Category Archives: Events

Call for contributions: 42nd EBES Conference – Lisbon January 12-14, 2023. Abstract deadline: November 11, 2022.

42nd EBES Conference – Lisbon will take place on January 12th, 13th, and 14th, 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. The conference will be hosted by the ISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitário de Lisboa with the support of the Istanbul Economic Research Association and organized in Hybrid Mode (online and in-person).

Interested researchers from around the world are cordially invited to submit their abstracts or papers for presentation consideration.

Deadline for Abstract Submission is November 11, 2022.

More details!

EBES Executive Board

Prof. Klaus F. Zimmermann, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, and Free University Berlin
Prof. Jonathan Batten, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Iftekhar Hasan, Fordham University, U.S.A.
Prof. Euston Quah, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. John Rust, Georgetown University, U.S.A.
Prof. Dorothea Schäfer, German Institute for Economic Research DIW Berlin, Germany
Prof. Marco Vivarelli, Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Abstract/Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts or papers no later than November 11, 2022.

For submission, please visit

No submission fee is required.

General inquiries regarding the call for papers should be directed to

Publication Opportunities

Qualified papers can be published in EBES journals (Eurasian Business Review and Eurasian Economic Review) or EBES proceedings books after a peer review process without any submission or publication fees. EBES journals (EABR and EAER) are published by Springer and both are indexed in the SCOPUS, EBSCO EconLit with Full Text, Google Scholar, ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide, CNKI, EBSCO Business Source, EBSCO Discovery Service, ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, ProQuest ABI/INFORM, ProQuest Business Premium Collection, ProQuest Central, ProQuest Turkey Database, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon, Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Naver, SCImago, ABDC Journal Quality List, Cabell’s Directory, and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. In addition, while EAER is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), EABR is indexed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Current Contents / Social & Behavioral Sciences.

Also, all accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the Conference Program and the Abstract Book (with an ISBN number). It will be distributed to all conference participants at the conference via USB. Although submitting full papers are not required, all the submitted full papers will also be included in the conference proceedings in a USB.

After the conference, participants will also have the opportunity to send their paper to be published (after a refereeing process managed by EBES) in the Springer’s series Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics (no submission and publication fees). This is indexed by Scopus. It will also be sent to Clarivate Analytics in order to be reviewed for coverage in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). Please note that the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th (Vol. 2), 21st, 24th, and 25th EBES Conference Proceedings are accepted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). Other conference proceedings are in progress.

Important Dates

Conference Date: January 12-14, 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 11, 2022
Reply-by: November 28, 2022*
Registration Deadline: December 19, 2022
Submission of the Virtual Presentation: December 20, 2022
Announcement of the Program: December 25, 2022
Paper Submission Deadline (Optional): December 20, 2022**
Paper Submission for the EBES journals: March 16, 2023

* The decision regarding the acceptance/rejection of each abstract/paper will be communicated with the corresponding author within a week of submission.

** Completed paper submission is optional. If you want to be considered for the Best Paper Award or your full paper to be included in the conference proceedings in the USB, after submitting your abstract before September 9, 2022, you must also submit your completed (full) paper by September 21, 2022.


Ugur Can, Director of EBES (
Ender Demir, Conference Coordinator of EBES (

Conference LINK


GLO/EHERO Sessions on “Happiness Economics” 2022: Report & Videos.

Report on the GLO/EHERO Sessions on “Happiness Economics” during the 2022 Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (3-6 August 2022 in Burlington, Vermont, USA)

The 20th International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) Conference (3-6 August 2022 in Burlington, Vermont) featured three GLO/EHERO Special Sessions in Happiness Economics. The sessions are a signature event of the GLO Cluster Economics of Happiness.

Chaired by GLO Fellow Martijn Hendriks, each of the three sessions featured three presentations, followed by comments by a dedicated discussant and questions from the audience. Two sessions were offered in a hybrid format, with participants online and in-person, and one session was exclusively in-person. The sessions were well-attended and spurred interesting discussions on- and off-line. 

In addition to presentations of research papers, the GLO/EHERO sessions also featured a presentation of the “Happiness and Migration” chapter by GLO Fellow Martijn Hendriks and Martijn Burger from the section “Welfare, Well-being, Happiness” of the forthcoming Springer Nature Handbook “Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics” that is edited by GLO Fellow and Happiness Economics Cluster Lead Milena Nikolova. The Handbook’s Editor-in-Chief is GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann.  

ISQOLS Conference program

For the program of the GLO/HERO sessions see below. The video recordings of the presentations are available here:

GLO/EHERO Happiness Economics Session I:
GLO/EHERO Happiness Economics Session II:
GLO/EHERO Happiness Economics Session III:

Given the success of the sessions, the co-organizers Martijn Hendriks (GLO/EHERO), Martijn Burger (EHERO), and Milena Nikolova (GLO Fellow and Cluster Lead “Economics of Happiness”) will organize again special sessions at the 21st ISQOLS Annual Conference that will take place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 2023. Further information and call for papers to follow. 

These special sessions are invitation-based to guarantee that the presentations are of high quality. 

GLO – EHERO organizers

Dr. Martijn Hendriks (EHERO and GLO), Dr. Milena Nikolova (University of Groningen and GLO), and Dr. Martijn Burger (EHERO and Open Universiteit).

Featured image: Elijah-Hail-on-Unsplash.

Program of the GLO/EHERO Special Sessions at ISQOLS 2022


Australian Gender Economics Workshop 2023, February 9-10; Submission deadline October 30, 2022.

The Australian Gender Economics Workshop 2023 (AGEW) is held in Perth, Australia on the 9th and 10th of February 2023. GLO Fellow Silvia Salazar, Curtin University, is chair of the organizing committee. More info below. AGEW website: see here. Deadline Submissions:  30th October 2022

GLO supports gender research through its gender research cluster and the Journal of Population Economics.

Featured image: dainis-graveris-on-unsplash

Provided by the organizers:

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are delighted to invite you to the 6th Australian Gender Economics Workshop (AGEW 2023), hosted by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, the University of Western Australia and the Women in Economics Network.

The workshop will be held in-person in Perth on the 9th-10th of February 2023.

Submissions are currently open and will close on Sunday 30th October 2022


The Fifth IESR-GLO Conference (August 29-30, 2022) on Social Policy Under Global Challenges: Now – Program, Video & Event Pictures.

The Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR) at Jinan University and the Global Labor Organization (GLO) were jointly organizing the Fifth IESR-GLO Conference online.

  • Beijing Time August 29 to August 30, 2022 through Zoom
  • Theme: Social Policy Under Global Challenges
  • Keynote speakers: Lisa Cameron and Junsen Zhang

The IESR-GLO annual conference is aimed to provide a platform for scholars and experts to exchange ideas on the current pressing economic issues through presentations of high-quality academic papers and policy discussions. Previous IESR-GLO Conferences have covered topics such as the Social Safety Net and Welfare Programs in 2021, Economics of Covid-19 in 2020 and on the labor markets in Belt and Road countries in 2019.

The event was attended by over 60 scholars from institutions worldwide.

Fifth IESR-GLO Joint Conference Program

August 29 – August 30, 2022

PDF of Program IESR Website
VIDEO DAY 1 VIDEO VIDEO DAY 2 (Keynote Zhang incomplete)

August 29 (Monday)

15:00-18:00 Beijing Time/ 9:00-12:00 German Time 8:00-11:00 London Time/17:00-20:00 Melbourne Time

Chair: Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University & GLO)

Lisa Cameron
Beijing TimeGerman TimeLondon TimeMelbourne Time
Keynote Lecture
Information, Intermediaries, and International Migration
Lisa Cameron (The University of Melbourne & GLO)




Do Social Movement Change Empathy Bias? Evidence from Black Lives Matter
Authors: Kaixin Liu (IESR, Jinan University), Ande Shen, Jiwei Zhou, Junda Zhang




Does a Tragic Event Affect Different Aspects of Attitudes toward Immigration?
Authors: Odelia Heizler (Tel-Aviv-Yaffo Academic College & GLO), Osnat Israeli




Culture Breakers and Policy Implementation——How did China Promote Later Marriage in the 1970s?
Author: Yi Chen (ShanghaiTech University & GLO)




Do Good Deeds Really Earn Chits? Evidence from Targeted Poverty Alleviation Information Disclosure and Stock Price Crash Risk
Authors: Yu Zhang (Sun Yat-sen University), Zixun Zhou

NOTE: Each presentation consists of 20-25 minute presentation time and 5 -10 minute Q&A.

August 30 (Tuesday)

19:00-22:00 Beijing Time/ 13:00-16:00 German Time/ 12:00-15:00 London Time

Chair: Shuaizhang Feng (IESR, Jinan University & GLO)

Junsen Zhang
Beijing TimeGerman TimeLondon Time
Keynote Lecture
An Economic Analysis of Fertility in China: Challenges and Policy Recommendations
Junsen Zhang (Zhejiang University & GLO)



Gender Imbalance, Assortative Matching and Household Income Inequality in China
Authors: Chen Huang (University of Southampton), Serhiy Stepanchuk
Heterogeneous Peer Effects for the Disadvantaged Students
Author: Yi Zhang (IESR, Jinan University)



Migrant Children’s Take-up of Social Health Insurance: Experimental Evidence from China
Authors: Menghan Shen (Sun Yatsen University), Zhiwei Tang, Xiaoyang Ye



A Tale of An Aging Society with Digital Revolution Authors
Authors: Mingxing Huang (Peking University), Xun Li

NOTE: Each presentation consists of 20-25 minute presentation time and 5-10 minute Q&A.


  • Institute       for       Economic       and       Social        Research,        Jinan       University,
  • Global Labor Organization,

Organizing Committee

Klaus F. Zimmermann, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University & GLO
Shuaizhang Feng, Jinan University & GLO
Sen Xue, Jinan University & GLO


For inquiries regarding the conference, please contact Sen Xue at General inquiries regarding the submissions should be directed to

Lisa Cameron is the James Riady Chair of Asian Economics and Business and a Professorial Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne. She is an empirical micro-economist whose research incorporates the techniques of experimental and behavioural economics so as to better understand human decision-making. Much of her research focuses on policy evaluation – understanding the impacts and behavioural implications of public policy, with a focus on social and economic issues. She is particularly interested in the welfare of disadvantaged and marginalised groups and the socio-economic determinants of health. Much of her research to date has focused on developing countries, particularly Indonesia and China and she has extensive experience collaborating with agencies such as the World Bank and AusAID (DFAT). Lisa received her PhD from Princeton University in 1996. She was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences in 2013.

Junsen Zhang is currently a Distinguished University Professor in the School of Economics, Zhejiang University. Prof. Zhang is also Emeritus Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research (both theoretical and empirical) has focused on the economics of family behavior, including fertility, marriage, education, intergenerational transfers, marital transfers, gender bias, and old-age support. He also works on family-related macro issues, such as ageing, social security, and economic growth. Using many data sets from different countries (regions), either micro or macro, he has studied economic issues in Canada, the US, the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, as well as Mainland China. Most of his recent research has been on the economics of the family using Chinese data. He has published over 100 papers in major refereed international journals. Many of them were published in leading economics journals or in leading field journals. According to a ranking by RePEc dated May 2018, Junsen Zhang ranks as the number one economist in the field of the Chinese economy. He was Editor of the Journal of Population Economics from 2001 to 2020 and has been Co-Editor of Journal of Human Resources since February 2019. He was the President of the Hong Kong Economic Association from 2007 to 2011. In 2013, he was elected as a Fellow of the Econometric Society.


The Fifth IESR-GLO Conference (August 29-30, 2022) on Social Policy Under Global Challenges: Program & Call for Online Participation.

The Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR) at Jinan University and the Global Labor Organization (GLO) are jointly organizing the Fifth IESR-GLO Conference online.

  • Beijing Time August 29 to August 30, 2022 through Zoom
  • Theme is Social Policy Under Global Challenges
  • Keynote speakers are: Lisa Cameron and Junsen Zhang

The IESR-GLO annual conference is aimed to provide a platform for scholars and experts to exchange ideas on the current pressing economic issues through presentations of high-quality academic papers and policy discussions. Previous IESR-GLO Conferences have covered topics such as the Social Safety Net and Welfare Programs in 2021, Economics of Covid-19 in 2020 and on the labor markets in Belt and Road countries in 2019.

Fifth IESR-GLO Joint Conference Program

August 29 – August 30, 2022


PDF of Program

August 29 (Monday)

15:00-18:00 Beijing Time/ 9:00-12:00 German Time 8:00-11:00 London Time/17:00-20:00 Melbourne Time

Chair: Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University & GLO)

Beijing TimeGerman TimeLondon TimeMelbourne Time
Keynote Lecture
Information, Intermediaries, and International Migration
Lisa Cameron (The University of Melbourne & GLO)




Do Social Movement Change Empathy Bias? Evidence from Black Lives Matter
Authors: Kaixin Liu (IESR, Jinan University), Ande Shen, Jiwei Zhou, Junda Zhang




Does a Tragic Event Affect Different Aspects of Attitudes toward Immigration?
Authors: Odelia Heizler (Tel-Aviv-Yaffo Academic College & GLO), Osnat Israeli




Culture Breakers and Policy Implementation——How did China Promote Later Marriage in the 1970s?
Author: Yi Chen (ShanghaiTech University & GLO)




Do Good Deeds Really Earn Chits? Evidence from Targeted Poverty Alleviation Information Disclosure and Stock Price Crash Risk
Authors: Yu Zhang (Sun Yat-sen University), Zixun Zhou

NOTE: Each presentation consists of 20-25 minute presentation time and 5 -10 minute Q&A.

August 30 (Tuesday)

19:00-22:00 Beijing Time/ 13:00-16:00 German Time/ 12:00-15:00 London Time

Chair: Shuaizhang Feng (IESR, Jinan University & GLO)

Beijing TimeGerman TimeLondon Time
Keynote Lecture
An Economic Analysis of Fertility in China: Challenges and Policy Recommendations
Junsen Zhang (Zhejiang University & GLO)



Gender Imbalance, Assortative Matching and Household Income Inequality in China
Authors: Chen Huang (University of Southampton), Serhiy Stepanchuk
Heterogeneous Peer Effects for the Disadvantaged Students
Author: Yi Zhang (IESR, Jinan University)



Migrant Children’s Take-up of Social Health Insurance: Experimental Evidence from China
Authors: Menghan Shen (Sun Yatsen University), Zhiwei Tang, Xiaoyang Ye



A Tale of An Aging Society with Digital Revolution Authors
Authors: Mingxing Huang (Peking University), Xun Li

NOTE: Each presentation consists of 20-25 minute presentation time and 5-10 minute Q&A.


