On behalf of the GLO Happiness Cluster, we are pleased to announce the call for submissions for the conference Wellbeing 2022: Knowledge for informed decisions, organized by STATEC Research. The conference organizing team includes GLO Fellows Francesco Sarracino and Kelsey O’Connor and is supported by an international Scientific Committee, including among others, GLO Fellows Milena Nikolova (GLO Cluster Lead Happiness) and Stephanie Rossouw. For complete details, see the website https://www.wellbeing2022.lu.

This international conference will bring together leading scholars to discuss the quest for better lives, including the measurement of well-being, its causes and consequences, and related questions in presentations of their work.
The program features:
- Three keynote talks (Stefano Bartolini, University of Siena; GLO Fellow Carol Graham, Brookings Institution and University of Maryland, College Park; and Andrew Oswald, University of Warwick);
- A roundtable discussion on how policy-makers can integrate the findings from well-being studies (GLO Fellow Andrew Clark, Paris School of Economics; Carrie Exton, OECD; Linda Laura Sabbadini (ISTAT); and three MPs from the Parliament of Luxembourg);
- An opening talk given by a well-being activist (John de Graaf);
- And a workshop on the recently updated World Database of Happiness, given by its creator, Ruut Veenhoven.
Paper submission and deadlines
To apply, please, submit an abstract complete with name of the author/s and a title to: submitSWB2020@statec.etat.lu.
Extended abstracts and full manuscripts are welcome. The deadline for application is the 31 January 2022. We will notify the authors of accepted papers by the end of March 2022. submitSWB2020@statec.etat.lu.
For more information, please, visit our conference website (www.wellbeing2022.lu) or send an e-mail to: infoSWB2020@statec.etat.lu
We look forward to welcoming you in Luxembourg!
The scientific committee
Serge Allegrezza, STATEC
Martijn Burger, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Conchita d’Ambrosio, University of Luxembourg
Johannes Hirata, Osnabruck University
Milena Nikolova, University of Groningen, GLO
Kelsey O’Connor, STATEC Research, GLO
Chiara Peroni, STATEC Research
Maurizio Pugno, University of Cassino
Stephanie Rossouw, Auckland University of Technology, GLO
Francesco Sarracino, STATEC Research, GLO