The Videos listed here are presentations from GLO related activities. They are hosted by the GLO YouTube channel. (To subscribe go there.) GLO members can propose videos from their GLO related activities to
- March 6, 2025: : Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar.
Viola Angelini Video of the event - February 6, 2025: : Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar.
Sofoklis Goulas Video of the event - January 9, 2025: : Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar.
Gylfi Zoega Video of the event - December 5, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar.
Eva Sierminska Video of the event - November 7, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Mahreen Mahmud Video of the event
- October 3, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sebastian Gallegos Video of the event
- September 5, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Rigissa Megalokonomou, Video of the event
- August 1, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Laura K. Gee
Video of the event - July 4, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Ather Akbari.
Video of the event - June 6, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Alexander Kritikos. Video of the event
- May 2, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sandra Sequeira. Video of the event
- April 4, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Ömer Özak.
Video of the event - March 7, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Alexsandros Cavgias Martins Fraga. Video of the event.
- February 26-27, 2024: Online GLO-JOPE Winter Conference 2024 on ‘Population Economics’ with highlights of the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) issue 1 (2024) of volume 37. CONFERENCE PROGRAM including links to the videos. LINK
- February 1, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Rania Gihleb. Video of the event
- January 11, 2024: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Matija Kovaci. Video of the event.
- December 7, 2023: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Bansi Malde. Video of the event.
- December 4-6, 2023: Bonn, Germany. GLO-JOPE Global Conference 2023. Full program of the 3 days.
VIDEO of GLO-JOPE Global Conference 2023 Sessions A1-A5
VIDEO of GLO-JOPE Global Conference 2023 Sessions A6-A7 (Kuznets Prize Session)
VIDEO of GLO-JOPE Global Conference 2023 Sessions B1-B3
VIDEO of GLO-JOPE Global Conference 2023 Session B4
VIDEO of GLO-JOPE Global Conference 2023 Sessions C1-C3 - November 2, 2023: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Nicola Coniglio. The most precious resource: time allocation of immigrants in the U.S.. Video of the event.
- October 19, 2023: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. Research Seminar by Leena Bhattacharya on Time allocation of daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law in India: The role of education as bargaining power. Video of the event.
- July 6, 2023: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Elena Nikolova. Historical climate risk and international migration. Video of the event.
- June 1, 2023: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Paul Dower.
Video of the event - May 4, 2023: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Eva Dziadula. Video of the event
- April 27, 2023: Spring JOPE Conference of the Journal of Population Economics. Report & Video.
- April 6, 2023: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Guanyi Yang. Video of the event.
- March 2, 2023: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Jan Fidrmuc. Details and Video of the event.
- February 2, 2023: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sophie Wang. Details and Video of the event.
- December 1-3, 2023: GLO Global Conference 2022. Program, details and videos.
- January 12, 2023: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Cinzia Rienzo. Details and Video of the event.
- November 3, 2022: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Colin Green. Details and Video of the event.
- October 14, 2022: Berlin, Germany. Invited Handbook Session “Behavioral Economics” chaired by Section Editor Marie Claire Villeval at EBES 41 with GLO & FOM. Details and Video of session.
- October 14, 2022: Berlin, Germany. Keynote by Robert Moffitt on Handbook Chapter “Take-up of Social Benefits” at EBES 41 with GLO & FOM. Details and Video of speech.
- October 13, 2022: Berlin, Germany. Invited Handbook Session “Inequality and Poverty” chaired by Section Editor Eva Sierminska at EBES 41 with GLO & FOM. Details and Video of session.
- October 13, 2022: Berlin, Germany. Keynote by Hasin Yousaf on Handbook Chapter “The Economics of Mass Shootings” at EBES 41 with GLO & FOM. Details and Video of speech.
- October 12, 2022: Berlin, Germany. Invited Handbook Session “Religion” chaired by Section Editor Olga Popova at EBES 41 with GLO & FOM. Details and Video of session.
- October 12, 2022: Berlin, Germany. Keynote by Shyamal Chowdhury on “Economic Preferences Across Generations” at EBES 41 with GLO & FOM. Details and Video of speech.
- October 6, 2022: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Cristiano Perugini. Details and Video.
- September 1, 2022: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Ashwini Deshpande. Details and Video.
- August 29-30, 2022: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. 5th IESR-GLO joint conference on “Social Policy Under Global Challenges”. Call for papers. Report including Video. VIDEO DAY 1 VIDEO VIDEO DAY 2 (Keynote Zhang incomplete).
- August 3-6, 2022. GLO/EHERO Sessions on “Happiness Economics” during the 2022 Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (3-6 August 2022 in Burlington, Vermont, USA. Report including links to the Videos of the 3 sessions.
- July 15, 2022 Journal of Population Economics Summer 2022 Event. Program & Event Video.
- July 7, 2022. GLO Handbook Session chaired by Klaus F. Zimmermann during the 40th EBES Conference. Program and Video. Report.
- July 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Madeline Zavodny & Pia Orrenius. Also 40th EBES. Program and Video. Report.