  • Institute       for       Economic       and       Social        Research,        Jinan       University,
  • Global Labor Organization,

Organizing Committee

Klaus F. Zimmermann, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University & GLO
Shuaizhang Feng, Jinan University & GLO
Sen Xue, Jinan University & GLO


For inquiries regarding the conference, please contact Sen Xue at General inquiries regarding the submissions should be directed to

Lisa Cameron is the James Riady Chair of Asian Economics and Business and a Professorial Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne. She is an empirical micro-economist whose research incorporates the techniques of experimental and behavioural economics so as to better understand human decision-making. Much of her research focuses on policy evaluation – understanding the impacts and behavioural implications of public policy, with a focus on social and economic issues. She is particularly interested in the welfare of disadvantaged and marginalised groups and the socio-economic determinants of health. Much of her research to date has focused on developing countries, particularly Indonesia and China and she has extensive experience collaborating with agencies such as the World Bank and AusAID (DFAT). Lisa received her PhD from Princeton University in 1996. She was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences in 2013.

Junsen Zhang is currently a Distinguished University Professor in the School of Economics, Zhejiang University. Prof. Zhang is also Emeritus Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research (both theoretical and empirical) has focused on the economics of family behavior, including fertility, marriage, education, intergenerational transfers, marital transfers, gender bias, and old-age support. He also works on family-related macro issues, such as ageing, social security, and economic growth. Using many data sets from different countries (regions), either micro or macro, he has studied economic issues in Canada, the US, the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, as well as Mainland China. Most of his recent research has been on the economics of the family using Chinese data. He has published over 100 papers in major refereed international journals. Many of them were published in leading economics journals or in leading field journals. According to a ranking by RePEc dated May 2018, Junsen Zhang ranks as the number one economist in the field of the Chinese economy. He was Editor of the Journal of Population Economics from 2001 to 2020 and has been Co-Editor of Journal of Human Resources since February 2019. He was the President of the Hong Kong Economic Association from 2007 to 2011. In 2013, he was elected as a Fellow of the Econometric Society.


GLO-EBES events: Report on EBES-40/Istanbul & announcement of EBES-41 in Berlin

EBES-40 in Istanbul took place on July 6-8, 2022 in hybrid mode (see EBES program). GLO had supported the event with two sessions (see program, link to session videos and pictures below). A plenary session was the monthly GLO Virtual Seminar, the second session was on human resources issues with chapters from the Springer Nature Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics.

EBES-41 in Berlin is jointly organized hybrid with GLO in collaboration with FOM University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (Germany), October 12-14, 2022. Submission deadline: September 9! Further details.

Chair: Klaus F. Zimmermann (EBES & GLO & UNU-MERIT, The Netherlands & Free University Berlin, Germany). Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics

  • Climate Change in Historical Perspective: Violence, Conflict, and Migration
    Qing Pei* (Education University of Hong Kong and GLO), Yingqi Long (Education University of Hong Kong) and Xiaolin Lin (Education University of Hong Kong)
  • Labor Market Agglomeration Economies
    Shihe Fu (Xiamen University and GLO)
  • Well-being in Old and Very Old Age
    Johanna Hartung* (University of Bonn); Janina Nemitz (Helsana Insurance Company Ltd) and Gizem Hülür (University of Bonn)
  • Earnings Discrimination in the Workplace
    John Forth (Bayes Business School) and Nikolaos Theodoropoulos* (University of Cyprus and GLO)
  • Age at Marriage
    Pavel Jelnov (University of Hannover and GLO)
  • Maternity Leave
    Krishna Regmi (Kennesaw State University) and Le Wang (University of Oklahoma and GLO)

* presenting

GLO Virtual Seminar and Video

GLO Handbook Session and Video


Call for contributions: 41th EBES Conference jointly organized hybrid with GLO in collaboration with FOM University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (Germany), October 12-14, 2022. Submission deadline: September 9!

41st EBES Conference – Berlin will take place on October 12th, 13th, 14th, 2022 in Berlin, Germany with the support of the Istanbul Economic Research Association. The event is jointly organized in Hybrid Mode (online and in-person) with the Global Labor Organization (GLO) and in collaboration with the FOM University of Applied Sciences.

FOM, GLO & EBES are collaborating organizations; GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann is also President of EBES. GLO will provide a number of invited sessions to the program announced in time.

Interested researchers from around the world are cordially invited to submit their abstracts or papers for presentation consideration.

Invited Speakers

EBES is pleased to announce that distinguished colleagues Cristiano Antonelli, Dorothea Schäfer, Marco Vivarelli and Klaus F. Zimmermann will participate as keynote speakers and/or invited editors.

Cristiano Antonelli holds the chair of Political Economy of the University of Torino. He is Fellow of the Collegio Carlo Alberto where he guides the BRICK (Bureau of Research on Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge) and the Managing Editor of Economics of Innovation and New Technology (since volume 5 1997-1998). His recent books include: Antonelli, C. (2017), “Endogenous Innovation: The Economics of an Emergent System Property”, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar; Antonelli, C. (2018), “The Evolutionary Complexity of Endogenous Innovation. The Engines of the Creative Response”, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar; Antonelli, C. (2019), “The Knowledge Growth Regime: A Schumpeterian Approach” London, Palgrave MacMillan, Antonelli, C. and Colombelli, A. (2022), “The Creative Response: Knowledge and Innovation”, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, Antonelli, C. ed. (2022), Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.

Dorothea Schäfer is the Research Director of Financial Markets at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and Adjunct Professor of Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University. She has also worked as an evaluator for the European Commission, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and Chairwoman of Evaluation Committee for LOEWE (Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz des Bundeslandes Hessen). She managed various research projects supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the EU Commission, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and the Stiftung Geld und Währung. Her researches were published in various journals such as Journal of Financial Stability; German Economic Review; International Journal of Money and Finance; and Small Business Economics. She is regularly invited as an expert in parliamentary committees, including the Finance Committee of the Bundestag and gives lectures on financial market issues in Germany and abroad. She is also a member of the Editorial Board and Editor-in-Chief of the policy-oriented journal “Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung” and Editor-in-Chief of Eurasian Economic Review. Her research topics include financial crisis, financial market regulation, financing constraints, gender, and financial markets, financial transaction tax.

Marco Vivarelli is a full professor at the Catholic University of Milano, where he is also Director of the Institute of Economic Policy. He is Professorial Fellow at UNU-MERIT, Maastricht; Research Fellow at IZA; Fellow of the Global Labor Organization (GLO). He is member of the Scientific Executive Board of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES); member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO, Vienna) and has been scientific consultant for the International Labour Office (ILO), World Bank (WB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the European Commission. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Eurasian Business Review, Editor of Small Business Economics, Associate Editor of Industrial and Corporate Change, Associate Editor of Economics EJournal, member of the Editorial Board of Sustainability and he has served as a referee for more than 70 international journals. He is author/editor of various books and his papers have been published in journals such as Cambridge Journal of Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, Industrial and Corporate Change, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economics, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Labour Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Regional Studies, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, Southern Economic Journal, World Bank Research Observer, and World Development. His current research interests include the relationship between innovation, employment, and skills; the labor market and income distribution impacts of globalization; the entry and post-entry performance of newborn firms.

Klaus F. Zimmermann is President of EBES; President of the Global Labor Organization (GLO); Co-Director of POP at UNU-MERIT; Full Professor of Economics at Bonn University (ret.); Honorary Professor, Maastricht University, Free University of Berlin, Renmin University of China and Lixin University; Member, German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Regional Science Academy, and Academia Europaea. Among others, he has worked at Macquarie University, the Universities of Melbourne, Princeton, Harvard, Munich, Kyoto, Mannheim, Dartmouth College and the University of Pennsylvania. Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and Fellow of the European Economic Association (EEA). Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Population Economics. Editorial Board of International Journal of Manpower, Research in Labor Economics and Comparative Economic Studies, among others. Founding Director, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA); Past-President, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW). Distinguished John G. Diefenbaker Award 1998 of the Canada Council for the Arts; Outstanding Contribution Award 2013 of the European Investment Bank. Rockefeller Foundation Policy Fellow 2017; Eminent Research Scholar Award 2017, Australia; EBES Fellow Award 2018. He has published in many top journals including Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Public Choice, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Population Economics and Journal of Public Economics. His research fields are population, labor, development, and migration.

Executive Board

Prof. Klaus F. Zimmermann, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, and Free University Berlin
Prof. Jonathan Batten, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Iftekhar Hasan, Fordham University, U.S.A.
Prof. Euston Quah, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. John Rust, Georgetown University, U.S.A.
Prof. Dorothea Schäfer, German Institute for Economic Research DIW Berlin, Germany
Prof. Marco Vivarelli, Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Abstract/Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts or papers no later than September 9, 2022.

For submission, please visit

No submission fee is required.

General inquiries regarding the call for papers should be directed to

Publication Opportunities

Qualified papers can be published in EBES journals (Eurasian Business Review and Eurasian Economic Review) or EBES proceedings books after a peer review process without any submission or publication fees. EBES journals (EABR and EAER) are published by Springer and both are indexed in the SCOPUS, EBSCO EconLit with Full Text, Google Scholar, ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide, CNKI, EBSCO Business Source, EBSCO Discovery Service, ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, ProQuest ABI/INFORM, ProQuest Business Premium Collection, ProQuest Central, ProQuest Turkey Database, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon, Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Naver, SCImago, ABDC Journal Quality List, Cabell’s Directory, and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. In addition, while EAER is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), EABR is indexed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Current Contents / Social & Behavioral Sciences.

Also, all accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the Conference Program and the Abstract Book (with an ISBN number). It will be distributed to all conference participants at the conference via USB. Although submitting full papers are not required, all the submitted full papers will also be included in the conference proceedings in a USB.

After the conference, participants will also have the opportunity to send their paper to be published (after a refereeing process managed by EBES) in the Springer’s series Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics (no submission and publication fees). This is indexed by Scopus. It will also be sent to Clarivate Analytics in order to be reviewed for coverage in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). Please note that the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th (Vol. 2), 21st, 24th, and 25th EBES Conference Proceedings are accepted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). Other conference proceedings are in progress.

Important Dates

Conference Date: October 12-14, 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline: September 9, 2022
Reply-by: September 12, 2022*
Registration Deadline: September 20, 2022
Submission of the Virtual Presentation: September 21, 2022
Announcement of the Program: September 26, 2022
Paper Submission Deadline (Optional): September 21, 2022**
Paper Submission for the EBES journals: December 9, 2022

* The decision regarding the acceptance/rejection of each abstract/paper will be communicated with the corresponding author within a week of submission.

** Completed paper submission is optional. If you want to be considered for the Best Paper Award or your full paper to be included in the conference proceedings in the USB, after submitting your abstract before September 9, 2022, you must also submit your completed (full) paper by September 21, 2022.


Ugur Can, Director of EBES (
Ender Demir, Conference Coordinator of EBES (

Conference Link

The Fifth IESR-GLO Conference (August 29-31, 2022) on Social Policy Under Global Challenges: Second Call for Papers Deadline August 14.

The Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR) at Jinan University and the Global Labor Organization (GLO) are jointly organizing the Fifth IESR-GLO Conference online.

  • Beijing Time August 29 to August 31, 2022 through Zoom
  • Theme is Social Policy Under Global Challenges
  • Keynote speakers are: Lisa Cameron and Junsen Zhang

The IESR-GLO annual conference is aimed to provide a platform for scholars and experts to exchange ideas on the current pressing economic issues through presentations of high-quality academic papers and policy discussions. Previous IESR-GLO Conferences have covered topics such as the Social Safety Net and Welfare Programs in 2021, Economics of Covid-19 in 2020 and on the labor markets in Belt and Road countries in 2019.

The event is observed by the Journal of Population Economics.


  • We welcome papers on topics related to social policies, especially social assistance and its reform experience.
  • Please submit full papers or extended abstracts to
    no later than August 14, 2022 (Beijing Time, GMT+8).
  • The corresponding author will be notified of the decision by August 22, 2022.
  • No submission or participation fee is required.


  • Institute       for       Economic       and       Social        Research,        Jinan       University,
  • Global Labor Organization,

Organizing Committee

Klaus F. Zimmermann, GLO
Shuaizhang Feng, Jinan University
Sen Xue, Jinan University


For inquiries regarding the conference, please contact Sen Xue at General inquiries regarding the submissions should be directed to

Lisa Cameron is the James Riady Chair of Asian Economics and Business and a Professorial Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne. She is an empirical micro-economist whose research incorporates the techniques of experimental and behavioural economics so as to better understand human decision-making. Much of her research focuses on policy evaluation – understanding the impacts and behavioural implications of public policy, with a focus on social and economic issues. She is particularly interested in the welfare of disadvantaged and marginalised groups and the socio-economic determinants of health. Much of her research to date has focused on developing countries, particularly Indonesia and China and she has extensive experience collaborating with agencies such as the World Bank and AusAID (DFAT). Lisa received her PhD from Princeton University in 1996. She was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences in 2013.

Junsen Zhang is currently a Distinguished University Professor in the School of Economics, Zhejiang University. Prof. Zhang is also Emeritus Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research (both theoretical and empirical) has focused on the economics of family behavior, including fertility, marriage, education, intergenerational transfers, marital transfers, gender bias, and old-age support. He also works on family-related macro issues, such as ageing, social security, and economic growth. Using many data sets from different countries (regions), either micro or macro, he has studied economic issues in Canada, the US, the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, as well as Mainland China. Most of his recent research has been on the economics of the family using Chinese data. He has published over 100 papers in major refereed international journals. Many of them were published in leading economics journals or in leading field journals. According to a ranking by RePEc dated May 2018, Junsen Zhang ranks as the number one economist in the field of the Chinese economy. He was Editor of the Journal of Population Economics from 2001 to 2020 and has been Co-Editor of Journal of Human Resources since February 2019. He was the President of the Hong Kong Economic Association from 2007 to 2011. In 2013, he was elected as a Fellow of the Econometric Society.


Reminder: Summer Online Event of the Journal of Population Economics on July 15, 2022. How to participate at all times.

The Journal of Population Economics JOPE Summer Event will take place online on 15 July 2022 (10.30-19.30 CEST Berlin/German time) on the hundredth birthday of Jacob Mincer, hero of labor, household and population economics. A session will reflect on his work. Other sessions report on the highlights of new JOPE articles, including lead paper issues such as religiosity & the U.S. Capitol Riot and topics like abortions, climate & the Covid-19 pandemic, among others…..

The selection of articles presented are from volume 35 issue 3 (July) and issue 4 (October) 2022; issue 4 is released online TODAY.

Participation is open for the public and around the world, starting with participants from Australia and Asia, covering research from Africa and Europe, and ending with work from the US and Latin America. Online conferencing makes this all possible.

  • When? July 15, 2022; 10.30-19.30 CEST Berlin/Germany time. Join full or in parts as of interest.
  • What? An overview of the sessions of the program with access to all JOPE papers is provided HERE.
  • How? Registration Zoom details are available HERE. A further provided click will bring you to the event.

40th EBES Conference: Editors discussed publication issues.

During the EBES 40 Conference (6-8 July 2022) in Istanbul and hybrid, an Editor’s Panel Session on July 6 discussed publication issues in research journals. 4 Editors-in-Chief exchanged views and answered questions from the local and worldwide audience moderated by EBES & GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann.


