GLO Virtual Seminar

The GLO Virtual Seminar Series has been established in 2020 with a frequency of one event per month as a regular GLO activity. The seminars are:

  • Hosted by the School of Economics at the University of Kent, the GLO key partner university in the UK.
  • Chaired by GLO Director Matloob Piracha.
  • On a Thursday, 1.00 pm – 02.00 pm BST (London time), unless otherwise stated. ONE HOUR.
  • It is an internal seminar open to all GLO Fellows and Affiliates and by special invitation. Free to attend (no fees).


Sydney, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hanoi, Bangkok, New Delhi, Baku, Kyiv, Istanbul, Athens, Berlin, Brussels, London (1 pm UK time), Tunis, Kigali, Cape Town, Washington DC, Santiago de Chile ………
Time Zone Converter


March 6, 2025: Viola Angelini (University of Groningen and GLO)

Past seminars

The Value of Remote Work: A Correspondence Experiment on Tutors


Mortgage Relief and Household Spending. Evidence from a Natural Experiment
(with Sigurdur P. Ólafsson and Arnaldur Stefánsson)


Inequality in Economics as a Profession
(with Karan Singhal)


Wage Subsidies to Promote Female Hiring: Evidence from Pakistan
(with Maurizio Bussolo, Jean Lee, Nayantara Sarma & Anaise Williams)


Can Second Chances Improve Outcomes? Short & Long Term Effects of Retaking High-Stakes Exams
(with Veronica Frisancho, CAF Development Bank)


Gender Role Models in Education


Who You Gonna Call? Gender Inequality in External Demands for Parental Involvement 
(with K. Buzard, Syracuse University, and O. Stoddard, Brigham Young University)


Religious affiliation and human capital returns in Canada


Does gender of firm ownership matter? Female entrepreneurs and the gender pay gap
(with Mika Maliranta, Veera Nippala & Satu Nurmi)
Journal of Population Economics
Volume 37, article number 52, (2024)


Zero-Sum Thinking and the Roots of US Political Divides
(with Sahil Chinoy, Nathan Nunn and Stefanie Stantcheva)


(De facto) Historical Ethnic Borders and Contemporary Conflict in Africa
(joint with Emilio Depetris-Chauvin)


Spoils of colonization: The impact of British colonial institutions on sexual prejudice
(joint with: Cristian Navarro, CEMFI)


Religious Safety Nets and their Effects on Human Capital Accumulation


Social interactions, loneliness and collective health: A new angle on an old debate


Personalized Information Provision and the Take-Up of Government Benefits: Experimental Evidence from India

(with Amrit Amirappu, Irma Clots-Figueras, Anirban Mitra, Debayan Pakrashi and Zaki Wahhaj)


The most precious resource: time allocation of immigrants in the U.S.
(with Rezart Hoxhaj and Hubert Jayet)


  • October 5 & September 7, 2023: Cancelled
  • August 3, 2023: Summer Break


Historical climate risk and international migration
(paper joint with Miriam Manchin, UCL/Politecnico di Milano, and Alex Newnham, Université Paris Saclay)


Did the Cold War Produce Development Clusters in Africa? 


The Gendered Impact of In-State Tuition Policies on Undocumented Immigrants’ College Enrollment, Graduation, and Employment
(paper with Grace Condon, Cynthia Bansak, and Susan Averett)


Better Late Than Never:
Aggregate Impact of Intermittent College Enrollment and Tuition Subsidies


Who Believes in Conspiracy Theories, and Why? 
(with Olga Zajkowska)


Are Grandparents a Good Substitute for Parents as the Primary Caregiver?


Unions and Immigrants’ Wages in the Unites States


  • December 8, 2022 (Thursday): December BREAK

Immigrant Peers and Foreign Language Acquisition


Non-standard employment and rent sharing


The Impact of Self-Help Groups on Women’s Labour Force Participation and Employment in India


  • August 4, 2022: Summer break

U.S. Immigration Enforcement Policies and Business Dynamics


Behavioural Responses to a Man-made Disaster: Insights from a Natural Experiment

Ralitza Dimova


  • May 5, 2022: Carl Lin (Bucknell University and GLO)
    Video & Report.

Labor Market Power and Wage Determination

Carl Lin


Measles, Mexico and Labor Markets
(with Alicia Atwood)

Sarah Pearlman


Does Delivery of Primary Health Care Improve Birth Outcomes? Evidence from the Rollout of Community Health Centers

Chair: Ira Gang (Rutgers University and GLO)


Border Fencing, Migrant Flows, and Crossing Deaths
(with Cynthia Bansak, St. Lawrence University & Abigail Blanco, Bellarmine University)

Chair: Ira Gang (Rutgers University and GLO)

Michael Coon


Migrant smuggling to Europe: a matching model
(with Olivier Charlot and Radu Vranceanu)

Claire Naiditch


2021 Speakers

A new approach for evaluation of the economic impact of decentralized electrification projects (with J.C. Berthélémy)


Trade diversion and labor market adjustment: Vietnam and the U.S.-China trade war


  • October 7, 2021: Sriya Iyer (University of Cambridge and GLO)
    Joint event with EBES-37: Plenary Speech of Sriya Iyer chaired by Olga Popova, VIDEO & Report.

