The School of Labor and Human Resources at Renmin University of China (Beijing) and the Global Labor Organization (GLO) had organized their First Joint Conference on the Chinese labor market on 20 and 21 October 2018 at Renmin University of China, Beijing. The conference series provides a platform for researchers working on topics related to the Chinese labor market, including migration, discrimination, health and well-being, education, environment and labor market policies. The event is part of the Chinese Labor Market Cluster of GLO headed by GLO Cluster Lead Corrado Giulietti (University of Southampton & GLO), who is also a GLO Research Director.

GLO Cluster Lead Corrado Giulietti
Keynote speakers were
Xin Meng (Australian National University & GLO)
Junsen Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong & GLO )
Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University & GLO )
Xin Meng Junsen Zhang Klaus F. Zimmermann
The Program Committee consisted of
Sylvie Démurger (French National Centre for Scientific Research & GLO )
Shuaizhang Feng (Jinan University & GLO )
Corrado Giulietti (University of Southampton & GLO )
Jun Han (Renmin University of China & GLO)
Sylvie Démurger
Shuaizhang Feng
Jun Han
The Organizers were:
Corrado Giulietti (University of Southampton & GLO )
Jun Han (Renmin University of China& GLO
The strong Final Program:
The well organized event brought a larger number of labor economists interested in the Chinese labor market together for intensive two days of high quality academic exchange and social interactions to foster future research. All participants were very satisfied with the outcomes and are grateful for the work of the local organizing team led by Jun Han and the strong support of GLO Fellow Dean Weiguo Yang of Remin University of China.
Day 1: 20 October 2018
Zhong Zhao, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Corrado Giulietti Corrado Giulietti, Jun Han Corrado Giulietti
Zimmermann, Meng Jun Han

Keynote: Intergenerational Behavioural Consequences of a Socio-Political Upheaval
Xin Meng (Australian National University & GLO)
Session: “Labor Demand” Chair : Zhong Zhao (Renmin University of China & GLO) |
Workers’ Valuation of Workplace Flexibility: A Field Experiment Haoran He (Beijing Normal University), David Neumark (University of California at Irvine), Qian Weng (Renmin University of China) |
A Curse or a Blessing: Long-term Effects of the Soviet Union Aid Plants to China Jingxuan Du (Renmin University of China), Zhong Zhao (Renmin University of China & GLO) |
To Upgrade or To Relocate? Explaining Heterogeneous Responses of Chinese Light Manufacturing Firms to Rising Labor Costs Fei Wang (Renmin University of China & GLO), Junjie Xia (Peking University), Jiajun Xu (Peking University) |
Qian Weng Fei Wang Jingxuan Du Zhong Zhao
Keynote: China’s One-Child Policy and Its Relaxation Effects on Fertility
Junsen Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong & GLO)
Session: “Family Economics” Chair : Rufei Guo(Wuhan University & GLO) |
The Effects of Children’s Gender Composition on Filial Piety and Old-Age Support Rufei Guo (Wuhan University & GLO), Junsen Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong & GLO) |
Son Preference and Human Capital Investment Among China’s Rural-Urban Migrant Households Carl Lin (Bucknell University & GLO), Yan Sun (Beijing Normal University), Chunbing Xing (Beijing Normal University & GLO) |
Rufei Guo Chunbing Xing
Liqiu Zhao & Corrado Giulietti
Session: “Productivity and Innovation” Chair : Teng Li(National University of Singapore) |
From Tradition to Modern: The Impact of Knowledge Diffusion on Idea Liu Xuke (Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences) |
Non-linear Incentives and Worker Productivity: Evidence from a Quasi-experiment Richard Freeman (Harvard University), Wei Huang (National University of Singapore), Teng Li (National University of Singapore) |
The Wage-productivity Nexus in the World Factory Economy Giovanni Dosi (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna & GLO), Maria Enrica Virgillito (Catholic University of Milan & GLO), Xiaodan Yu (University of Nottingham Ningbo China & GLO) |
Teng Li Xiaodan Yu Liu Xuke
Day 2: 21 October 2018
Session: “Education” Chair : Haoran He (Beijing Normal University) |
Labor Market Discrimination against Family Responsibilities: A Correspondence Study with Policy Change in China Haoran He (Beijing Normal University), Sherry Xin Li (University of Texas at Dallas), Yuling Han (Beijing Normal University) |
Dynamics of Returns to Elite University Education: Evidence from Chinese Labor Market Sylvie Démurger (French National Center for Scientific Research & GLO), Eric A. Hanushek (Stanford University), Lei Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) |
Elite School Designation and House Prices: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Beijing, China Bin Huang (Nanjing University of Finance and Economics), Xiaoyan He (Nanjing University of Finance and Economics), Lei Xu (National Institute of Economic and Social Research), Yu Zhu (University of Dundee & GLO) |
Air Pollution, Student Health, and School Absences: Evidence from China Siyu Chen (National University of Singapore), Chongshan Guo (Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention), Xinfei Huang (International School of Business and Finance) |
Haoran He Lei Zhang Yu Zhu Siyu Chen Fei Wang Chongshan Guo
Keynote: Recent Labor Market Research on China Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University, Renmin University of China & GLO) |
Conclusions and Farewell : The intention is to organize the next joint workshop in October 2019. |