Clockwise from above:

  • Klaus F. Zimmermann, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Population Economics, SSCI Impact Factor (IF) 2021: 4.7
  • Douglas Cumming, Editor-in-Chief, British Journal of Management, IF (2021): 7.5
  • Jonathan A. Batten, Editor, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money IF (2021): 4.2 & Chief Editor, Finance Research Letters, IF (2021): 9.8
  • Marco Vivarelli, Editor-in-Chief, Eurasian Business Review, IF (2021): 3.6


GLO-supported session on “Health” at the forthcoming conference of the Southern Economic Association.

GLO Cluster Lead Kompal Sinha has organized a session on behalf of GLO for the forthcoming conference of the Southern Economic Association, November 19 – 21, 2022.

  • Session title: Health
  • Session Chair: Kompal Sinha, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
  • Section Editor: Kompal Sinha, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (link)

Session Chair:
Kompal Sinha
Economics of disabilityPresenter: Sophie Mitra, Fordham University, NY. Discussant: TBC
Economics of organ donationPresenter: Julio Elias, Universidad del CEMA, Buenos Aires. Discussant: Bijan J. Borah, Mayo Clinic, Minnesota
Economics of sin taxPresenter: Anurag Sharma, University of New South Wales, Sydney. Discussant: Santosh Kumar, Sam Houston State University, Texas.
Intergenerational health mobilityPresenter: Tim Halliday, University of Hawaii, Hawaii Discussant: Subha Mani, Fordham University, NY.


Well-Being 2022: Knowledge for informed decisions. A Conference Report.

The GLO-sponsored conference Well-Being 2022: Knowledge for informed decisions has recently concluded. From June 1st to 4th, approximately 90 speakers from around the world came together in Luxembourg to discuss the quest for better lives.

Hosted by STATEC Research, the organizing team included GLO Fellows Francesco Sarracino and Kelsey O’Connor and was supported by an international Scientific Committee, including among others, GLO Fellows Milena Nikolova (GLO Cluster Lead Happiness) and Stephanie Rossouw.

Participants addressed questions such as: How do we promote well-being? What are the best policies? What is the role for civil society? How can these insights help us to address the environmental, social, and economic challenges of today and the future? Additional topics pertaining primarily to subjective well-being more generally were also presented.

For details, see the program here. For recordings of the main events, see STATEC Research’s YouTube page here

In addition to 26 parallel sessions, the event included: opening remarks from the Minister of the Economy (Franz Fayot); a round table discussion on how policy-makers can integrate the findings from well-being studies (including panelists from Luxembourg, Martijn Burger (Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization (EHERO)), Nancy Hey (What Works Centre for Wellbeing), and Katherine Scrivens (OECD)); a presentation of the new PIBien-etre Report about quality of life in Luxembourg, by Serge Allegrezza (Director of STATEC); an opening talk from a civil society activist (author and filmmaker, John De Graaf); a workshop on the World Database of Happiness by its creator Ruut Veenhoven; four keynote speeches by Stefano Bartolini, Andrew Clark, Carol Graham, and Andrew Oswald; and a very lively and fun social dinner.

We encourage you to share widely in hopes that collectively we can turn some of this momentum into change. You can see STATEC Research’s updates, including those pertaining to their seminar series, on their LinkedIn page here.

The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), Caritas Luxembourg, and International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) also sponsored the event. For complete details, see the website


Register now to meet authors & editors at the Summer Event of the Journal of Population Economics on July 15, 2022.

The Journal of Population Economics JOPE Summer Event will take place online on 15 July 2022 (10.30-19.30 CEST Berlin/German time) on the hundredth birthday of Jacob Mincer, hero of labor, household and population economics. A session will reflect on his work. Others report on the highlights of new and forthcoming JOPE articles , including lead paper issues such as religiosity & the U.S. Capitol Riot and topics like abortions, climate & the Covid-19 pandemic, among others…..

Participation is open for the public and around the world, starting with participants from Australia and Asia, covering research from Africa and Europe, and ending with work from the US and Latin America. Online conferencing makes this all possible.

Register in time to meet the authors to get informed about new research and to ask questions. Authors will present the highlights of their articles published in issues 35:3 (issue just published) and 35:4 (issue in print, articles published online already) of 2022.

Meet the authors! Talk to the editors! You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: July 15, 2022; 10.30-19.30 CEST Berlin/Germany time. Join full or in part as of interest.
Register in advance for this meeting: EVENT OVER
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the personal event link. You will then be reminded a few hours before the event starts.

POST EVENT NOTE: Access to Video of the conference.


Presenting authors in bold! Scheduled times all CEST/Berlin-Germany. Lead papers have 20 min presentation & 10 min for Q&A; regular papers 10 (presentation) and 5 (Q&A).

10:30-10.35 Welcome: Klaus F. Zimmermann, Editor-in-Chief

10:35-12:30 Paper Session I. Chair: Kompal Sinha, Editor

12.30-13.30 BREAK

13:30-15:00 Paper Session II. Chair: Ainoa Aparicio-Fenoll, Associate Editor

15.00-15.15 BREAK

15:15-16:15 Jacob Mincer Centennial. Chair: Klaus F. Zimmermann, Editor-in-Chief

  • Pedro N. Teixeira, Secretary of State for Higher Education in the Portuguese Government, author of Jacob Mincer. A Founding Father of Modern Labor Economics, Oxford University Press
  • Barry Chiswick, JOPE Advisory Board, former Associate Editor

16.15- 17.15 Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) Progress

  • Progress report: Klaus F. Zimmermann, Editor-in-Chief
  • Reflections on publishing: Terra McKinnish, Editor; Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, Editor
  • Q & R with the audience.

17.15-17.30 BREAK

17:30-19:30 Paper Session III. Chair: Madeline Zavodny, Managing Editor

Vol. 35, Issue 3, July 2022: Journal of Population Economics: 15 articles

Annual Journal of Population Economics Report 2021: many submissions, fast first decisions, high impact. JOPE EiC Report 2021.

CiteScore of JOPE moves up from 3.9 (2020) to 6.5 (2021). LINK
Similar, its Impact Factor is now 4.7 (2021) after 2.8 (2020). LINK


The Fifth IESR-GLO Conference (August 29-31, 2022) on Social Policy Under Global Challenges: Call for Papers Deadline August 14.

The Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR) at Jinan University and the Global Labor Organization (GLO) are jointly organizing the Fifth IESR-GLO Conference online.

  • Beijing Time August 29 to August 31, 2022 through Zoom.
  • Theme is Social Policy Under Global Challenges
  • Keynote speakers are: Lisa Cameron and Junsen Zhang

The IESR-GLO annual conference is aimed to provide a platform for scholars and experts to exchange ideas on the current pressing economic issues through presentations of high-quality academic papers and policy discussions. Previous IESR-GLO Conferences have covered topics such as the Social Safety Net and Welfare Programs in 2021, Economics of Covid-19 in 2020 and on the labor markets in Belt and Road countries in 2019.


  • We welcome papers on topics related to social policies, especially social assistance and its reform experience.
  • Please submit full papers or extended abstracts to
    no later than August 14, 2022 (Beijing Time, GMT+8).
  • The corresponding author will be notified of the decision by August 22, 2022.
  • No submission or participation fee is required.


  • Institute       for       Economic       and       Social        Research,        Jinan       University,
  • Global Labor Organization,

Organizing Committee

Klaus F. Zimmermann, GLO
Shuaizhang Feng, Jinan University
Sen Xue, Jinan University


For inquiries regarding the conference, please contact Sen Xue at General inquiries regarding the submissions should be directed to

Lisa Cameron is the James Riady Chair of Asian Economics and Business and a Professorial Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne. She is an empirical micro-economist whose research incorporates the techniques of experimental and behavioural economics so as to better understand human decision-making. Much of her research focuses on policy evaluation – understanding the impacts and behavioural implications of public policy, with a focus on social and economic issues. She is particularly interested in the welfare of disadvantaged and marginalised groups and the socio-economic determinants of health. Much of her research to date has focused on developing countries, particularly Indonesia and China and she has extensive experience collaborating with agencies such as the World Bank and AusAID (DFAT). Lisa received her PhD from Princeton University in 1996. She was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences in 2013.

Junsen Zhang is currently a Distinguished University Professor in the School of Economics, Zhejiang University. Prof. Zhang is also Emeritus Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research (both theoretical and empirical) has focused on the economics of family behavior, including fertility, marriage, education, intergenerational transfers, marital transfers, gender bias, and old-age support. He also works on family-related macro issues, such as ageing, social security, and economic growth. Using many data sets from different countries (regions), either micro or macro, he has studied economic issues in Canada, the US, the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, as well as Mainland China. Most of his recent research has been on the economics of the family using Chinese data. He has published over 100 papers in major refereed international journals. Many of them were published in leading economics journals or in leading field journals. According to a ranking by RePEc dated May 2018, Junsen Zhang ranks as the number one economist in the field of the Chinese economy. He was Editor of the Journal of Population Economics from 2001 to 2020 and has been Co-Editor of Journal of Human Resources since February 2019. He was the President of the Hong Kong Economic Association from 2007 to 2011. In 2013, he was elected as a Fellow of the Econometric Society.


GLO sessions at EBES-40 in Istanbul on July 7, 2022

EBES-40 in Istanbul takes place on July 6-8, 2022 in hybrid mode (see EBES program). GLO supports the event with two sessions (local Istanbul time):

Chair: Klaus F. Zimmermann (EBES & GLO & UNU-MERIT, The Netherlands & Free University Berlin, Germany). Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics

  • Climate Change in Historical Perspective: Violence, Conflict, and Migration
    Qing Pei* (Education University of Hong Kong and GLO), Yingqi Long (Education University of Hong Kong) and Xiaolin Lin (Education University of Hong Kong)
  • Labor Market Agglomeration Economies
    Shihe Fu (Xiamen University and GLO)
  • Well-being in Old and Very Old Age
    Johanna Hartung* (University of Bonn); Janina Nemitz (Helsana Insurance Company Ltd) and Gizem Hülür (University of Bonn)
  • Earnings Discrimination in the Workplace
    John Forth (Bayes Business School) and Nikolaos Theodoropoulos* (University of Cyprus and GLO)
  • Age at Marriage
    Pavel Jelnov (University of Hannover and GLO)
  • Maternity Leave
    Krishna Regmi (Kennesaw State University) and Le Wang (University of Oklahoma and GLO)

* presenting


Call for papers for special issue on: Faith-based education and development. Deadline October 1, 2022.

GLO Southeast Asia Lead Niaz Asadullah is co-editing a special issue for the International Journal of Educational Development (IJED). The editors are inviting interested authors to submit proposals for review. Prospective authors are also encouraged to make informal queries to guest editors by email. Deadline for full paper submission is 1st Oct 2022. See below for a summary of the call and here for a link to the official call through Elsevier.

Call Details: Faith-based education and development: Opportunities, challenges, and controversies

The special issue explores the possible distinctive contributions, roles, and issues related to faith-based schools and educational actors and how they are situated in contexts.

Guest editors:

TJ D’AgostinoAssistant Professor of the Practice, University of Notre Dame Institute for Educational Initiatives (

Niaz AsadullahProfessor of Education Economics, Monash University Malaysia School of Business (

Special issue information:

Faith-based education has long played a vital role in education systems globally. We are seeking manuscripts for a special issue of IJED that explores the possible distinctive contributions, roles, and issues related to faith-based schools and educational actors and how they are situated in contexts. Manuscripts may cover a range of disciplinary perspectives on topics that may include:

  • comparative non-academic outcomes (e.g. civic, etc.);
  • role and contributions to educational development / SGDs, opportunities and challenges of partnering
  • political and legal issues, challenges, and conflicts
  • organizational identity
  • funding models and regulatory approaches
  • benefits or challenges of engaging
  • historical development
  • intersection of social contexts and role / mission

Manuscript submission information:

You are invited to submit your manuscript at any time before the submission deadline of 1st October 2022. For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact Professor TJ D’Agostino at

International migration and the religious schooling of children in the home country: evidence from Bangladesh
Khandker Wahedur Rahman
Published OPEN ACCESS in the Journal of Population Economics.


Regulating Abortions in the United States. Report & Video of a Research Meeting of the Journal of Population Economics.

Abortion issues are again on the agenda in may societies around the globe. Academic research can inform the public debate. The Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) is a scientific outlet for studying important issues. It has published a larger number of relevant papers recently on this topic. Two new papers studying abortion regulations in the United States were presented on June 1, 2022 open to the public. JOPE Editor-in-Chief Klaus F. Zimmermann (GLO, UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University) has opened the event, and Managing Editor Madeline Zavodny (University of North Florida) had chaired the session.

JOPE Research Workshop on Abortion Issues II (see Abortion Issues I)
Wednesday June 1; 4-5 pm CEST (Berlin time) Chair: Madeline Zavodny (University of North Florida)

Event Video

Free access to the papers see below.

  • Caitlin Knowles Myers (Middlebury College, USA)
    Confidential and legal access to abortion and contraception in the United States, 1960-2020

  • Grace Arnold (Portland State University, USA)
    The Impact of Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers Laws on Abortions and Births

Recently published JOPE abortion research:

Vol. 35, Issue 3, July 2022: Journal of Population Economics: 15 articles


Consequences of Abortion Bans in India & Romania. Report & Video: Research event of the Journal of Population Economics.

Abortion issues are again on the agenda in may societies around the globe. Academic research can inform the public debate. The Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) is a scientific outlet for studying important issues. It has published a larger number of relevant papers recently. Two new papers on the consequences of abortion bans were presented on May 31, 2022 open to the public. JOPE Editor-in-Chief Klaus F. Zimmermann (GLO, UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University) has opened the event, and Managing Editor Michaella Vanore (UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University) chaired the session.

JOPE Research Workshop on Abortion Issues I (see Abortion Issues II)

Tuesday May 31; 4-5 pm CEST (Berlin time) Chair: Michaella Vanore (UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University)

Event Video 

  • Anisha Sharma (Ashoka University, India)
    Unwanted daughters: the unintended consequences of a ban on sex-selective abortions on the educational attainment of women
  • Federico H. Gutierrez (Bates White, previously Vanderbilt University, USA)
    The inter-generational fertility effect of an abortion ban

Free access to the papers see below.

Recently published JOPE abortion research:

Vol. 35, Issue 3, July 2022: Journal of Population Economics: 15 articles


Call for conference contributions on Covid-19 Econometrics, London 17-19 December, 2022.

King’s College London, UK. 17-19 December 2022.

On behalf of the GLO, Sergio Scicchitano  (Lead of the Coronavirus GLO Cluster) is organizing the “Session CO551: Covid-19 econometrics” at the 16th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2022).


Talk next week to the authors: Research for the Abortion Debate in the Journal of Population Economics. Register for the online workshops on May 31 & June 1.

Abortion issues are again on the agenda in may societies around the globe. Academic research can inform the public debate. The Journal of Population Economics ((JOPE) is a scientific outlet for studying important issues. It has published a larger number of relevant papers recently, which are discussed in the workshops announced below. The events are open to the general public. Use this chance to discuss research findings with the authors. Prior registration to both parts separately is required. JOPE Editor-in-Chief Klaus F. Zimmermann (GLO, UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University) will open the events, and Managing Editors Michaella Vanore (UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University) and Madeline Zavodny (University of North Florida) will chair the sessions.

JOPE Research Workshop on Abortion Issues I
Tuesday May 31; 4-5 pm CEST (Berlin time) Chair: Michaella Vanore (UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University)

  • Anisha Sharma (Ashoka University, India)
    Unwanted daughters: the unintended consequences of a ban on sex-selective abortions on the educational attainment of women
  • Federico H. Gutierrez (Vanderbilt University, USA)
    The inter-generational fertility effect of an abortion ban

Prior registration required:

  • You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
    When: May 31, 2022 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Free access to the papers see below.

JOPE Research Workshop on Abortion Issues II
Wednesday June 1; 4-5 pm CEST (Berlin time) Chair: Madeline Zavodny (University of North Florida)

  • Caitlin Knowles Myers (Middlebury College, USA)
    Confidential and legal access to abortion and contraception in the United States, 1960-2020
  • Grace Arnold (Portland State University, USA)
    The Impact of Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers Laws on Abortions and Births

Prior registration required:

  • You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
    When: Jun 1, 2022 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Free access to the papers see below.

Forthcoming articles

In print in the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE):

GLO Fellow Grace Arnold (Portland State University, USA)

Author Abstract: This paper analyzes the impact of supply-side abortion restrictions on aggregate abortion and birth rates in the United States. Specifically, I exploit state and time variation in the implementation of the first targeted regulation of abortion provider (TRAP) law in a state to identify the effects of the laws. I find that TRAP laws are associated with a reduction in the abortion rate of approximately 5% the year the first law is implemented, and an average reduction of 11-14% in subsequent years. There is also evidence that TRAP laws increased birth rates by 2-3%, which accounts for approximately 80-100% of the observed decline in abortion rates.

GLO Fellow Caitlin Knowles Myers (Middlebury College, USA)

Author Abstract: An expansive empirical literature estimates the causal effects of policies governing young women’s confidential and legal access to contraception and abortion. I present a new review of changes in the historical policy environment in the United States that serve as the foundation of this work. I consult primary sources including annotated statutes, judicial rulings, attorney general opinions, and advisory articles in medical journals, as well as secondary sources including newspaper articles and snapshots of various policy environments prepared by scholars, advocates, and government organizations. Based on this review, I provide a suggested coding of the policy environment over the past 60 years. I also present and compare the legal coding schemes used in the empirical literature and where possible I resolve numerous and substantial discrepancies.

Access to more published JOPE research on abortion issues:

Vol. 35, Issue 3, July 2022: Journal of Population Economics: 15 articles


STOREP Covid Special Session. “Covid-19 pandemic and the future of economics and economic systems”.

Sergio Scicchitano (GLO Coronavirus Cluster Lead) organized with Minerva Lab (University La Sapienza of Rome) a session on “Covid-19 pandemic and the future of economics and economic systems” for STOREP, 26-28 May 2022, Tuscia University, Viterbo, Italy.

Program of the conference:
Economics and the Economic System: The Ecological Transition<br>19th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP) (

Session 5: [ISSUES](MinervaLab- INAPP) Covid-19 pandemic and the future of economics and economic systems
May 26, 2022 15:00 to 16:30 (Rome time)
The participation free at the link

Session Chair: Sergio Scicchitano, National Institute for Public Policies Analysis (INAPP)

By Carmen Aina; Università Piemonte Orientale
Irene Brunetti; INAPP – National Institute for Public Policy Analysis
Chiara Mussida; Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Sergio Scicchitano; National Institute for Public Policies Analysis (INAPP)
presented by: Irene Brunetti, INAPP – National Institute for Public Policy Analysis
Discussant:   Guglielmo Forges Davanzati, Università del Salento

The new industrial revolution: the optimal choice for flexible work companies
By Leonardo Becchetti; University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Francesco Salustri; Roma Tre & UCL
Nazaria Solferino; UNICAL
presented by: Francesco Salustri, Roma Tre & UCL
Discussant:   Davide Gualerzi, Università di Padova

By Marcella Corsi; Sapienza University of Rome
Ipek Ilkkaracan; Istanbul Technical University
presented by: Marcella Corsi, Sapienza University of Rome
Discussant:   Antonella Stirati, Università Roma Tre

Economics and the Economic System: The Ecological Transition 19th STOREP Annual Conference Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, 26-28 May 2022.


Report: GLO Public Lecture on 51 years of Bangladesh’s Development Achievements delivered by Niaz Asadullah.

Dr. Niaz Asadullah (PhD, Oxford), the Global Labor Organization (GLO) Lead of South Asia and Professor of Development Economics, Monash University Malaysia, delivered a public lecture titled “Bangladesh at 51: Achievements, Contradictions, and Challenges”, at North South University (NSU) in Dhaka on April 19, 2022.

The event was jointly organized by the Department of EconomicsSchool of Business & Economics (SBE), NSU, and GLO Southeast Asia Cluster. NSU Young Economists’ Forum (YEF), a student club of NSU affiliated with the Department of Economics, was the youth engagement partner of the event.

In his intriguing and thought-provoking lecture, Professor Niaz demystified Bangladesh’s development achievements since 1970s revisiting trends in a range of indicators across different sectors. He explained that Bangladesh’s social achievements in female schooling, fertility reduction, immunization coverage, contraception usage, and weakening of son preference in fertility are truly exceptional when compared with Pakistan, India and other countries at the same stage of economic development. These cases of ‘positive deviance’ point to a ‘development miracle’ i.e. systematic social progress achieved before Bangladesh’s recent surge in GDP growth.

Professor Niaz however cautioned that the public spendings on education and health as ratios of GDP are among the lowest in the world. If Bangladesh is to emulate the East Asian model of economic growth (e.g. South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia), then a drastic increase in education and health spending is necessary – mega infrastructure projects must be complemented with human capital development for sustainable development. Among other issues, Professor Niaz commented on the sustainability of our current economic progress, highlighting some worrying trends in data on FDI, exports, inequality, military expenditure and state capacity as well as the rise of plutocracy.

The public lecture was followed by a lively Q&A session where participants actively engaged with the speaker asking questions about the future of Bangladesh economy. The event was attended by over 200 students. NSU faculty members, the Chair of the Department of Economics Dr. Asad Karim Khan Priyo, the Dean of NSU SBE Dr. Abdul Hannan Chowdhury, and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of NSU Dr. M Ismail Hossain were all present in the lecture.

Pro-VC-Sir-Dean-Sir-Eco-Department-Chair-Director-of-Student-Affairs-and Faculty-Members

The event received extensive press coverage in the Bangladeshi media in outlets such as The News Time, The Daily Swadesh PratidinThe Daily Jugantorthe Daily JanakanthaThe Daily Bonik BartaThe Daily Bhorer Kagoj and The Daily Bporikroma.


Talk to the authors: Research for the Abortion Debate in the Journal of Population Economics. Register for online workshops on May 31 & June 1.

Abortion issues are again on the agenda in may societies around the globe. Academic research can inform the public debate. The Journal of Population Economics ((JOPE) is a scientific outlet for studying important issues. It has published a larger number of relevant papers recently, which are discussed in the workshops announced below. The events are open to the general public. Use this chance to discuss research findings with the authors. Prior registration to both parts separately is required. JOPE Editor-in-Chief Klaus F. Zimmermann (GLO, UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University) will open the events, and Managing Editors Michaella Vanore (UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University) and Madeline Zavodny (University of North Florida) will chair the sessions.

JOPE Research Workshop on Abortion Issues I
Tuesday May 31; 4-5 pm CEST (Berlin time) Chair: Michaella Vanore (UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University)

  • Anisha Sharma (Ashoka University, India)
    Unwanted daughters: the unintended consequences of a ban on sex-selective abortions on the educational attainment of women
  • Federico H. Gutierrez (Vanderbilt University, USA)
    The inter-generational fertility effect of an abortion ban

Prior registration required:

  • You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
    When: May 31, 2022 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Free access to the papers see below.

JOPE Research Workshop on Abortion Issues II
Wednesday June 1; 4-5 pm CEST (Berlin time) Chair: Madeline Zavodny (University of North Florida)

  • Caitlin Knowles Myers (Middlebury College, USA)
    Confidential and legal access to abortion and contraception in the United States, 1960-2020
  • Grace Arnold (Portland State University, USA)
    The Impact of Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers Laws on Abortions and Births

Prior registration required:

  • You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
    When: Jun 1, 2022 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Free access to the papers see below.

Forthcoming articles

In print in the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE):

GLO Fellow Grace Arnold (Portland State University, USA)

Author Abstract: This paper analyzes the impact of supply-side abortion restrictions on aggregate abortion and birth rates in the United States. Specifically, I exploit state and time variation in the implementation of the first targeted regulation of abortion provider (TRAP) law in a state to identify the effects of the laws. I find that TRAP laws are associated with a reduction in the abortion rate of approximately 5% the year the first law is implemented, and an average reduction of 11-14% in subsequent years. There is also evidence that TRAP laws increased birth rates by 2-3%, which accounts for approximately 80-100% of the observed decline in abortion rates.

GLO Fellow Caitlin Knowles Myers (Middlebury College, USA)

Author Abstract: An expansive empirical literature estimates the causal effects of policies governing young women’s confidential and legal access to contraception and abortion. I present a new review of changes in the historical policy environment in the United States that serve as the foundation of this work. I consult primary sources including annotated statutes, judicial rulings, attorney general opinions, and advisory articles in medical journals, as well as secondary sources including newspaper articles and snapshots of various policy environments prepared by scholars, advocates, and government organizations. Based on this review, I provide a suggested coding of the policy environment over the past 60 years. I also present and compare the legal coding schemes used in the empirical literature and where possible I resolve numerous and substantial discrepancies.

Access to more published JOPE research on abortion issues:

Vol. 35, Issue 3, July 2022: Journal of Population Economics: 15 articles


Economic preferences across generations and family clusters: A large-scale experiment in a developing country. Public Speech of Shyamal Chowdhury in Dhaka/Bangladesh on May 12, 2022.

Using data from large-scale experiments with entire families for Bangladesh, the research finds that both mothers’ and fathers’ risk, time and social preferences are significantly positively correlated with their children’s economic preferences. Results differ from evidence for rich countries.

Shyamal Chowdhury (University of Sydney) presents the paper in a public speech in the University of Dhaka on May 12, 2022.

GLO Discussion Paper No. 592, 2020 now forthcoming as

Economic preferences across generations and family clusters: A large-scale experiment in a developing country
Chowdhury, Shyamal & Sutter, Matthias & Zimmermann, Klaus F.

in: Journal of Political Economy

Free Pre-publication version

GLO Fellows Shyamal Chowdhury and Matthias Sutter & GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann

Author Abstract: Our large-scale experiment with 542 families from rural Bangladesh finds substantial intergenerational persistence of economic preferences. Both mothers’ and fathers’ risk, time and social preferences are significantly (and largely to the same degree) positively correlated with their children’s economic preferences, even when controlling for personality traits and socio-economic background. We discuss possible transmission channels and are the first to classify all families into one of two clusters, with either relatively patient, risk-tolerant and pro-social members or relatively impatient, risk averse and spiteful members. Classifications correlate with socio-economic background variables. We find that our results differ from evidence for rich countries.

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GLO Discussion Papers are research and policy papers of the GLO Network which are widely circulated to encourage discussion. Provided in cooperation with EconStor, a service of the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, GLO Discussion Papers are among others listed in RePEc (see IDEAS,  EconPapers)Complete list of all GLO DPs – downloadable for free.

The Global Labor Organization (GLO) is an independent, non-partisan and non-governmental organization that functions as an international network and virtual platform to stimulate global research, debate and collaboration.


VIDEO & REPORT: Spring Event of the Journal of Population Economics, 25 April 2022.

Meet the author! The Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) Spring Event took place online on 25 April 2022, 4-6 pm CEST (Maastricht, Dutch time). Authors presented the highlights of their articles published in issues 35:1 and 35:2 of 2022. Sessions were chaired by 4 journal editors. Various members of the JOPE Board present. Intensive discussions with a large audience. High number of participants registered.

Missed the event? Want to study details? Here is the Video of the event. Explore also the links to the papers provided below in the program outline!


Presenting authors in bold! Scheduled times all CEST/Maastricht-Netherlands

16:00-18:00/4-6 pm: Welcome: Klaus F. Zimmermann

16:00-16:30/4:00-4.30 pm — Elderly & YouthChair: Kompal Sinha

Havari: Unemployed Youth in Latvia

16:30-17.00/4:30-5.00 pm — Children Chair: Terra McKinnish

Strom: Children & Labor Outcome

17:00-17.30/5:00-5.30 pm — Covid-19Chair: Alfonso Flores-Lagunes

Skoda: Elections & Covid-19

17:30-18.00/5:30-6.00 pm — US ImmigrantsChair: Michaella Vanore

Regets: Immigrant Earnings I
Regets: Immigrant Earnings II


Explore the full set of JOPE papers (23 papers): January 2022, issue 1 & April 2022, issue 2

Annual Journal of Population Economics Report 2021: many submissions, fast first decisions, high impact. JOPE EiC Report 2021.

Vol. 35, Issue 3, July 2022: Journal of Population Economics: 15 articles


TODAY: Meet the author! Spring Event of the Journal of Population Economics, 4-6 pm CEST.

The Journal of Population Economics Spring Event will take place online on 25 April 2022, 4-6 pm CEST (Maastricht, Dutch time). Register in time to meet the authors to get informed about new research and to ask questions. Authors will present the highlights of their articles published in issues 35:1 and 35:2 of 2022.

Meet the author! You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Apr 25, 2022 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the personal event link.


Presenting authors in bold! Scheduled times all CEST/Maastricht-Netherlands

16:00-18:00/4-6 pm: Welcome: Klaus F. Zimmermann

16:00-16:30/4:00-4.30 pm Chair: Kompal Sinha

16:30-17.00/4:30-5.00 pm Chair: Terra McKinnish

17:00-17.30/5:00-5.30 pm Chair: Alfonso Flores-Lagunes

17:30-18.00/5:30-6.00 pm Chair: Michaella Vanore

Explore the full set of JOPE papers (23 papers): January 2022, issue 1 & April 2022, issue 2

Annual Journal of Population Economics Report 2021: many submissions, fast first decisions, high impact. JOPE EiC Report 2021.

Vol. 35, Issue 3, July 2022: Journal of Population Economics: 15 articles


Call for contributions: 40th EBES Conference, Istanbul/Turkey, 6-8 July 2022. Submission deadline for abstracts is May 27!

Interested researchers are cordially invited to submit their abstracts or papers for presentation consideration. The 40th EBES Conference in Istanbul will take place on July 6-8, 2022 in Hybrid Mode (online and in-person). The event is supported by the Istanbul Economic Research Association. GLO & EBES are collaborating organizations; GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann is also President of EBES.