Religion and Mental Health


New Work, Exiting Work and Artificial Intelligence


  • August 5, 2021: Break.


Does weather sharpen income inequality in Russia?

Joint work with Vladimir Otrachshenko (Justus Liebig University Giessen).

Using subnational panel data, this paper analyzes how hot and cold extreme temperatures and precipitation affect economic activity and income distribution in Russia. We account for the intensity of exposure to extreme temperatures by analyzing the impacts of both single and consecutive days with extreme temperature, i.e., heat waves and cold spells, and examine several labor market channels behind those effects. We find that consecutive extremely hot days decrease regional GDP per capita but do not affect income inequality. Poor regions are affected by extreme temperatures relatively more than rich regions. These effects occur because of reallocation of labor from employment to unemployment, an increase in prices in poor regions, and to some extent because of changes in the industrial employment structure, while relative wages are not affected. Extremely cold days, both single and consecutive, as well as extreme precipitation have a limited impact on economic activity and income distribution.


Personality Traits and Earnings: A Meta-Analysis

1. Provides a meta-analytical review of the empirical literature on the relationship between personal earnings and the Big Five personality traits. 
2. Based on 936 partial effect sizes collected from 65 peer-reviewed articles published between 2001 and 2020. 
3. Finds that personal earnings are positively associated with the traits of Openness, Conscientiousness, and Extraversion, and negatively associated with the traits of Agreeableness and Neuroticism.
4. Meta-regression estimates suggest that the results of the primary literature are at least partially driven by the characteristics of the study design and, in particular, that the inclusion of individual controls like the level of education attained or/and a proxy for cognitive abilities helps to explain study heterogeneity. 

GLO Discussion Paper No. 902 [rev.]
The Big Five Personality Traits and Earnings: A Meta-Analysis Download PDF
Alderotti, Giammarco & Rapallini, Chiara & Traverso, Silvio


Employment Contracts and Stress

GLO Discussion Paper No. 838
Employment Contracts and Stress: Experimental EvidenceDownload PDF
Forthcoming JEBO.
Allan, Julia L. & Andelic, Nicole & Bender, Keith A. & Powell, Daniel & Stoffel, Sandro & Theodossiou, Ioannis


Single Mothers and Tax Credits: Insurance Without Disincentives?


May AI Revolution be Labour-friendly? Some Micro Evidence from the Supply Side


Employer Collusion and Employee Training

Based on joint work with Jonathan P. Thomas, University of Edinburgh.


Endogamous Marriage among Immigrant Groups: The Impact of Deportations under Secure Communities

Based on joint work with Sarah Pearlman.

GLO Discussion Paper 756: Endogamous Marriage among Immigrant Groups: The Impact of Deportations under Secure CommunitiesDownload PDF
Bansak, Cynthia & Pearlman, Sarah


2020 Speakers

  • December 3, 2020: John P. de New, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne, and GLO
    News – report of the event. Video of Seminar.

Dreaming Big: Higher Occupational Aspirations from Persistent and Advantaged Kids

Based on joint work with Sonja C de New and Clement C Wong.


  • November 5, 2020: Ira Gang, Rutgers University and GLO
    Associate Editor of the Journal of Population Economics
    News – report of the event. Video of Seminar.

Schooling Forsaken or Not? Education and Migration

Based on joint work with Gil Epstein and Ilhom Abdulloev:

GLO Discussion Paper 709: Job Status, International Migration and Educational Choice Download PDF by Abdulloev, Ilhom & Epstein, Gil S. & Gang, Ira N.

GLO Discussion Paper 641: Schooling Forsaken: Education and Migration – Download PDF by Abdulloev, Ilhom & Epstein, Gil S. & Gang, Ira N.

Migration and Forsaken Schooling in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, published n IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 11(1).

Changes in the Forsaken Schooling and Migration Relationship in Tajikistan (Chapter 10), in Brain Drain vs Brain Circulation (Central Asia), 2020


The Effects of Vietnam-Era Military Service on the Long-Term Health of Veterans

Based on a joint paper with Xintong Wang and Carlos A. Flores on “The Effects of Vietnam-Era Military Service on the Long-Term Health of Veterans: A Bounds Analysis”


  • September 3, 2020: Kompal Sinha, Macquarie University and GLO
    Associate Editor of the Journal of Population Economics
    GLO Cluster Lead “Development, Health, Inequality and Behavior”
    Presentation Slides & News. Video of Seminar.

Paid Parental Leave and Maternal Mental Health

Related paper: The presentation of Kompal Sinha is based on a joint paper with Anam Bilgrami and Henry Cutler of the Centre for the Health Economy, Macquarie University, on “The impact of introducing a national scheme for Paid Parental Leave on maternal mental health outcomes“, forthcoming Health Economics.


The Political Economy of Populism

Related paper: Sergei Guriev and Elias Papaioannou,
The Political Economy of Populism. PDF
Draft prepared for the Journal of Economic Literature.


Teaching Norms in the Streets


Despair, Unhappiness and Age

Related papers:
