The Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia will publish a special issue on “Inequality and Public Policy in Asia” in collaboration with GLO Southeast Asia under the direction of its GLO Cluster Lead M Niaz Asadullah. Submission deadline is June 30, 2022.
CALL FOR PAPERS FOR A SPECIAL ISSUE ON: Inequality and Public Policy in Asia
Guest Editor: Professor M Niaz Asadullah
(Universiti Malaya & Global Labor Organization (GLO) Southeast Asia)

Overview of the Special Issue: While income inequality globally has declined significantly in many socio-economic indicators in the past decades, within country inequality is once again on the rise. Rapid economic growth and market reforms have helped reduce extreme poverty within Asian region, but this also coincided with a worsening distribution of earnings, wages and wealth. These contrasting patterns have raised questions about the progressivity of public policy and its efficacy in achieving growth with equity. To what extent have fiscal policies succeeded in reducing inequality in Asia? How important was the role of social expenditures on health and education? And what about the design of social safety nets, labor market reforms, and financial sector inclusion?
To answer some of the above questions, the editorial board of Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia is seeking scholarly manuscripts for a special issue on inequality and public policy, which is also the first in collaboration with Global Labor Organization (GLO). The unique partnership with GLO will ensure worldwide circulation of the accepted papers.
The SI focus is on contemporary issues involving all aspects of inequality (social and economic). Social science research including a range of disciplinary perspectives and quantitative methods is welcome. Manuscripts in the following issues, but not limited to, are welcome:
- Within and cross-country analysis of trends in and drivers of inequality in Asia
- Policy drivers of rising or declining inequality in Asia
- Political economy analysis of fiscal and tax policy
- Inequality of pre-market opportunities (e.g. health, education)
- Financial shock, economic crisis and redistributive policy measures
More Information about the Journal
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia is an internationally refereed SCOPUS-indexed journal that publishes original articles, research notes, book reviews on economics three times a year published by Penerbit UKM, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. It is also one of the oldest SCOPUS-indexed economics journals published from Southeast Asia.
Submission Information
Word limit: 6,000-8,000
Total number of papers to be Accepted Paper: 8-10
Registration and Submission:
Select article type “Special issue” in the submission process.
Author guidelines:
Enquiries on Submission:
Informal enquiries on proposed topics and potential fit with special Issue objective:
Key Deadlines
Opening Submission Date: 1 May 2022
Closing Submission Date: 30 June 2022
Possible publication date: October 2022