Invited Speakers

EBES is pleased to announce that distinguished colleagues Iftekhar Hasan, Narjess Boubakri, Douglas Cumming, Jonathan A. Batten, Marco Vivarelli and Klaus F. Zimmermann will participate as keynote speakers and/or invited editors.

Jonathan Batten is professor of finance and CIMB-UUM Chair in Banking and Finance at the School of Economics, Finance and Banking at the University Utara Malaysia (Malaysia). Prior to this position, he worked at the Monash University (Australia), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong), and Seoul National University (Korea). He is a well-known academician who has published articles in many of the leading economics and finance journals and currently serves as the Editor of Emerging Markets Review (SSCI), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money (SSCI), and Finance Research Letters (SSCI). He was also the President of EBES from July 2014 till December 2018. His current research interests include: financial market development and risk management; spread modelling arbitrage and market integration; and the investigation of the non-linear dynamics of financial prices.

Narjess Boubakri is professor of Finance at American University of Sharjah (AUS) (United Arab Emirates) where she joined in 2007. She is currently the Dean of the School of Business Administration at AUS as well. She has taught at Laval University and HEC Montreal School of Business (Canada). She has also several editorial roles at leading journals such as Editor (Finance Research Letters), Co-Editor (Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance), Associate Editor (Journal of Corporate Finance), and Subject Editor (Emerging Markets Review; Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, and Money; and Journal of International Business Policy). Her papers were published in well-known journals such as Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, and Journal of Accounting Research. Her research has been widely cited (Google Scholar=6,000+). Her research areas are Corporate Governance, Privatization, Corporate Finance, International Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Legal and Political Institutions, Lobbying, and Earnings Management.

Douglas Cumming, J.D., Ph.D., CFA, is the DeSantis Distinguished Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship at the College of Business, Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. Douglas has published over 195 articles in leading refereed academic journals in finance, management, and law and economics, such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of International Business Studies. His work has been cited over 19,000 times according to Google Scholar. He is the Managing Editor-in-Chief of the Review of Corporate Finance (2021-current) and British Journal of Management (2020-current). Douglas has published 21 academic books, including Crowdfunding: Fundamental Cases, Facts, and Insights (Elsevier Academic Press, 2019). Douglas’ work has been reviewed in numerous media outlets, including The Economist, The New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Wall Street Journal, and The New Yorker.

Iftekhar Hasan holds the title of university professor at Fordham University, where he also serves as the E. Gerald Corrigan Chair in Finance at the Gabelli School of Business, co-director of the Center for Research in Contemporary Finance, and director of the Ph.D. program. He further serves as a scientific advisor at the Bank of Finland; as a fractional faculty member at the University of Sydney; as a research fellow at the Financial Institution Center at the Wharton School as well as at the IWH Institute in Halle, Germany. He is the managing editor of the Journal of Financial Stability and has served as an associate editor with several other reputed academic journals. Professor Hasan’s research interests are in the areas of financial institutions, corporate finance, capital markets, and emerging economies. He has been involved in numerous academic research grants from different governmental, national, and international science foundations and organizations in the U.S. and abroad. Hasan has more than 375 publications in print, including 16 books and edited volumes, and more than 280 peer-reviewed articles in distinguished academic outlets in finance, economics, international business, management, accounting, operation research, and information systems, including JFE, JFQA, JB, JME, RF, JFI, JMCB, JCF, FM, JBF, JIMF, SMJ, JIBS, HRM, JoM, BJM, JBE, RP, JAR, CAR, RAST, JAPP, JAAF, ABR, MSc, EJOR, and JMIS. Professor Hasan has held visiting faculty positions at several research universities around the world, including the University of Rome, Italy; the University of Strasbourg, France; the University of Carlos III, Madrid; EPFL at Lausanne, Switzerland; the University of Limoges, France; National Taiwan University at Taipei; the University of Romania at Bucharest; Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, the University of Sydney, Australia; and NYU’s Stern School of Business. Professor Hasan has also been a consultant or a visiting scholar for numerous international organizations, including the World Bank, the IMF, the United Nations, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the Office of the Comptroller of Currency of the U.S. Treasury, the Banque de France, Development Bank of Japan, and the Italian Deposit Insurance Corporation. A Fulbright scholar and a Fulbright selector, Professor Hasan is also a recipient of a “Doctor Honoris Causa” degree from the Romanian-American University in Bucharest.

Marco Vivarelli is a full professor at the Catholic University of Milano, where he is also Director of the Institute of Economic Policy. He is Professorial Fellow at UNU-MERIT, Maastricht; Research Fellow at IZA; Fellow of the Global Labor Organization (GLO). He is member of the Scientific Executive Board of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES); member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO, Vienna) and has been scientific consultant for the International Labour Office (ILO), World Bank (WB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the European Commission. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Eurasian Business Review, Editor of Small Business Economics, Associate Editor of Industrial and Corporate Change, Associate Editor of Economics EJournal, member of the Editorial Board of Sustainability and he has served as a referee for more than 70 international journals. He is author/editor of various books and his papers have been published in journals such as Cambridge Journal of Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, Industrial and Corporate Change, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economics, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Labour Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Regional Studies, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, Southern Economic Journal, World Bank Research Observer, and World Development. His current research interests include the relationship between innovation, employment, and skills; the labor market and income distribution impacts of globalization; the entry and post-entry performance of newborn firms.

Klaus F. Zimmermann is President of EBES; President of the Global Labor Organization (GLO); Co-Director of POP at UNU-MERIT; Full Professor of Economics at Bonn University (ret.); Honorary Professor, Maastricht University, Free University of Berlin, Renmin University of China and Lixin University; Member, German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Regional Science Academy, and Academia Europaea. Among others, he has worked at Macquarie University, the Universities of Melbourne, Princeton, Harvard, Munich, Kyoto, Mannheim, Dartmouth College and the University of Pennsylvania. Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and Fellow of the European Economic Association (EEA). Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Population Economics. Editorial Board of International Journal of Manpower, Research in Labor Economics and Comparative Economic Studies, among others. Founding Director, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA); Past-President, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW). Distinguished John G. Diefenbaker Award 1998 of the Canada Council for the Arts; Outstanding Contribution Award 2013 of the European Investment Bank. Rockefeller Foundation Policy Fellow 2017; Eminent Research Scholar Award 2017, Australia; EBES Fellow Award 2018. He has published in many top journals including Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Public Choice, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Population Economics and Journal of Public Economics. His research fields are population, labor, development, and migration.

Executive Board

Prof. Klaus F. Zimmermann, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, and Free University Berlin
Prof. Jonathan Batten, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Iftekhar Hasan, Fordham University, U.S.A.
Prof. Euston Quah, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. John Rust, Georgetown University, U.S.A.
Prof. Dorothea Schäfer, German Institute for Economic Research DIW Berlin, Germany
Prof. Marco Vivarelli, Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Abstract/Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts or papers no later than May 27, 2022.

For submission, please visit our website at https: //

No submission fee is required.

General inquiries regarding the call for papers should be directed to

Publication Opportunities

Qualified papers can be published in EBES journals (Eurasian Business Review and Eurasian Economic Review) or EBES proceedings books after a peer review process without any submission or publication fees. EBES journals (EABR and EAER) are published by Springer and both are indexed in the SCOPUS, EBSCO EconLit with Full Text, Google Scholar, ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide, CNKI, EBSCO Business Source, EBSCO Discovery Service, ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, ProQuest ABI/INFORM, ProQuest Business Premium Collection, ProQuest Central, ProQuest Turkey Database, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon, Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Naver, SCImago, ABDC Journal Quality List, Cabell’s Directory, and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. In addition, while EAER is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), EABR is indexed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Current Contents / Social & Behavioral Sciences.

Also, all accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the Conference Program and the Abstract Book (with an ISBN number). It will be distributed to all conference participants at the conference via USB. Although submitting full papers are not required, all the submitted full papers will also be included in the conference proceedings in a USB.

After the conference, participants will also have the opportunity to send their paper to be published (after a refereeing process managed by EBES) in the Springer’s series Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics (no submission and publication fees). This is indexed by Scopus. It will also be sent to Clarivate Analytics in order to be reviewed for coverage in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). Please note that the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th (Vol. 2), 21st, 24th, and 25th EBES Conference Proceedings are accepted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). Other conference proceedings are in progress.

Important Dates

Conference Date: July 6-8, 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 27, 2022
Reply-by: June 8, 2022*
Registration Deadline: June 13, 2022
Submission of the Virtual Presentation: June 13, 2022
Announcement of the Program: June 16, 2022
Paper Submission Deadline (Optional): June 13, 2022**
Paper Submission for the EBES journals: October 15, 2022

* The decision regarding the acceptance/rejection of each abstract/paper will be communicated with the corresponding author within a week of submission.

** Completed paper submission is optional. If you want to be considered for the Best Paper Award or your full paper to be included in the conference proceedings in the USB, after submitting your abstract before May 27, 2022, you must also submit your completed (full) paper by June 13, 2022.


Ugur Can, Director of EBES (
Ender Demir, Conference Coordinator of EBES (

Conference Link

2022-23 GLO Virtual Young Scholars Program (GLO VirtYS). Deadline for Applications: June 20, 2022.

Global Labor Organization (GLO) invites interested young scholars to apply for participation in the 2022-23 GLO Virtual Young Scholars Program (GLO VirtYS). This is the fourth cohort of the successful GLO venture to support career developments of young researchers. It also provides a unique opportunity to interact with the large and very active GLO global research network.

2022-23 GLO Virtual Young Scholars Program (GLO VirtYS)

About GLO: The Global Labor Organization (GLO) is a global, independent, non-partisan and non-governmental organization that has no institutional position. The GLO functions as an international network and virtual platform for researchers, policy makers, practitioners and the general public interested in scientific research and its policy and societal implications on global labor markets, demographic challenges and human resources. These topics are defined broadly in line with its Mission to embrace the global diversity of labor markets, institutions, and policy challenges, covering advanced economies as well as transition and less developed countries.

Program’s Goal: In the spirit of the GLO Mission, the GLO VirtYS program’s goal is to contribute to the development of the future generation of researchers, who are committed to the creation of policy-relevant research, are well equipped to work in collaboration with policy makers and other stakeholders, and adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. This goal is achieved through the process of working on a specific research paper within the duration of the program, which is 10 months starting from September 2022.

Program’s Advisory Board:

  • Jan van Ours, Professor of Applied Economics, Erasmus School of Economics Rotterdam, Netherlands, & Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Marie Claire Villeval, Research Professor, CNRS GATE, France
  • Marco Vivarelli, Professor at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milano and Director of the Department of Economic Policy
  • Le Wang, Chong K. Liew Chair and Professor & President’s Associates Presidential Professor, University of Oklahoma, USA
  • Klaus F. Zimmermann, Professor Emeritus, Bonn University, UNU-MERIT & President of GLO

Program’s Activities:

  • Virtual kick-off meeting of all the participants and Thematic Cluster advisors, who will be appointed by the participating Cluster leads to match closely participants’ research interests.
  • One-to-one activities with the Thematic Cluster Advisor will be agreed upon at the beginning of the scholarship period in an Individual Research Plan. These activities at a minimum shall include 2-3 virtual consultations, 1 review round of the completed research work and a discussion of the amendments (if needed) to follow up.
  • Provide a virtual platform for the GLO VirtYS program participants to present their findings and receive feedback from their peers and the GLO wider community.
  • The scholarship will conclude in June 2023 followed by the presentations by the scholars within the GLO-wide seminar series in September 2023, after which the GLO Management Board will make a decision on whether to extend an invitation to the graduate of the GLO Virtual Scholar Program to join the organization as a GLO Fellow, based on the recommendation from their Thematic Cluster Advisors and evaluation of the GLO VirtYS Advisory Board.

Research proposals are invited within one of the following GLO thematic clusters:

  1. Coronavirus
  2. Development, Health, Inequality and Behavior
  3. Economics of Happiness
  4. EU Mobility
  5. Gender
  6. Labor and Wealth
  7. School-to-Work Transition
  8. South-East Asia
  9. Technological Change

Benefits to the GLO VYSP Scholars:

  • No fees: Participation is free for the scholars.
  • All GLO VirtYS program participants will become GLO Affiliates, if they are not already, and receive a GLO Bio page.
  • GLO VirtYS program participants will be listed with pictures on the website of the program.
  • Feedback on their research from leading researchers in the area of their interest.
  • Networking opportunities with researchers from other countries within the same area and beyond
  • (Priority) access to GLO activities.
  • Interactions with the scholars of the cohort, program’s alumni, and the future cohorts.
  • Opportunity to promote own research via GLO channels.
  • Completed research paper ready for submission to the GLO Discussion Paper series.
  • Possibility of promotion to GLO Fellow after exceptional performance.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Applicant must be either currently enrolled in a doctoral program or be within 2 years after graduation as evidenced by the letter from the degree awarding institution or a degree certificate.
  • Applicant must be at an advanced stage of the analysis of a specific research question within the corresponding GLO Thematic Cluster to which he/she is applying as evidenced by the submitted draft.
  • Applicant must be supported by a letter of endorsement from either one of the GLO Fellows or from the administration of one of the GLO supporting institutions.

How to apply: all application materials have to be submitted online. If there are any questions, please write to

Selection procedure:

The GLO Virtual Young Scholars will be selected by a Scientific Selection Committee consisting of the GLO VirtYS Program Director, GLO thematic cluster leads participating in the current year, and a member of the GLO Management Board.

The results of the selection will be posted on the GLO site by July 18, 2022. Scholars will be notified via email. In the 2022-23 academic year we expect to select 5-7 scholars.

The final research paper should be submitted by June 30th, 2023, by 5 pm GMT.

Upon completion of the program and based on the quality of the produced research paper, some of the GLO VirtYS programme graduates may be invited to become GLO Fellows and their paper accepted as a GLO Discussion Paper.

Evaluation criteria for applications:

  1. Research excellence (50 points)
  2. Policy relevance of the research question in a local and/or global context (25 points)
  3. Potential for capacity development (25 points) (preference will be given to the applicants for which the GLO Young Scholars Program can bring the highest capacity development, compared to what the applicant would have achieved without being a GLO Young Scholar)

Application procedure:

Many applicants apply in the last days before the submission deadline. To avoid last minute problems, we ask applicants to apply in advance. Applications received after the deadline or applications that do not meet the requirements set out below will not be accepted.

To apply please complete the online application form with three attachments:

1. Research proposal (maximum 2 pages including references, single-spaced, font size 12) should include the following information:

• Formulation of the problem/ research question.
• Research methodology (data and empirical approach).
• (Potential) Practical/Policy implications.
• Reference list.

2. 2-page CV

3. Transcript from the doctoral program or doctoral degree certificate

4. Letter of endorsement for the candidate and the research proposal from either one of the GLO fellows or from the administration of one of the GLO supporting institutions reflecting on the potential of the candidate to benefit from the Program and the merits of the research proposal.

Featured image: The-Coherent-Team-on-Unsplash


Reflecting Research on Covid-19. GLO Handbook Session at EBES 39: Video & Report.