- June 2, 2022: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Ralitza Dimova. Video & Report.
- June 1, 2022: JOPE (Journal of Population Economics) Research Workshop on Abortion Issues II; Program & Registration. Event Video & Report.
- May 31, 2022: JOPE (Journal of Population Economics) Research Workshop on Abortion Issues I; Program & Registration. Event Video & Report.
- May 5, 2022: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Carl Lin. Video & Report.
- April 25, 2022: Meet authors of Issues 35 (1+2): JOPE Spring 2022 Event. Call for participation. Event Video & Report.
- April 8, 2022: EBES 39 Rome Conference, GLO Handbook Session Covid-19 chaired by Sergio Scicchitano. VIDEO & Report.
- April 7, 2022: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sarah Pearlman Video & Report. Joint with EBES 39 in Rome.
- March 21, 2022: Global Labor Organization (GLO), the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) and POP @ UNU-MERIT. Public Event. Oded Galor: “The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality”. Video of the event. Report.
- March 3, 2022: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Maria Rosales-Rueda. Video & Report.
- February 3, 2022: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Michael Coon. Video & Report.
- January 6, 2022: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Claire Naiditch. Video & Report.
- December 2, 2021: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Mathilde Maurel. Video & Report.
- November 4, 2021: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Karin Mayr-Dorn. Video & Report.
- October 8, 2021: EBES 37 Berlin Conference with GLO & FOM: GLO Handbook Session Family & Household Economics chaired by Victoria Vernon, VIDEO, and Handbook Session Migration II chaired by Marina Murat, VIDEO. Report.
- October 7, 2021: EBES 37 Berlin Conference with GLO & FOM: GLO-FOM Session VIDEO with chair Alexander Spermann; Plenary Speech of Sriya Iyer on “Religion and Mental Health” chaired by Olga Popova, VIDEO; GLO Handbook Session Migration I chaired by Cynthia Bansak, VIDEO. Report.
- October 6, 2021: EBES 37 Berlin Conference with GLO & FOM: Keynote Conference Speech, David G. Blanchflower, The Economics of Walking About and Predicting Unemployment. Report & VIDEO.
- September 30, 2021: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO-VirtYS 2021: Autumn Seminar Series for Program Graduates III.
- September 16, 2021: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO-VirtYS 2021: Autumn Seminar Series for Program Graduates II. Video of the presentation: Soumya Pal.
- September 9, 2021: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO-VirtYS 2021: Autumn Seminar Series for Program Graduates I. Presentations by Jun Hyung Kim and Femke Cnossen. Report of the event. Watch the videos of the event: Kim and Cnossen.
- September 2, 2021. Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Magnus Lodefalk. New Work, Exiting Work and Artificial Intelligence. Report & Video of the event.
- August 27, 2021: Five GLO/EHERO Special Sessions on Well-being at the 19th International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies ISQOLS Annual Conference 2021 Virtual. Conference Program. Detailed GLO/EHERO program on August 27. Report with Videos.
- July 8, 2021. Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Olga Popova. Does weather sharpen income inequality in Russia? Report & Video of the event.
- July 2, 2021. Istanbul, Turkey. 36th EBES conference; Report, Program & VIDEO. on GLO Handbook Session on second day on “Worker Representation, Labor-Management Relations and Labor Standards”.
- June 24-26, 2021. Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. Fourth IESR-GLO Joint Conference on “Social Assistance”. Virtual event. MORE INFO about the program. Intermediate Report. Final Report with program. Videos of the three days: Day 1: Keynote of Robert Moffit. Plenary Session I LINK. Day 2: Policy Forum on Social Assistance Systems LINK. Day 3: Keynote of Timothy Smeeding. Plenary Session LINK.
- June 10, 2021. Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. IEA-GLO Pre-conference workshop; recording of the GLO-IEA Invited Sessions for the 2021 World Congress of the International Economic Association (IEA) on 2-6 July 2021. Program, Report and Video of all presentations. See also the congress website of the IEA World Congress 2021.
- June 7, 2021. Organized by POP@UNU-MERIT, GLO & Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and hosted by UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, an Online Workshop on “Technological Change, Employment & Skills” took place. The workshop presented the core findings of 10 chapters of the 20 review articles of the section on ‘Technological Changes and the Labor Market’. MORE DETAILS. Video will become available soon.
- June 3, 2021. Chiara Rapallini (Università degli Studi di Firenze): Personality Traits and Earnings: A Meta-Analysis. GLO Virtual Seminar. Report & Video of the event.
- May 27, 2021. Journal of Population Economics Online Workshop. Issue 3/2021. Hosted by UNU-MERIT. Maastricht (CET 4-6 pm). Open to the public. Announcement. Video of the event. Report of the event.
- May 17, 2021. Academia Europaea (AE), Section Economics, Business & Management Sciences. Online Workshop on “Human Resources Challenges” (Migration, Covid-19). Hosted by Central European University, CEU School of Public Policy. Vienna 11 am – 15 pm. Open to AE, CEU, UNU-MERIT& GLO members and the public. Report with video migration & video Covid-19 sessions.
