers are research and policy papers of the GLO Network which are widely circulated to encourage discussion.  Complete list of all GLO DPs – downloadable for free.