The 39th EBES Conference in Rome took place on April 6-8, 2022 including a session on Covid-19 research on April 8. Organizer and Session Chair Sergio Scicchitano, National Institute for Public Policies Analysis (INAPP), was GLO Cluster Lead COVID-19 and Section Editor COVID-19 of the Handbook “Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics”. The presentations in this session refer to the review chapters in the Handbook, which is in production.

Day 3: Friday, April 8 (16:20-18:20 CEST, Rome time): VIDEO of the session

Featured image: fusion-medical-animation-rnr8D3FNUNY-unsplash


GLO SE Asia to Celebrate 51st Birthday of Bangladesh jointly with North South University

GLO is co-sponsoring a public lecture in Dhaka in collaboration with the country’s leading private higher educational institution — North South University (NSU) — to celebrate the 51st anniversary of Bangladesh. GLO Southeast Asia Lead, Niaz Asadullah, will deliver the lecture entitled “Bangladesh at 51: Achievements, Contradictions, and Challenges”. The main organizer is Department of Economics, School of Business & Economics (SBE) of NSU. The event is also supported by North South University Young Economists’ Forum (YEF) club.

Venue: Auditorium 801, NSU, Bashundhara City, Bangladesh

Date: 19 April 2022

Time: 11:30 am (Dhaka)

Contact of the local organizer: For media and event related queries, please contact HoD (Economics), Professor Asad Priyo ( .


Register: Meet the author! Spring Event on April 25 of the Journal of Population Economics.

The Journal of Population Economics Spring Event will take place online on 25 April 2022, 4-6 pm CEST (Maastricht, Dutch time). Register in time to meet the authors to get informed about new research and to ask questions. Authors will present the highlights of their articles published in issues 35:1 and 35:2 of 2022.

Meet the author! You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Apr 25, 2022 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the personal event link. You will be reminded about this link on April 25 in time.


Presenting authors in bold! Scheduled times all CEST/Maastricht-Netherlands

16:00-18:00/4-6 pm: Welcome: Klaus F. Zimmermann

16:00-16:30/4:00-4.30 pm Chair: Kompal Sinha

16:30-17.00/4:30-5.00 pm Chair: Terra McKinnish

17:00-17.30/5:00-5.30 pm Chair: Alfonso Flores-Lagunes

17:30-18.00/5:30-6.00 pm Chair: Michaella Vanore

Explore the full set of JOPE papers (23 papers): January 2022, issue 1 & April 2022, issue 2

Annual Journal of Population Economics Report 2021: many submissions, fast first decisions, high impact. JOPE EiC Report 2021.


Inequality and Public Policy in Asia. CALL FOR PAPERS FOR A SPECIAL ISSUE OF JURNAL EKONOMI MALAYSIA. Submission deadline June 30, 2022.

The Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia will publish a special issue on “Inequality and Public Policy in Asia” in collaboration with GLO Southeast Asia under the direction of its GLO Cluster Lead M Niaz Asadullah. Submission deadline is June 30, 2022.

CALL FOR PAPERS FOR A SPECIAL ISSUE ON: Inequality and Public Policy in Asia

Guest Editor: Professor M Niaz Asadullah
(Universiti Malaya & Global Labor Organization (GLO) Southeast Asia)

Niaz Asadullah

Overview of the Special Issue: While income inequality globally has declined significantly in many socio-economic indicators in the past decades, within country inequality is once again on the rise. Rapid economic growth and market reforms have helped reduce extreme poverty within Asian region, but this also coincided with a worsening distribution of earnings, wages and wealth. These contrasting patterns have raised questions about the progressivity of public policy and its efficacy in achieving growth with equity. To what extent have fiscal policies succeeded in reducing inequality in Asia? How important was the role of social expenditures on health and education? And what about the design of social safety nets, labor market reforms, and financial sector inclusion?

To answer some of the above questions, the editorial board of Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia is seeking scholarly manuscripts for a special issue on inequality and public policy, which is also the first in collaboration with Global Labor Organization (GLO). The unique partnership with GLO will ensure worldwide circulation of the accepted papers.

The SI focus is on contemporary issues involving all aspects of inequality (social and economic). Social science research including a range of disciplinary perspectives and quantitative methods is welcome. Manuscripts in the following issues, but not limited to, are welcome:

  • Within and cross-country analysis of trends in and drivers of inequality in Asia
  • Policy drivers of rising or declining inequality in Asia
  • Political economy analysis of fiscal and tax policy
  • Inequality of pre-market opportunities (e.g. health, education)
  • Financial shock, economic crisis and redistributive policy measures

More Information about the Journal

Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia is an internationally refereed SCOPUS-indexed journal that publishes original articles, research notes, book reviews on economics three times a year published by Penerbit UKM, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. It is also one of the oldest SCOPUS-indexed economics journals published from Southeast Asia.

Submission Information

Word limit: 6,000-8,000
Total number of papers to be Accepted Paper: 8-10
Registration and Submission:
Select article type “Special issue” in the submission process.
Author guidelines:
Enquiries on Submission:
Informal enquiries on proposed topics and potential fit with special Issue objective:

Key Deadlines

Opening Submission Date: 1 May 2022
Closing Submission Date: 30 June 2022
Possible publication date: October 2022


39th EBES Conference, Rome/Italy, 6-8 April 2022. Conference Program.

The 39th EBES Conference in Rome takes place on April 6-8, 2022 in Hybrid Mode (online and in-person). The event is supported by the Istanbul Economic Research Association and hosted by the Faculty of Economics Sapienza, University of Rome. GLO & EBES are collaborating organizations; GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann is also President of EBES.

The full program and participation details are available here.

Some program details:

Day 1: Wednesday, April 6 (CEST, Rome time):

Day 2: Thursday, April 7 (CEST, Rome time):

This event is joint with the monthly GLO Virtual Seminar for April. Invited Speaker is Sarah Pearlman; Chair is GLO Director Matloob Piracha.

Day 3: Friday, April 8 (16:20-18:20 CEST, Rome time):

Session Chair Sergio Scicchitano, National Institute for Public Policies Analysis (INAPP), is GLO Cluster Lead COVID-19 and Section Editor COVID-19 of the Handbook “Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics” (Klaus F. Zimmermann, Editor). The presentations in this session refer to chapters in the Handbook.

Room access:
Z-Room 1:
Z-Room 4:

Featured image: david-kohler-VFRTXGw1VjU-unsplash


Event Report: The Inaugural GLO, Lee Kuan Yew School (NUS) and University Malaya Youth Policy Dialogue.

On 25 March 2022, GLO Southeast Asia Lead Niaz Asadullah successfully organized the inaugural Youth Policy Dialogue on COVID-19 pandemic in the ASEAN region. The event was jointly hosted by students from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and the University of Malaya. It is the first of its kind and coincided with the second anniversary of the pandemic. 

Niaz Asadullah, who is also a Professor at the University Malaya, delivered the keynote lecture on the political economy of COVID-19 policy response, offering a global overview of some of the key challenges for policymakers in tackling the “new inequality” through progressive public policy. This was followed by a lively youth panel debate where 8 speakers from 7 countries deliberated on the proposition (debate motion) that “This house believes that ASEAN’s uncoordinated response to obtaining vaccines has increased regional inequality”. 

The proposition team was led by students of Lee Kuan Yew School Lavanyaa Saxena (India), Celso Lastica Crisostomo Jr. (Philippines), Ryosuke Watanabe (Japan) and Gabriel Chen (Malaysia).

The opposition team members were Christopher Pike (UK), Zhongyan Tang (China), Syed Farhan Akbari (Bangladesh) and Ronald Phuan (Malaysia) —  all students of the University of Malaya.

The Lee Kuan Yew School youth delegates (proposition team) argued that ASEAN’s uncoordinated response to COVID-19 led to very high cases of infections and deaths, which combined with economic lockdowns, stunted economic growth. This in turn has increased income inequality. Therefore they concluded that a coordinated response by state authorities in member countries in obtaining vaccines early and administering the vaccination campaign effectively would have helped avoid the spike in inequality.

Youth delegates from the University of Malaya (opposition team) contested the motion pointing out that the lack of coordination in the vaccine campaign and the rise in inequality is just a coincidence and does not imply that the former is driven by the latter. Besides, inequality is multifaceted in nature as is exemplified by the rise in education inequality during the pandemic — coordinated vaccine response would not have helped much in avoiding the learning loss as it had more to do with issues of digital infrastructure provisions and quality of state-run online programs. The opposition speakers also noted ASEAN’s limited organizational capacity to coordinate a response due to its doctrine of  non-interference and the geo-politics of vaccine production and supply.

Among other highlights, youth members of the audience also took part by voting on the motion before and after the youth panel session. The pre-debate audience poll produced 85% votes in favour of the proposition. After the debate, follow up votes increased support for the opposition from 15% to 36%.

Overall, the event was a huge success attracting nearly 100 youth participants from all over Southeast Asia.  It ended with an hour long lively Q&A session. It was extensively advertised in social media by prominent Asian youth networks such as Higher Education Malaysia Association (HEYA) and the Asian University Alliance (AUA). Here are some links – HEYA twitter post || AUA announcement || HEYA Facebook ||  HEYA Instagram || LinkedIn

(Note: Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy is not part of the AUA)

At the end of the event, youth speakers received a certificate signed by GLO Southeast Asia Lead, Niaz Asadullah, and the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs of LKY School, Dr Tan-Soo Jie-Sheng.  


VIDEO of the online event on 21 March 2022: Oded Galor on his new book: “The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality”. Book released on March 22 in the USA, on April 7 in the UK and on April 13 in Germany.

Oded Galor (Brown University) spoke on March 21, 2022 (4.00 pm to 5.30 pm CET Berlin time) in a public world-wide online event on

The Journey of Humanity:
The Origins of Wealth and Inequality


The event was jointly organized by Global Labor Organization (GLO), the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) and POP @ UNU-MERIT and chaired by Klaus F. Zimmermann (President of GLO, Editor-in-Chief of JOPE, and Co-Director of POP). About 200 people had registered to attend.

What Twitter says!  

The Journey of Humanity by Oded Galor

Oded Galor spoke about his new book just published with Penguin Random House in thirty languages worldwide. It is released on March 22 in the USA and on April 7 in the UK and on April 13 in Germany.

Further details on the book (see also below) and how it can be purchased: USA-LINK —– UK-LINK …… Germany-LINK

He is Herbert H. Goldberger Professor of Economics at Brown University and the founding thinker behind Unified Growth Theory, which seeks to uncover the fundamental causes of development, prosperity and inequality over the entire span of human history. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Economic Growth and an Editor of the Journal of Population Economics.

About the book

In a captivating journey from the dawn of human existence to the present, world-renowned economist and thinker Oded Galor offers an intriguing solution to two of humanity’s great mysteries.

Why are humans the only species to have escaped – only very recently – the subsistence trap, allowing us to enjoy a standard of living that vastly exceeds all others? And why have we progressed so unequally around the world, resulting in the great disparities between nations that exist today? Immense in scope and packed with astounding connections, Galor’s gripping narrative explains how technology, population size, and adaptation led to a stunning “phase change” in the human story a mere two hundred years ago. But by tracing that same journey back in time and peeling away the layers of influence – colonialism, political institutions, societal structure, culture – he arrives also at an explanation of inequality’s ultimate causes: those ancestral populations that enjoyed fruitful geographical characteristics and rich diversity were set on the path to prosperity, while those that lacked it were disadvantaged in ways still echoed today.

As we face ecological crisis across the globe, The Journey of Humanity is a book of urgent truths and enduring relevance, with lessons that are both hopeful and profound: gender equality, investment in education, and balancing diversity with social cohesion are the keys not only to our species’ thriving, but to its survival.

From the event

From the opening remarks of Klaus F. Zimmermann

Oded is the Herbert Goldberger Professor of Economics at Brown University and one of the profoundest economic thinkers of the world. He has published his research in the best academic outlets of the profession. His contributions focus for long around the fundamental causes of development, prosperity and inequality over the entire span of human history. As the driving force behind what he calls “Unified Growth Theory” and the role of genetic diversity for development he seeks to uncover the fundamental causes of the path of human wellbeing across time and space.

Oded Galor was awarded Doctorates Honoris Causa from UCLouvain and from Poznań University of Economics & Business. He is an elected Foreign Member of Academia Europaea and an Elected Fellow of the Econometric Society. He is affiliated with many distinguished academic networks like NBER, CEPR, GLO, IZA, among others. Furthermore, he is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Economic Growth, Editor of the Journal of Population Economics, and Co-Editor of Macroeconomic Dynamics. He has served the profession in many unique ways.

His new book “The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality” comes at the time of a dramatic setback in economic history, as for a few weeks now the aggressive war against the Ukraine reveals. Europe experiences some of the darkest days on the continent since WWII with unpredictable ending.

The book could not foresee this development. But it nevertheless feeds the hope for a long-term rise in humanity, of increased wealth, understanding and collaboration.

  • As Oded Galor writes at the beginning of his global review of history (p. 9): “…. the outlook derived from this exploration can be described as fundamentally hopeful, in terms of the overarching trajectory of societies across the globe. …. education, tolerance and greater gender equality hold the keys to our species’ flourishing in the decades and centuries to come. ”
  • And after discussing major global catastrophes over the last century, he writes towards the end (pp. 240-241): “But history shows that, shattering and dreadful as they are, these events have had limited long-term impact on the grand arc of human development. The relentless march of humanity has so far been unstoppable.”

The book helps us to see the mechanisms and common institutions we need to invest and struggle for to foster human development and to overpower disaster.


INVITATION to join a public online speech of Oded Galor on his new book: “The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality” on March 21, 4-5.30pm CET Berlin.

Oded Galor (Brown University) will speak on March 21, 2022 (4.00 pm to 5.30 pm CET Berlin time) in a public world-wide online event on

The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality

(With some lessons for the Ukraine Crisis.)

Mark your calendars and register: Zoom Meeting CLOSED VIDEO OF THE EVENT

The event was jointly organized by Global Labor Organization (GLO), the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) and POP @ UNU-MERIT.

The event was chaired by Klaus F. Zimmermann (President of GLO, Editor-in-Chief of JOPE, and Co-Director of POP)

What Twitter says!  

The Journey of Humanity by Oded Galor

Oded Galor speaks about his new book just published with Penguin Random House in thirty languages worldwide. It is released on March 22 in the USA and on April 7 in the UK.

Further details on the book (see also below) and how it can be purchased: USA-LINK —– UK-LINK

He is Herbert H. Goldberger Professor of Economics at Brown University and the founding thinker behind Unified Growth Theory, which seeks to uncover the fundamental causes of development, prosperity and inequality over the entire span of human history. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Economic Growth and an Editor of the Journal of Population Economics.

In a captivating journey from the dawn of human existence to the present, world-renowned economist and thinker Oded Galor offers an intriguing solution to two of humanity’s great mysteries.