- May 6, 2021. Keith Bender (University of Kent): Employment Contracts and Stress. GLO Virtual Seminar. News – report of the event. Video of the Seminar.
- April 8, 2021: Nicole Simpson (Colgate University): Single Mothers and Tax Credits: Insurance Without Disincentives? GLO Virtual Seminar. News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides.
- March 5, 2021: Marco Vivarelli (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore): May AI revolution be labour-friendly? Some micro evidence from the supply side. GLO Virtual Seminar. News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides.
- February 5, 2021: Pedro Martins (Queen Mary University of London): Employer collusion and employee training. GLO Virtual Seminar. News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides.
- January 28, 2021: Journal of Population Economics Online Workshop. Presentation of Issue 2/2021. Hosted by UNU-MERIT. Maastricht. Open to the public. Announcement. Video of the event. Report of the event.
- January 7, 2021: Cynthia Bansak (St. Lawrence University): Endogamous Marriage among Immigrant Groups: The Impact of Deportations under Secure Communities. GLO Virtual Seminar. News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides.
- December 19, 2020: Beijing, China. Third Renmin University – GLO Conference on “Chinese Labor Market Issues”. Program & Registration. Report and video of the event.
- December 3, 2020: John P. de New, (Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne): Dreaming Big: Higher Occupational Aspirations From Persistent and Advantaged Kids. GLO Virtual Seminar. News – report of the event. Video of the Seminar.
- November 19, 2020: Journal of Population Economics Online Workshop. Kuznets Prize 2021 & Presentation of Issue 1/2021. Hosted by UNU-MERIT. Maastricht. Open to the public. Announcement. Video of the event. Report No. 1 & report No. 2 of the event.
- November 13, 2020: David Audretsch (Indiana University): Covid-19, Democracy & Entrepreneurship. Report of the event. Video of the event.
- November 5, 2020: Ira Gang (Rutgers University): Schooling Forsaken or Not? Education and Migration. GLO Virtual Seminar. Report about the event. Video of the seminar.
- October 15, 2020: Third webinar in the GLO Virtual Young Scholar (GLO-VirtYS) Program, Cohort 2019-20. Full video of the event.
(i) Zhiling Wang (Assistant Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam): Do International Study Programmes Pay off for Native Students?
(ii) Ömer Tuğsal Doruk (Assistant Professor at Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University): School to Work Transition and Macroeconomic Conditions in the Turkish Economy - October 1, 2020: Alfonso Flores-Lagunes (Syracuse University): The Effects of Vietnam-Era Military Service on the Long-Term Health of Veterans. GLO Virtual Seminar. Report about the event.
- September 17, 2020: Second webinar in the GLO Virtual Young Scholar (GLO-VirtYS) Program, Cohort 2019-20. Full video of the event.
(i) Satyendra Kumar Gupta (Jindal School of Government and Public Policy): Irrigation and Culture: Gender Roles and Women’s Rights
(ii) Kelly Hyde (University of Pittsburgh): The Regressive Costs of Drinking Water Contaminant Avoidance - September 10, 2020: First webinar in the GLO Virtual Young Scholar (GLO-VirtYS) Program, Cohort 2019-20. Full video of the event.
(i) Yannis Galanakis (University of Kent): Female Human Capital Mismatch: An Extension for the British Public Sector
(ii) Samuel Mann (Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research): Gender Identity, Employment, Self-Employment and Trans Legislation - September 3, 2020: Kompal Sinha (Macquarie University, Sydney): Paid Parental Leave and Maternal Mental Health. GLO Virtual Seminar.
- August 6, 2020. Sergei Guriev (Sciences Po, Paris): The Political Economy of Populism. GLO Virtual Seminar.
- July 9, 2020. Marie Claire Villeval (French National Centre for Scientific Research): Teaching Norms in the Streets. GLO Virtual Seminar.
- June 11, 2020. Danny Blanchflower (Dartmouth College): Despair, Unhappiness and Age. GLO Virtual Seminar.
- June 6, 2020. Charles Manski (Northwestern University): Coping with COVID Uncertainties
Keynote: Third IESR-GLO Conference on “COVID-19”. - June 5, 2020. Daron Acemoglu (MIT): A Multi-risk SIR Model with Optimally Targeted Lockdown
Keynote: Third IESR-GLO Conference on “COVID-19”. - December 3, 2019. Jo Ritzen (UNU-MERIT): Una segunda oportunidad para Europa (A Second Chance for Europe)
Debate and book presentation with Klaus F. Zimmermann, Salvador Pérez-Moreno and Javier López. - November 1, 2018. Video presentation (GLO YouTube version) on Climate Change, Agriculture and Migration of Shuaizhang Feng & Xiaomeng Cui at the “Climate Change and Human Responses” conference co-organized by Global Labor Organization (GLO), FOM University of Applied Sciences and Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) on October 31 – November 2 in Hong Kong.