Why are humans the only species to have escaped – only very recently – the subsistence trap, allowing us to enjoy a standard of living that vastly exceeds all others? And why have we progressed so unequally around the world, resulting in the great disparities between nations that exist today? Immense in scope and packed with astounding connections, Galor’s gripping narrative explains how technology, population size, and adaptation led to a stunning “phase change” in the human story a mere two hundred years ago. But by tracing that same journey back in time and peeling away the layers of influence – colonialism, political institutions, societal structure, culture – he arrives also at an explanation of inequality’s ultimate causes: those ancestral populations that enjoyed fruitful geographical characteristics and rich diversity were set on the path to prosperity, while those that lacked it were disadvantaged in ways still echoed today.

As we face ecological crisis across the globe, The Journey of Humanity is a book of urgent truths and enduring relevance, with lessons that are both hopeful and profound: gender equality, investment in education, and balancing diversity with social cohesion are the keys not only to our species’ thriving, but to its survival.

Biographical details

Oded Galor is the founder of Unified Growth Theory. He has contributed to the understanding of the process of development over the entire course of human history and the role of deep-rooted factors in the transition from stagnation to growth and in the emergence of the vast inequality across the globe. Moreover, he has pioneered the exploration of the impact of evolutionary processes, population diversity, and inequality on the process of development. His research has redirected research in the field of economic growth to the exploration of the long shadow of history and to the role of deep rooted forces in comparative economic development. It has spawned the influential literatures studying the impact of inequality on the process of development, the interaction between human adaptation and economic development, the transition from stagnation to growth, and the impact of human diversity on comparative economic development. 

Oded Galor was awarded Doctorate Honoris Causa from UCLouvain and from Poznań University of Economics & Business. He is an elected Foreign Member of Academia Europaea and an Elected Fellow of the Econometric Society. He is a co-director of the NBER research group on Income Distribution and Macroeconomics, a Research Fellow of CEPR, GLO, and IZA, a Research Associate of the NBER and CESifo, a Sackler Fellow at Tel-Aviv University, and a Fellow of the Economics Department at the Hebrew University.  Furthermore, he is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Economic Growth, Editor of the Journal of Population Economics, and Co-Editor of Macroeconomic Dynamics.


Call for Papers. STOREP Covid Special Session. “Covid-19 pandemic and the future of economics and economic systems”. Deadline March 28.

Sergio Scicchitano (GLO Coronavirus Cluster Lead) is organizing with Minerva Lab (University La Sapienza of Rome) a session on “Covid-19 pandemic and the future of economics and economic systems” for STOREP, 26-28 May 2022, Tuscia University, Viterbo, Italy.

Please submit your paper by March 28, 2022.

For any information, feel free to drop a line to

19th STOREP Annual Conference – 26-28 May 2022 –

Economics and the Economic System: The Ecological Transition 19th STOREP Annual Conference Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, 26-28 May 2022.



“3nd Bank of Italy Human Capital Workshop” held hybrid on the 25th of March, 2022: Program and how to participate.

Below is the program of the “3nd Bank of Italy Human Capital Workshop”, which will be held in-person/Rome & online on the 25th of March 2022.

  • To attend, in-person or online, write before Friday 18th March to:
    Please notice that seats for in-presence attendance are limited, and they will be given out on a first come, first served basis.
  • The event is co-organized by GLO Fellow Domenico Depalo.

Featured image: jude-beck-unsplash


REMINDER – Call for contributions: 39th EBES Conference, Hybrid, Rome/Italy, 6-8 April 2022. Submission deadline for abstracts is March 10!

Interested researchers are cordially invited to submit their abstracts or papers for presentation consideration. The 39th EBES Conference in Rome will take place on April 6-8, 2022 in Hybrid Mode (online and in-person). The event is supported by the Istanbul Economic Research Association and hosted by the Faculty of Economics Sapienza, University of Rome. GLO & EBES are collaborating organizations; GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann is also President of EBES.

Featured image: david-kohler-VFRTXGw1VjU-unsplash

Invited Speakers

EBES is pleased to announce that distinguished colleagues David B. Audretsch, Giovanni Dosi, Kevin Lang, Keun Lee, Marco Vivarelli and Klaus F. Zimmermann will participate as keynote speakers and/or invited editors.

David Bruce Audretsch is an American economist. He is a distinguished professor at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) at Indiana University and also serves as director of the SPEA International Office, Ameritech Chair of Economic Development, and director of SPEA’s Institute for Development Strategies (IDS). He is co-founder and co-editor of Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, and also works as a consultant to the United Nations, the World Bank, the OECD, the EU Commission, and the U.S. Department of State. He was the Director of the Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group at the Max Planck Institute of Economics in Germany from 2003 to 2009.[2] Since 2020, he also serves as a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Klagenfurt. Audretsch is a member of the advisory board to a number of international research and policy institutes, including chair of the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin, chair of the Foundation for the Promotion of German Science (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft), New York Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, and the Jackstädt Centre for Entrepreneurship in Wuppertal, Germany. He has received honorary doctorate degrees from Jonköping University in Sweden and University of Augsburg in Germany. He is an honorary professor of Industrial Economics and Entrepreneurship at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany. In addition, Audretsch serves as a visiting professor at the King Saud University in Saudi Arabia, honorary professor at the University of Jena in Germany, and is a research fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. He was awarded the 2011 Schumpeter Prize from the University of Wuppertal and the 2001 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research by the Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research.

Giovanni Dosi is Professor of Economics and Director of the Institute of Economics at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa. He is the Co-Director of the task forces “Industrial Policy” and “Intellectual Property” at the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia University. Dosi is Continental European Editor of Industrial and Corporate Change. Included in ISI Highly Cited Researchers. His major research areas, where he is author and editor of several works, include economics of innovation and technological change, industrial organization and industrial dynamics, theory of the firm and corporate governance, evolutionary theory, economic growth and development. A selection of his works has been published in two volumes: Innovation, Organization and Economic Dynamics. Selected Essays, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000; and Economic Organization, Industrial Dynamics and Development: Selected Essays, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2012.

Kevin Lang is a professor of economics at Boston University. He is also an elected Fellow of the Society of Labor Economists and a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). He is the author of Poverty and Discrimination and over 100 papers and articles on topics in Labor Economics. Lang received his BA in philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) from Oxford University, his MSc in economics from the University of Montreal, and his PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1982. He went on to become an assistant professor at the University of California, Irvine, and he spent a year serving as an Olin Foundation Fellow at the NBER. In 1987, he joined the faculty at Boston University, where he served as chair of the economics department from 2005 to 2009. His recent research has focused on the economics of labor markets and education, including topics such as discrimination, unemployment, the relation between education and earnings, and the relation between housing prices, taxes and local services.

Keun Lee is a Professor of Economics at the Seoul National University, and the winner of the 2014 Schumpeter Prize for his monograph on Schumpeterian Analysis of Economic Catch-up (2013 Cambridge Univ. Press). He is an editor of Research Policy, an associate editor of Industrial and Corporate Change, and a council member of the World Economic Forum since 2016. He served as the President of the International Schumpeter Society (2016- 18), a member of the Committee for Development Policy of UN (2014-18). He obtained Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley. One of his most cited articles is a paper on Korea’s Technological Catch-up published in Research Policy, with 1,275 citations (Google Scholar). His H-index is now 44 with 114 papers with more than 10 citations. He has a new book entitled as The Art of Economic Catch-up: barriers, detours, and leapfrogging, which will be published by the Cambridge Univ. Press, March 2019. editor of Industrial and Corporate Change, and a council member of the World Economic Forum since 2016. He served as the President of the International Schumpeter Society (2016- 18), a member of the Committee for Development Policy of UN (2014-18). He obtained Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley. One of his most cited articles is a paper on Korea’s Technological Catch-up published in Research Policy, with 1,275 citations (Google Scholar). His H-index is now 44 with 114 papers with more than 10 citations. He has a new book entitled as The Art of Economic Catch-up: barriers, detours, and leapfrogging, which will be published by the Cambridge Univ. Press, March 2019.

Marco Vivarelli is a full professor at the Catholic University of Milano, where he is also Director of the Institute of Economic Policy. He is Professorial Fellow at UNU-MERIT, Maastricht; Research Fellow at IZA; Fellow of the Global Labor Organization (GLO). He is member of the Scientific Executive Board of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES); member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO, Vienna) and has been scientific consultant for the International Labour Office (ILO), World Bank (WB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the European Commission. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Eurasian Business Review, Editor of Small Business Economics, Associate Editor of Industrial and Corporate Change, Associate Editor of Economics EJournal, member of the Editorial Board of Sustainability and he has served as a referee for more than 70 international journals. He is author/editor of various books and his papers have been published in journals such as Cambridge Journal of Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, Industrial and Corporate Change, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economics, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Labour Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Regional Studies, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, Southern Economic Journal, World Bank Research Observer, and World Development. His current research interests include the relationship between innovation, employment, and skills; the labor market and income distribution impacts of globalization; the entry and post-entry performance of newborn firms.

Klaus F. Zimmermann is President of EBES; President of the Global Labor Organization (GLO); Co-Director of POP at UNU-MERIT; Full Professor of Economics at Bonn University (ret.); Honorary Professor, Maastricht University, Free University of Berlin, Renmin University of China and Lixin University; Member, German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Regional Science Academy, and Academia Europaea. Among others, he has worked at Macquarie University, the Universities of Melbourne, Princeton, Harvard, Munich, Kyoto, Mannheim, Dartmouth College and the University of Pennsylvania. Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and Fellow of the European Economic Association (EEA). Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Population Economics. Editorial Board of International Journal of Manpower, Research in Labor Economics and Comparative Economic Studies, among others. Founding Director, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA); Past-President, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW). Distinguished John G. Diefenbaker Award 1998 of the Canada Council for the Arts; Outstanding Contribution Award 2013 of the European Investment Bank. Rockefeller Foundation Policy Fellow 2017; Eminent Research Scholar Award 2017, Australia; EBES Fellow Award 2018. He has published in many top journals including Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Public Choice, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Population Economics and Journal of Public Economics. His research fields are population, labor, development, and migration.

Executive Board

Prof. Klaus F. Zimmermann, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, and Free University Berlin
Prof. Jonathan Batten, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Iftekhar Hasan, Fordham University, U.S.A.
Prof. Euston Quah, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. John Rust, Georgetown University, U.S.A.
Prof. Dorothea Schäfer, German Institute for Economic Research DIW Berlin, Germany
Prof. Marco Vivarelli, Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Abstract/Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts or papers no later than March 10, 2022.

For submission, please visit our website at  

No submission fee is required.

General inquiries regarding the call for papers should be directed to

Publication Opportunities

Qualified papers can be published in EBES journals (Eurasian Business Review and Eurasian Economic Review) or EBES proceedings books after a peer review process without any submission or publication fees. EBES journals (EABR and EAER) are published by Springer and both are indexed in the SCOPUS, EBSCO EconLit with Full Text, Google Scholar, ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide, CNKI, EBSCO Business Source, EBSCO Discovery Service, ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, ProQuest ABI/INFORM, ProQuest Business Premium Collection, ProQuest Central, ProQuest Turkey Database, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon, Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Naver, SCImago, ABDC Journal Quality List, Cabell’s Directory, and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. In addition, while EAER is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), EABR is indexed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Current Contents / Social & Behavioral Sciences.

Also, all accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the Conference Program and the Abstract Book (with an ISBN number). It will be distributed to all conference participants at the conference via USB. Although submitting full papers are not required, all the submitted full papers will also be included in the conference proceedings in a USB.

After the conference, participants will also have the opportunity to send their paper to be published (after a refereeing process managed by EBES) in the Springer’s series Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics (no submission and publication fees). This is indexed by Scopus. It will also be sent to Clarivate Analytics in order to be reviewed for coverage in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). Please note that the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th (Vol. 2), 21st, 24th, and 25th EBES Conference Proceedings are accepted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). Other conference proceedings are in progress.

Important Dates

UPDATES, see also:

Conference Date: April 6-8, 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 10, 2022
Reply-by: March 11, 2022*
Registration Deadline: March 14, 2022
Announcement of the Program: March 19, 2022
Paper Submission Deadline (Optional): March 16, 2022**
Paper Submission for the EBES journals: July 15, 2022

* The decision regarding the acceptance/rejection of each abstract/paper will be communicated with the corresponding author within a week of submission.

** Completed paper submission is optional. If you want to be considered for the Best Paper Award or your full paper to be included in the conference proceedings in the USB, after submitting your abstract before March 10, 2022, you must also submit your completed (full) paper by March 16, 2022.


Ugur Can, Director of EBES (
Dr. Ender Demir, Conference Coordinator of EBES (

Conference Link

Register for a public event with Oded Galor: “The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality” on March 21.

Oded Galor (Brown University) will speak on March 21, 2022 (4.00 pm to 5.30 pm CET Berlin time) in a public world-wide online event on

The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality

(With some lessons for the Ukraine Crisis.)

Mark your calendars and register: Join Zoom Meeting

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The event is jointly organized by Global Labor Organization (GLO), the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) and POP @ UNU-MERIT.

The event is chaired by Klaus F. Zimmermann (President of GLO, Editor-in-Chief of JOPE, and Co-Director of POP)

The Journey of Humanity by Oded Galor

Oded Galor speaks about his new book just published with Penguin Random House in twenty-eight languages worldwide. It is released on March 22 in the USA and on April 7 in the UK.

Further details on the book (see also below) and how it can be purchased: USA-LINK —– UK-LINK

He is Herbert H. Goldberger Professor of Economics at Brown University and the founding thinker behind Unified Growth Theory, which seeks to uncover the fundamental causes of development, prosperity and inequality over the entire span of human history. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Economic Growth and an Editor of the Journal of Population Economics.

In a captivating journey from the dawn of human existence to the present, world-renowned economist and thinker Oded Galor offers an intriguing solution to two of humanity’s great mysteries.

Why are humans the only species to have escaped – only very recently – the subsistence trap, allowing us to enjoy a standard of living that vastly exceeds all others? And why have we progressed so unequally around the world, resulting in the great disparities between nations that exist today? Immense in scope and packed with astounding connections, Galor’s gripping narrative explains how technology, population size, and adaptation led to a stunning “phase change” in the human story a mere two hundred years ago. But by tracing that same journey back in time and peeling away the layers of influence – colonialism, political institutions, societal structure, culture – he arrives also at an explanation of inequality’s ultimate causes: those ancestral populations that enjoyed fruitful geographical characteristics and rich diversity were set on the path to prosperity, while those that lacked it were disadvantaged in ways still echoed today.

As we face ecological crisis across the globe, The Journey of Humanity is a book of urgent truths and enduring relevance, with lessons that are both hopeful and profound: gender equality, investment in education, and balancing diversity with social cohesion are the keys not only to our species’ thriving, but to its survival.


GLO Virtual Seminar with Claire Naiditch on “Migrant smuggling to Europe” -Report & Video. And forthcoming GLO Virtual Seminar with Michael Coon on ‘Border Fencing in the US’ on February 3.

The GLO Virtual Seminar is a monthly internal GLO research event chaired by GLO Director Matloob Piracha and hosted by the GLO partner institution University of Kent. The results are available on the GLO website and the GLO News section, where also the videos of the presentations are posted. All GLO related videos are also available in the GLO YouTube channel. (To subscribe go there.)

Forthcoming (GLO members & special invitations):
February 3, 2022; 1 pm London/UK time: Michael Coon (University of Tampa and GLO)

Border Fencing, Migrant Flows, and Crossing Deaths
(with Cynthia Bansak, St. Lawrence University & Abigail Blanco, Bellarmine University)

The January 6, 2022 seminar in the series was given on London/UK time at 1-2 pm, by Claire Naiditch (University of Lille and GLO). See below for a report and the full video of the seminar.

Claire Naiditch


Migrant smuggling to Europe: a matching model

GLO Virtual Seminar on January 6, 2022

Claire Naiditch (University of Lille and GLO)

Video of the Seminar.

(with Olivier Charlot and Radu Vranceanu)


Call for contributions: 39th EBES Conference, Rome/Italy, 6-8 April 2022. Submission deadline for abstracts is February 14!

Interested researchers are cordially invited to submit their abstracts or papers for presentation consideration. The 39th EBES Conference in Rome will take place on April 6-8, 2022 in Hybrid Mode (online and in-person). The event is supported by the Istanbul Economic Research Association and hosted by the Faculty of Economics Sapienza, University of Rome. GLO & EBES are collaborating organizations; GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann is also President of EBES.

Featured image: david-kohler-VFRTXGw1VjU-unsplash

Invited Speakers

EBES is pleased to announce that distinguished colleagues David B. Audretsch, Giovanni Dosi, Kevin Lang, Keun Lee, Marco Vivarelli and Klaus F. Zimmermann will participate as keynote speakers and/or invited editors.

David Bruce Audretsch is an American economist. He is a distinguished professor at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) at Indiana University and also serves as director of the SPEA International Office, Ameritech Chair of Economic Development, and director of SPEA’s Institute for Development Strategies (IDS). He is co-founder and co-editor of Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, and also works as a consultant to the United Nations, the World Bank, the OECD, the EU Commission, and the U.S. Department of State. He was the Director of the Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group at the Max Planck Institute of Economics in Germany from 2003 to 2009.[2] Since 2020, he also serves as a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Klagenfurt. Audretsch is a member of the advisory board to a number of international research and policy institutes, including chair of the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin, chair of the Foundation for the Promotion of German Science (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft), New York Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, and the Jackstädt Centre for Entrepreneurship in Wuppertal, Germany. He has received honorary doctorate degrees from Jonköping University in Sweden and University of Augsburg in Germany. He is an honorary professor of Industrial Economics and Entrepreneurship at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany. In addition, Audretsch serves as a visiting professor at the King Saud University in Saudi Arabia, honorary professor at the University of Jena in Germany, and is a research fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. He was awarded the 2011 Schumpeter Prize from the University of Wuppertal and the 2001 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research by the Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research.

Giovanni Dosi is Professor of Economics and Director of the Institute of Economics at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa. He is the Co-Director of the task forces “Industrial Policy” and “Intellectual Property” at the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia University. Dosi is Continental European Editor of Industrial and Corporate Change. Included in ISI Highly Cited Researchers. His major research areas, where he is author and editor of several works, include economics of innovation and technological change, industrial organization and industrial dynamics, theory of the firm and corporate governance, evolutionary theory, economic growth and development. A selection of his works has been published in two volumes: Innovation, Organization and Economic Dynamics. Selected Essays, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000; and Economic Organization, Industrial Dynamics and Development: Selected Essays, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2012.

Kevin Lang is a professor of economics at Boston University. He is also an elected Fellow of the Society of Labor Economists and a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). He is the author of Poverty and Discrimination and over 100 papers and articles on topics in Labor Economics. Lang received his BA in philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) from Oxford University, his MSc in economics from the University of Montreal, and his PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1982. He went on to become an assistant professor at the University of California, Irvine, and he spent a year serving as an Olin Foundation Fellow at the NBER. In 1987, he joined the faculty at Boston University, where he served as chair of the economics department from 2005 to 2009. His recent research has focused on the economics of labor markets and education, including topics such as discrimination, unemployment, the relation between education and earnings, and the relation between housing prices, taxes and local services.

Keun Lee is a Professor of Economics at the Seoul National University, and the winner of the 2014 Schumpeter Prize for his monograph on Schumpeterian Analysis of Economic Catch-up (2013 Cambridge Univ. Press). He is an editor of Research Policy, an associate editor of Industrial and Corporate Change, and a council member of the World Economic Forum since 2016. He served as the President of the International Schumpeter Society (2016- 18), a member of the Committee for Development Policy of UN (2014-18). He obtained Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley. One of his most cited articles is a paper on Korea’s Technological Catch-up published in Research Policy, with 1,275 citations (Google Scholar). His H-index is now 44 with 114 papers with more than 10 citations. He has a new book entitled as The Art of Economic Catch-up: barriers, detours, and leapfrogging, which will be published by the Cambridge Univ. Press, March 2019. editor of Industrial and Corporate Change, and a council member of the World Economic Forum since 2016. He served as the President of the International Schumpeter Society (2016- 18), a member of the Committee for Development Policy of UN (2014-18). He obtained Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley. One of his most cited articles is a paper on Korea’s Technological Catch-up published in Research Policy, with 1,275 citations (Google Scholar). His H-index is now 44 with 114 papers with more than 10 citations. He has a new book entitled as The Art of Economic Catch-up: barriers, detours, and leapfrogging, which will be published by the Cambridge Univ. Press, March 2019.

Marco Vivarelli is a full professor at the Catholic University of Milano, where he is also Director of the Institute of Economic Policy. He is Professorial Fellow at UNU-MERIT, Maastricht; Research Fellow at IZA; Fellow of the Global Labor Organization (GLO). He is member of the Scientific Executive Board of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES); member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO, Vienna) and has been scientific consultant for the International Labour Office (ILO), World Bank (WB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the European Commission. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Eurasian Business Review, Editor of Small Business Economics, Associate Editor of Industrial and Corporate Change, Associate Editor of Economics EJournal, member of the Editorial Board of Sustainability and he has served as a referee for more than 70 international journals. He is author/editor of various books and his papers have been published in journals such as Cambridge Journal of Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, Industrial and Corporate Change, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economics, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Labour Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Regional Studies, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, Southern Economic Journal, World Bank Research Observer, and World Development. His current research interests include the relationship between innovation, employment, and skills; the labor market and income distribution impacts of globalization; the entry and post-entry performance of newborn firms.

Klaus F. Zimmermann is President of EBES; President of the Global Labor Organization (GLO); Co-Director of POP at UNU-MERIT; Full Professor of Economics at Bonn University (ret.); Honorary Professor, Maastricht University, Free University of Berlin, Renmin University of China and Lixin University; Member, German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Regional Science Academy, and Academia Europaea. Among others, he has worked at Macquarie University, the Universities of Melbourne, Princeton, Harvard, Munich, Kyoto, Mannheim, Dartmouth College and the University of Pennsylvania. Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and Fellow of the European Economic Association (EEA). Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Population Economics. Editorial Board of International Journal of Manpower, Research in Labor Economics and Comparative Economic Studies, among others. Founding Director, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA); Past-President, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW). Distinguished John G. Diefenbaker Award 1998 of the Canada Council for the Arts; Outstanding Contribution Award 2013 of the European Investment Bank. Rockefeller Foundation Policy Fellow 2017; Eminent Research Scholar Award 2017, Australia; EBES Fellow Award 2018. He has published in many top journals including Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Public Choice, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Population Economics and Journal of Public Economics. His research fields are population, labor, development, and migration.

Executive Board

Prof. Klaus F. Zimmermann, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, and Free University Berlin
Prof. Jonathan Batten, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Iftekhar Hasan, Fordham University, U.S.A.
Prof. Euston Quah, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. John Rust, Georgetown University, U.S.A.
Prof. Dorothea Schäfer, German Institute for Economic Research DIW Berlin, Germany
Prof. Marco Vivarelli, Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Abstract/Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts or papers no later than February 14, 2022.

For submission, please visit our website at  

No submission fee is required.

General inquiries regarding the call for papers should be directed to

Publication Opportunities

Qualified papers can be published in EBES journals (Eurasian Business Review and Eurasian Economic Review) or EBES proceedings books after a peer review process without any submission or publication fees. EBES journals (EABR and EAER) are published by Springer and both are indexed in the SCOPUS, EBSCO EconLit with Full Text, Google Scholar, ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide, CNKI, EBSCO Business Source, EBSCO Discovery Service, ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, ProQuest ABI/INFORM, ProQuest Business Premium Collection, ProQuest Central, ProQuest Turkey Database, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon, Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Naver, SCImago, ABDC Journal Quality List, Cabell’s Directory, and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. In addition, while EAER is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), EABR is indexed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Current Contents / Social & Behavioral Sciences.

Also, all accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the Conference Program and the Abstract Book (with an ISBN number). It will be distributed to all conference participants at the conference via USB. Although submitting full papers are not required, all the submitted full papers will also be included in the conference proceedings in a USB.

After the conference, participants will also have the opportunity to send their paper to be published (after a refereeing process managed by EBES) in the Springer’s series Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics (no submission and publication fees). This is indexed by Scopus. It will also be sent to Clarivate Analytics in order to be reviewed for coverage in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). Please note that the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th (Vol. 2), 21st, 24th, and 25th EBES Conference Proceedings are accepted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). Other conference proceedings are in progress.

Important Dates

Conference Date: April 6-8, 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline: February 14, 2022
Reply-by: February 16, 2022*
Registration Deadline: March 14, 2022
Submission of the Virtual Presentation: March 16, 2022
Announcement of the Program: March 19, 2022
Paper Submission Deadline (Optional): March 16, 2022**
Paper Submission for the EBES journals: July 15, 2022

* The decision regarding the acceptance/rejection of each abstract/paper will be communicated with the corresponding author within a week of submission.

** Completed paper submission is optional. If you want to be considered for the Best Paper Award or your full paper to be included in the conference proceedings in the USB, after submitting your abstract before February 14, 2022, you must also submit your completed (full) paper by March 16, 2022.


Ugur Can, Director of EBES (
Dr. Ender Demir, Conference Coordinator of EBES (

Conference Link

Call for submissions: GLO-sponsored conference, Well-being 2022, 1 – 4 June, Luxembourg. Deadline: 31 January.

On behalf of the GLO Happiness Cluster, we are pleased to announce the call for submissions for the conference Wellbeing 2022: Knowledge for informed decisions, organized by STATEC Research. The conference organizing team includes GLO Fellows Francesco Sarracino and Kelsey O’Connor and is supported by an international Scientific Committee, including among others, GLO Fellows Milena Nikolova (GLO Cluster Lead Happiness) and Stephanie Rossouw. For complete details, see the website

This international conference will bring together leading scholars to discuss the quest for better lives, including the measurement of well-being, its causes and consequences, and related questions in presentations of their work.

The program features:

  • Three keynote talks (Stefano Bartolini, University of Siena; GLO Fellow Carol Graham, Brookings Institution and University of Maryland, College Park; and Andrew Oswald, University of Warwick);
  • A roundtable discussion on how policy-makers can integrate the findings from well-being studies (GLO Fellow Andrew Clark, Paris School of Economics; Carrie Exton, OECD; Linda Laura Sabbadini (ISTAT); and three MPs from the Parliament of Luxembourg);
  • An opening talk given by a well-being activist (John de Graaf);
  • And a workshop on the recently updated World Database of Happiness, given by its creator, Ruut Veenhoven.

Paper submission and deadlines

To apply, please, submit an abstract complete with name of the author/s and a title to:

Extended abstracts and full manuscripts are welcome. The deadline for application is the 31 January 2022. We will notify the authors of accepted papers by the end of March 2022.

For more information, please, visit our conference website ( or send an e-mail to:

We look forward to welcoming you in Luxembourg!

The scientific committee

Serge Allegrezza, STATEC
Martijn Burger, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Conchita d’Ambrosio, University of Luxembourg
Johannes Hirata, Osnabruck University
Milena Nikolova, University of Groningen, GLO
Kelsey O’Connor, STATEC Research, GLO
Chiara Peroni, STATEC Research
Maurizio Pugno, University of Cassino
Stephanie Rossouw, Auckland University of Technology, GLO
Francesco Sarracino, STATEC Research, GLO


38th EBES Conference, Warsaw/Poland, January 12-14, 2022 started.

The 38th EBES Conference on January 12-14, 2022 started in Warsaw in Hybrid Mode (online and in-person). The event is supported by the Istanbul Economic Research Association and hosted by the Faculty of Economics Sciences, University of Warsaw.  GLO & EBES are collaborating organizations. The conference started on January 12 with welcome speeches by EBES Vice-President Mehmet Bilgin, Gabriela Grotkowska, Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, and EBES President Klaus F. Zimmermann, who is also GLO President. Zimmermann also chairs a panel in the afternoon on journal publishing.

Link to the general conference program scheduling 197 papers: LINK

Gabriela Grotkowska, Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, speaking.


GLO Fellow Martijn Hendriks speaks on January 20, 2022 about “Happiness and Migration”

On 20 January 2022, GLO Fellow Martijn Hendriks will speak in a public seminar about Happiness and Migration. The talk is based on his Springer Handbook Chapter with Martijn Burger. The GLO Discussion Paper version of the chapter is hereFor further details see below.

Martijn Hendriks & Martijn J. Burger (2021): Happiness and Migration, in Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds.), Section Editor: Milena Nikolova, Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer Nature 2021.

Registration is mandatory for this event. Meeting password: HikAVHA@434
The webinar will be held in English via Cisco Webex and recorded.


Bank of Italy Human Capital Workshop on March 25, 2022 with Chris Neilson (Princeton University). Call for papers.

The Bank of Italy is organizing a one-day workshop on human capital, which will take place (in presence, if possible) in Rome on the 25th of March 2022. Chris Neilson (Princeton University) will be the keynote speaker. The size of the workshop will be rather small (8-10 papers) in order to have time for fruitful discussions.

The call for papers is available at this link. The deadline for submission is January 23.


Fourth Renmin University of China & GLO Conference 2021. Program & Report.

The 4th Renmin University of China, Beijing & GLO Conference 2021 on Chinese labor market issues took place online on December 12, 2021 organized by the School of Labor and Human Resources together with GLO. The event was supported by the Journal of Population Economics.

Organizers: Liqiu Zhao (Renmin University of China and GLO); Corrado Giulietti (University of Southampton and GLO, Associate Editor Journal of Population Economics); Zhong Zhao (Renmin University of China and GLO, Associate Editor Journal of Population Economics). The conference was opened by GLO President & Editor-in-Chief Klaus F. Zimmermann (Renmin University of China & Free University of Berlin). Zimmermann mentioned that the journal has published important Chinese studies and will continue to do so.

The full academic program is provided below.

Papers in the Journal of Population Economics Invited Session can be accessed here:

Just published online first in the Journal of Population Economics:

